Police urge public to stay safe and secure over Easter

| 11/04/2017 | 5 Comments

(CNS): In an effort to try and keep the Easter weekend break as crime free as possible, the police are urging people to stay safe and secure by taking precautions and remaining vigilant. The RCIPS said it is important for the public to be especially careful about safety when in or around the water, as the weather can be unpredictable around this time of year and waves and currents can be strong. 

“Snorkel or swim where you are most familiar,” said Leo Anglin, RCIPS Marine Commander, “but recognise that even in those places the currents might surprise you at this time of year. And please, avoid snorkeling any distance from shore by yourself.”

Boating is also a favourite pastime during the long holiday weekend, but Deputy Collector of Customs Jeff Jackson, on behalf of Customs Officers in the Joint Marine Unit, asked the public to be especially vigilant about monitoring weather reports before venturing out.

“The weather can change so quickly, catching boaters unawares who have not paid attention to weather predictions throughout the day,” he said. “We all know that there is often a big difference in surface conditions at noon versus 3pm.”

The JMU also asked that boaters watch their alcohol consumption. Even though no legislation exists in the Cayman Islands regulating boating and drinking, boat captains still have a duty of safety to their passengers.

Residents are being urged to take extra precautions to guard against property crimes, as many people are either off-island or camping at this time of year. 

“Many homes are empty during the Easter weekend, providing an opportunity for burglars,” said Kurt Walton, Deputy Commissioner of Police. “This is a good time to put as many security measures in place as you can, including having a friend check in on the property. Those in their homes this weekend should not hesitate to call police if they see unfamiliar cars or suspicious individuals loitering in the area.”

The RCIPS said it wished the community of the Cayman Islands a safe and enjoyable Easter holiday.

Boating Safety Tips

  • Always check the weather report/forecast before venturing out to sea.
  • Fill out Float Plan and file it with the Port Authority prior to departure; notify someone of the intended place of departure and return, including approximate times.
  • Check Vessel for Fuel, Oil and Water Leaks.
  • Have required safety equipment such as Life Rafts, Life Ring, Mirror, Flares, Flash light and First Aid Kit.
  • There must be Life Jackets for each person onboard; non-swimmers and children in particular should be wearing life jackets for the entire journey.
  • Specifically during the increase of water activity during Easter boaters should be more vigilant for persons in the water.
  • Observe all National Conservation and Port Authority Laws

At least two of the following pieces of communication equipment should be on board and in working order for each boating journey:

  • VHF Radio
  • Cell Phone
  • Satellite Phone
  • GPS Tracking Device.

Burglary and Theft Prevention Tips

Many break-ins are opportunist or spur-of-the-moment and can be avoided by taking a few simple precautions. Home security is the best way to reduce your chances of being burgled.

Basic tips

  • When you go out, always lock the door and the windows – even if you are not going far.
  • Window locks, especially on older windows, will help stop people getting in – and remember a burglar is less likely to break in if they have to smash a window.
  • If you have deadlocks, use them. They make it harder for a thief to get in and out – do not leave the key in an obvious place.
  • Don’t leave spare keys outside and put keys out of sight within the house.
  • Use timers for lights and radios if you need to be away from home overnight. This will create the impression someone is in.
  • Visible burglar alarms, well-lit streets and carefully directed security lighting can put burglars off. But make sure that lights don’t disturb your neighbours and alarms turn off after 20 minutes.
  • Fences at the back of the house may make this area more secure, but walls and solid fencing may let a thief break in without being seen. A good compromise is chain-link fencing, or trellises with prickly shrubs.
  • Fitting a ‘spy hole’ allows you to see who is at the door before you open it. Having a door chain means you can open the door just a small way to talk to them if you do not know them.

Category: Crime, Crime Prevention

Comments (5)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    How about policing the eyesore refugee camps that pop up all over the beaches and hammering those many campers that leave detritus after the leave?

  2. Anonymous says:

    And pick up your shit after yourselves you nasty rasses.

  3. Don't be irresponsible!!! says:

    It is probably a good idea to also remind everyone going to the beach/camping that dogs MUST be kept on a leash. They need to be reminded this is NOT optional!!! A few weeks ago a 4 year old was at the beach and was attacked by a huge dog and was bit on the arm. The child who wanted a puppy for her birthday, is now terrified of dogs and as a result, no longer wants a puppy due to the horrific and frightening experience. This should not happen!! There has to be accountability and a no-nonsense approach has to be taken!

    I am a dog lover! I have four dogs but people have to understand that there’s a time and place for everything…if you are going to the beach with friends and know you’re going to be preoccupied and unable to pay attention to your pet, then maybe you ought to leave the pet at home until another time. It is selfish to say the least to just let your dog loose on the beach assuming that because the dