Backroom talks on again over new government

| 27/05/2017 | 256 Comments
Cayman News Service

McKeeva Bush front and centre, with Ezzard Miller and Arden McLean in the back

(CNS): The ‘new new’ potential administration that was cobbled together just before midnight Friday that put McKeeva Bush back at the helm of government was on shaky ground Saturday morning, CNS understands. Various unverified sources suggested that the elder Independents, Ezzard Miller and Arden McLean, are not entirely enamoured by the idea of propping up Bush as leader. They appear to be looking to shape another potential cabinet line-up that could see Bush maneuvered into the speaker’s chair again or off the government frontline altogether.

The possibility of a new mix of the independents on the front bench, or an ‘eastern alliance’ with the PPM, was beginning to emerge.

CNS understands that meetings were taking place in hotels in the Seven Mile Beach area Saturday and, in a third possible government deal so far this weekend, another compromise was being discussed to secure an Independent-PPM alliance that could see Moses Kirkconnell as the premier.

It is understood from Bush’s correspondence Friday with his CDP officials that the first attempt at a CDP alliance with the Independent candidates had collapsed, as Miller in particular was not keen on working with Bush in Cabinet and that Chris Saunders, formerly a Bush supporter, was also reluctant to support him as premier.

As a result, Bush went to the PPM and accepted the offer of a neutral position as speaker. In return, Bernie Bush and Capt. Eugene Ebanks would sit on the government backbench, with Bernie Bush as deputy speaker, propping up a PPM-led cabinet with McLaughlin as premier and Tara Rivers remaining as education minister.

But that deal lasted around five hours after Bush received significant backlash from his own supporters, who accused him of betrayal, and from the various supporters of the non-party candidates, who saw Bush as collaborating with McLaughlin to deliberately keep the group of non-aligned MLAs out of power.

Following the intervention of Dr Steve Tomlinson, Bush reneged on the deal signed with the PPM, and in a classic piece of political maneuvering, he managed to secure enough support from the Independents to be premier instead.

But that line-up began to splinter Saturday. Whether further talks can hold it together to make it to ‘Swearing in Day’ on Wednesday remains to be seen. But given the lack of agreement and cohesion between the various independent groups now propping up Bush as leader, that new administration would not be a stable government.

Given the new voting system, which has created an opportunity for greater accountability, voters are able to speak directly to their single representative and apply pressure to indicate what they want to see.

Although current politics is reminiscent of the horsetrading and backroom deals of politics before 2001, there is, in addition to the formation of political parties, another significant difference between then and now: Backroom talks are no longer as closed as they once were. Pictures, messages and speculation make their way onto social media with lightning speed, shaking the deals even before the ink is dry.

Check back to CNS for more as the political negotiations continue.

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Category: 2017 General Elections, Elections, Politics

Comments (256)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    This is a travesty, one man with a caveman axe to grind has sent this country back into the Stone Age.

  2. Anonymous says:

    All of you asking Alden to save us probably voted for an independent candidate. Alden and the PPM warned us what would happen. I had heardfrom a PPMer that it was the two from the east that refused to work with Alden. I didn’t believe it till I saw what happened last night. Integrity my *ss. I think it’s time Ezzard and Arden get off their high horses and go to Alden and ask to work with him. That would be for the love of our people and our country.

    • Bodden Towner says:

      Arden you need to wake up you na see how Rankine almost take you out. East End ppl must be sick of lip service and no service for them. Four years to go and Rankine will take take over and I would put my life on that because EE is must really be sick of no service. Approach Alden and set things right.

  3. Anonymous says:

    With Mac in again there goes the constitution and will derail Cayman from having future independence any time soon. This sends a clear indication to the FCO why we’re not ready for it.

  4. Anonymous says:

    It seems they are 4 main targets of vitriol : Arden, Alden, Mac, and Ezzard. They are distasteful prospects for one group or another. The solution then is to sideline all 4 of them. 4 from 19 means there are 15 elected members left. You’re telling me you can’t find 10 to 12 people to form a government out of that? Did we elect only schmucks? Give Moses the damn premiership – he is experienced and trusted. He can handle the post. Give the deputy premier position to an Independent who can learn and gain experience from Moses. Form the rest of the government from capable independents. Give Roy the Finance minister position and put Saunders in Finance to help support him. Hire Marco as a financial advisor if needs be. Give the speaker position to someone from the CDP so that they can have some sort of role in the government. Finally, fix the goddamn constitution so this kind of disgraceful handover of power can never happen again.

    • Bush Master says:

      Though your suggestions sound as if it could that simple to work out. Reality is every MF that has been elected is either a power crazed freak or a self centered egotistical maniac. So don’t expect any of those to think of country first.

    • Anonymous says:

      Pray tell how would you fix it? Ordering people around doesn’t work. They are as strong minded as you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Roy McTaggart is perfect choice for Finance Minister.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Dr Tomlinson is worse than the Russians!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Right thinking voters who would like to save this country from the abyss that it’s about to drop into, contact Arden, Ezzard, Tony and Alden. They should hear from you that they need to work together for the country. Arden and Ezzard like to talk about Alden’s arrogance and their integrity. If they want to keep their integrity and prove to people they can get ahead of their own arrogance, they need to work with the PPM.

  7. Tone Loc says:

    On the plus side, Anthony Eden has now officially sold his soul to the devil.

  8. Anonymous says:

    So MB reneged on Agreement that he signed with PPM? Is that so? Is that really so? So PPM have written agreement and IND have verbal agreement? Okay. So did Gov accept MB’s new Agreement yet? Or has a new Agreement really been made to cancel previous one? We will see how this all plays out in the end.

    • Chris Johnson says:

      Et tu Brute

      Whilst Alden will understand this I doubt if Bush will figure it out and this is not the first time I have referred to the quotation. It is always appropriate when dealing with the latter. Scholars open your literacy books.

      By the way is it true Bush has challenged Nigel Short to a game of chess? He might just get short changed.

  9. Unison says:

    In the final analysis, the electorate gets a chance to see the characters of the MLAs they voted for:

    Like who is going to put their differences and egos aside?

    Who is going to show humility and put the country first?

    Who will not be influenced by party interest or any other kind of interest?

    The electorate has a chance to see who really cares for the country. 🙂

  10. Anonymous says:

    One can only hope that the UK uses the nuclear option as in TCI if the fool from WB is allowed to be premier again

  11. Charles Bronwian says:

    Ok we need some answers from Arden and Ezzard.\ !!! It doesn’t take a CPA to figure out the math. There are 8 real independents + Mac’s 3 = 11. Minus Arden and Ezzard = 9. It follows that they cannot form a government without those 2 from the East and North but yet they did not even insist on Cabinet seats ???……..they are mere backbenchers. I’m afraid that this can’t pass the smell test……and its getting really stink. Arden why haven’t you and Ezzard and some others talked to the PPM about forming a credible Government ? Where is that “personal integrity” that you are always so eager to fight about and defend……”Nobody questions Arden McLean’s integrity”…….Oh yeah…..listen to us now !!!

  12. Anonymous says:

    I am thrilled and happy to the max, the Cayman Islands finally got a black government, nuff people won’t like this. To God be the glory great things he has done. Selah

    • Anonymous says:

      Mac – you see what you have introduced. The politics of race. They destroy everywhere they touch. The snake that made that comment did not even realize they are racist scum, but that is exactly what they are. That crap needs to be stamped out now!

    • Anonymous says:


      Pause for what may I ask?

    • Anonymous says:

      “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

      Martin Luther King, Jr.

    • Anonymous says:

      You Anonymous 27/05/2017 at 2:31 pm are a total idiot. Capable people regardless of colour are need. Skin color cannot be a qualification for holding public. And FYI I am a Caymanian of Colour!

  13. Anonymous says:

    Steve Tomlinson is not be blamed it’s who allow him to dictate to them how they form a government he has no say he sponsor who he did because he want something now the fools taking orders from this mad man my people we need to pray for his intervention in this entire matter because only him can save us from this mess that is about to take place.

  14. Anonymous says:

    I wonder if TR and JOCC will run over to save Independents from newly proposed Premier. They could offer female mix to all-male IND group and offer up their leadership experience to help that team from running into the ground. But what price will they demand for that and will BB stick with his former running-mate even after his fearless leader is rejected twice by IND group?

    Or will former PPM members-turned IND, AM, AE and AS along with always rogue and IND EM, help support the PPM?

    Perhaps time may be running out before UK decides to stop this fiasco and impose direct rule in the name of good governance and the public interest. They stepped-in in T&K situation, I think private sector (financial services) will personally call on them if Caymanians can’t sort this out on their own for the good of their people and their country!

    Wise up fast people! The clock is ticking and time waits on nobody.

  15. Anonymous says:

    I know as a new Caymanian my opinion means nothing but come on people. You’ve elected gay haters, individuals arrested of drug offenses and aggressive behaviors, a guy convicted of assaulting women, a guy who thinks gambling with the islands credit card is ok, 2 guy’s married to expats who don’t like expats or see their value and a XXXX scientist doctor who’s run more good people out of town than the worst sheriff in history. Ok a great bunch if your in an alley fight but we got a great country to hold together.

  16. Anonymous says:

    The independents have betrayed our island for power a greed. They tried to make us believe they wanted to change the country but in desperation they gave the country to mackeeva who have the fewest members elected. The whole island except for west bay said no to cdp and now they go and hand us to them? Never vote independent ever again!

    • Anonymous says:

      Well blame those who voted Independents. It’s been said over and over again that it will be next to impossible for Independents to come together and form a Government. Especially sad when Anthony Eden gets elected without even campaigning.

  17. Concerned Caymanian says:

    CDP only has three seats!!!
    Why are the Independents allowing McKeeva to dictate this government?
    You want power that badly that you would sell your soul and make a deal with McKeeva?

    Arden never like McKeeva, Ezzard swore he wouldn’t work with him, Chris Saunders claim he was not affiliated with no party and was for the people,John John hasn’t learned his lesson from his last encounter with McKeeva.
    Who are you all thinking of? The country or yourselves?

    Remember, WE, the voters, put you there to look out for our interests, not PPM, not CDP, not Steve Tomlinson, WE put you there and WE can certainly take you out. Be warned.

    Rolston didn’t realise how accurate he was going to be when he said “now the horse-trading begins”.

    I am disappointed in the Independents and they haven’t even taken office yet.

    • Anonymous says:

      1:40pm, you are disappointed in the independents. I didn’t hear anyone rise up about Tara running independent, yet sitting with PPM

      • Kadafe says:

        Why would we be dissapointed? She is a PPM member! Yes she ran as an independent but we all knew that she will sit with PPM if they won. Get real!

      • Anonymous says:

        1.50pm Many people were disappointed, but Tara consulted her constituents and made the move with their blessings..

        • Anonymous says:

          3:01pm, did she consult with the people who voted her in as an Independent? What was the sense in her running Independent but yet sit with the PPM?

          • Anonymous says:

            Therein lies the folly of the independent movement. To get anything done you have to lead, follow or get out of the way.

            Ezzard has been truly independent for over a decade. What has he accomplished?

            To be truly independent is to be irrelevant.

    • Nona Webster says:

      I want to know where or who were these independents going to go to… to make up the mumbers to make up government except the party candidates…… and remember all of these parties have flaws… so were we’re they gonna go!!! Can anyone tell me!!

      • Sir Tin Doom says:

        Thank you Nona, a rationale voice amongst a forum full of cry babies who didn’t get their way.

      • Caymanian says:

        In Cayman there are flaws and then there are FLAAAAAAAAWWWWWSSSSSSS. PPM has flaws while CDP is a trainwreck of FLAWS….

        Shall we remind you of China Harbor, For DART Alliance, North Sound Refinery, Credit card issues, East End Mega Dock, BT Dump, etc

        Lets not forget all the things he did going around CTC….

        PPM has issues no doubt but CDP is far worse and very UnTransparent….for all you can say about Alden he has never tried circumvent proper processes to RAM something down the peoples throat.

        Arden and Ezzard….we the people thought you were better and smarter to throw your hat in with CDP after all we did to limit him to the brain deads from West Bay. Why on God’s green earth would you allow a party with 3 seats to get ANYTHING AT ALL.

        Wise up Arden and Ezzard and side PPM where you can get ministerial seats and agree on issues and have a transparent government. Do it for your country…

  18. Anonymous says:

    Jesus take the wheel…

    • Anonymous says:

      If Jesus took the wheel of all of our lives, we would not be in the mess that we are in today.

      God is a genius for sure. He gives us free will. If we mess up, we only have ourselves to blame.

      Believing in God and playing the God card for personal gain is a recipe for disaster.

    • Anonymous says:

      Jesus hold my beer …

      • Anonymous says:

        If I asked your mother to hold my beer, you would be upset.
        You would probably say that I don’t even know your mother.
        So just be kind and respectful. It will come back to you.

  19. Anonymous says:

    The majority voted in Independent candidates. We need an Independent as our Premier or we need to abolish the position of Premier

  20. ThIs WrItInG Is VeRy IrRiTaTiNg says:

    If Mr Bush is able to swindle his way to be the Premier again the first order of business in the LA should be to deal with a vote of no confidence. Hopefully one of the MLAs that has been double-crossed would be happy to put that forward on day one. If he can’t be trusted with a credit card in a casino or to stick to a written agreement for more than 5 hours then he is not suitable to be Premier. There is a reason only him and 2 of his puppets were re-elected.

    • Anonymous says:

      You misspelled that, it’s mac & his muppets! Puppets have strings, muppets have someone’s hand up their backside!

  21. Anonymous says:

    Can not believe the independent candidates have lied to the people of this country already

  22. Anonymous says:

    It’s Indy 500 weekend, a lot of laps still left in this race

  23. Anonymous says:

    OMOV lesson learned. Where no candidate gets more than 50% of the vote, there should be a runoff the following week between the top 2 vote getters. That way, nobody gets elected with less than 50% of the votes cast.

    • Anonymous says:

      Enlarge the districts or make voting island wide so it takes more than a few hundred votes to win in an area that might only have two people running.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Anyone who sells their sole to the devil will get what they deserve! If you all haven’t learned your lessons yet when it comes to McKeeva Bush then you are all beyond help. Only WB wants McKeeva – nobody else! No CDP/UDP candidate got through in any other district.

    And as a country are we really going to allow Dr. Tomlinson to call the shots??? Do you really believe that it will be Caymanians who are going to work in his medical research facilities??? Wake up!

    • Kadafe says:

      Sell their sole? Then walk barefoot?

      • Anonymous says:

        He or she must be referring to the fish. I think the Devil likes his sole from Dover.

      • Anonymous says:

        A person without a soul (of which there seem to be far too many lately) would have only their sole to sell!

    • Anonymous says:

      Apart from the Brac, where those candidates would have got elected regardless of party; the PPM only one in GT too, which is Alden’s district. That says to me that the Island wanted an Independent run Government. They should choose who they want as Premier. They need people with them to have the majority. Give them a chance and see if they can pull it off as they said before the elections. If not, then we can conclude that we should all vote for a party next time. We need some newly formed parties though.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Arden, Ezzard, Anthony.
    Your country needs you now!
    Anthony. Take speaker. That way you can keep your morals.
    But for your countries sake do let the fool back in power.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Alva do not sell out Newlands!!!!! You got in by a slim margin and Wayne was only a few votes behind so the people spoke clearly that they want Independent then PPM.

    NOT Dr. Tomlinson and NOT McKeeva Bush!

    • Anonymous says:

      You should not have voted for him.

      • Anonymous says:

        I didn’t! This is why I am saying that at a minimum he should now respect the wishes of his ENTIRE constituency who has given him over 400 votes , who has given Wayne over 400 votes and only about 100 votes for Dr Tomlinson and NO vote for McKeeva!

    • Sir Tin Doom says:

      Umm, they ‘clearly’ voted that they didn’t want Wayne.

  27. 345 says:

    New election anyone?

  28. Anonymous says:

    These Islands do not need McKeeva Bush as our Premier. Alden you did an excellent job, but if it takes you handing over the Premiership to Moises do so and Arden and Ezzard, please for the love of country, join up with the PPM and form the Government. Ezzard you always wanted health and Arden you were great with planning, please work where your strengths are. You guys do not need to pander to the 2 sponsoring doctors and give McKeeva power again. Save us guys…. Please!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you 12.48
      The whole country is praying that your words will be heard , and result in our special Island being saved from the grip of self serving greed which took us to the brink of Banana republic status.
      Arden Ezzard Alden Bernie our future is in your hands.

  29. Anonymous says:

    They say a picture is worth a thousand words .Well this picture says that that bunch realize that they have sold Cayman down the river. I have never seen so many sad faces on what is supposed a victorious group.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Doctor Steve Tomlinson is responsible for this mess!

  31. Anonymous says:


    The PPM/McKeeva alliance smelled too good to be true, ….. maintain a stable, experienced government and sideline Mckeeva as speaker. I have no doubt that was just a strategy on Mckeeva’s part to get the independants stirred up. If that was just a con, then I expect the independants/UDP alliance was also. He has forced them to confirm they will ally with the UDP in order to get in power. Now he has proven them to be power whores he is just negotiating the price!


    • Nona Webster says:

      According to the record the public seems to be looking for change!! It didn’t seem to me that they wanted any party system that’s why they voted for more independents than PPM (8) or CDP (3) they just didn’t want the parties!!

  32. Anonymous says:

    There’s no way that Arden, Tony, and Ezzard can just do nothing and let this bunch of novices run Cayman into the ground. I would go further and suggest to Alden and PPM can let this happen without a fight. PPM MLAs and supporters encourage your Party to reach out to these three. Supporters of Ezzard , Arden, Tony tell your MLAs to work this out with PPM

  33. Anonymous says:

    Independents = Mac’s new UDP? Don’t put a former impeached president back in power people. Ridiculous beyond words.

    • Anonymous says:

      First there was no confidence, and now there is backstabbing and dirty alliances! How low we have fallen.

  34. Anonymous says:

    God help this country if Ezzard or Arden get the reins of power. When they push the expats out where are the jobs going to come from?

    • Island Boy says:

      I think you are one of the few people that realize that it’s just not Mac and Alden you need to keep Ezzard and Arden out.

    • Anonymous says:

      Better than Mac being back in power and ruining Cayman for good. Remember if we lose international confidence, investment and banking will leave at the touch of a button on the keyboard.
      The Bahamas did this and lost our big time, and that was before computers even.

  35. Anonymous says:

    And we thought Mckeeva jumping on board with Alden was political suicide..This amalgamation would be like Arden and Ezzard strapping on a suicide vest and blowing up themselves.

  36. Anonymous says:

    When can I start using my government credit card in Miami?

    • Indeknow says:

      Now because that is where Bush is. He left on morning plane to meet with his financiers. Lunch is on him.

  37. Anonymous says:


  38. be_very_afraid says:

    It’s hard to believe that Ezzard, Arden and Anthony would, in their good conscience, agree to Mckeeva being the Premier and to lead Cayman for four very long years. I woke up this morning to this news and I felt sick to my stomach. This is just sickening!!!

  39. Anonymous says:

    Come on Alden reach out to them . Offer Ezzard the Ministry of Health and Arden the Ministry of Planning/works.And Alden if it means you have to hand over the Party leadership to Moses to get the Cayman Island a good stable Government , then do it. We cannot afford to have this group making up cabinet and destroying the Cayman Is. Alden,Arden, Ezzard, be statesmen and do it for love of country.

  40. Anonymous says:

    Alden needs to swallow his pride and step aside and work with Arden, Anthony, Alva, and Ezzard. The choice was either align with someone that everybody feels is shady, or work with someone else. The PPM isn’t the best, God k PWD, but they are the better alternative of the two.

  41. Anonymous says:

    Dr. T was elected in the past as part of a nation wide team/group. They presented their proposals together. But NOW he wants everyone to believe that a group/team/party is a terrible thing and bad for the country. Why is that?
    He wants people to believe that electing persons with ZERO collective vision is the way to go. They will make it up (decide) as they go along.

  42. Very unhappy voter says:

    Only 3 CDP members were elected so the voters sent a strong message that they did not want CDP so how can independents betray their supporters and offer the Premiership to McKeeva?
    Dr. T think he is such a skilled negotiator but at what cost to the voters?
    It is clear that none of the independents have the best interest of the country in mind, they just wanted to get in and to hell with the voters wishes. You all just ambitious and want power.
    Four years is not a long time and we don’t forget. Chris Saunders, we trusted you, you will regret this.
    Really thought you all were going to be different but you are the same, actually worse than PPM or CDP because we are only now seeing who is truly in control…..Dr. T!

  43. Anonymous says:

    Come on! Make some changes make something happen. This country does not need Mr Bush. Not do we need the influence of Dr Tomlinson.

    Alden, step down if that’s what needs to be done. Moses, step up! Ezzard will be a great speaker, one of the best! Chris can step into finance Minister, Arden Minister of Planning,

    Don’t stand back and watch “The Train Wreck”

  44. POLITRICKS 101 says:

    Ezzard and Arden look they shit themselves in the photo. In fact that grimace looks familiar to Alden’s in yesterday’s photo with McKeeva.

    Surely they will now triple cross McKeeva and the other independents to complete the trifecta of betrayal in order to secure a better position for themselves.

  45. Anonymous says:

    Meanwhile they just decriminalized weed!! Anyone need a clean record??

  46. Anonymous says:

    Only WB wants McKeeva…not the country!

    We need Moses as premier and Alden backbenching….Moses has the brac and lcm all to himself anyways.

    • Nona Webster says:

      I don’t blame Alden don’t let anyone come into his party and dictate to of what he supposed to do and they weren’t there al along and then want him to step down from leadership of his party. Who do think they think they are? Better to be a back bencher and have your dignity!! I don’t blame Mr Alden. Remember power is not all for some people and Mr Alden is one of those. You go Mr Alden you’re a strong man!!!

  47. Anonymous says:

    I hope that Exzard and Arden can now realize the desperate state the island is in. Here is no way this is the best option. They’ve all got to dig deep to find common ground with PPM and truly save the island.

  48. Anonymous says:

    Dr Tomlinson, please get over your power trip and leave the MLAs alone!

    Some of us contributed to candidates too, and yes amount could be more or could be less than yours but stop acting like you’re a god because you experienced disappointment like the rest of us!

    You are not that special there are many rich doctors in the world so please stay out of this now as you’re making the INDs look like little puppets

  49. Anonymous says:


  50. Knot S Smart says:

    Ezzard, Arden, Saunders, and Anthony – the country needs you to stand up an be real Statesmen. Do the same thing to Mckeeva this Saturday morning as he did to Al Mclaughlin last night.
    And Ezzard do you remember what Mckeeva did with your Dr Horter Hospital? Just please answer your phone or return my phone calls – you know who I am…

    • Chris Johnson says:

      The cancellation of the construction contract on the Horter hospital cost the Government about $750,000. Since then other contracts were cancelled and guess who was premier at the time. Yes, you guessed it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Wrong Chris it was more $6 million that had been invested when that Hospital was stopped.

        • Chris Johnson says:

          You are talking to the liquidator of the construction company my friend. The Government wrote cheques out for about roughly the amount I noted. There were no monies left in Hurlstone Contruction to go the whole hog in spending legal fees to sue government as is frequently the case in liquidations.
          I am sure the losses were substantially higher but you cannot get blood out of a stone.
          Bear in mind other litigation took place which gave creditors a reasonable distribution.

        • Anonymous says:

          No it was $750 000 and the total cost would have been $16million for a new first class hospital.
          Mac then spent $56million refurbishing the George Town Hospital under Tony as minister.

          • Chris Johnson says:

            And that is why he had all the qualifications to become the Minister of Finance.

          • Anonymous says:

            That $56 million figure is utter bullshit and you probably know it. As is the word “refurbishing”. The people of Cayman did NOT want the Hortor hospital and in 1992 they voted out Ezzard and every single one of the government of the time, including Linford Pierson who has never forgiven Ezzard.

        • Anonymous says:

          And Mac had the cheek to accuse all involved of Corruption, and was proved wrong after a commission of enquiry could find no wrongdoing.

    • Anonymous says:

      I cannot believe that Mckeeva could rise out of his minority shit and be glorious with being appointed as Premier!! So votes don’t count. The people rejected CDM and now he will be in control??? No sah!!!!


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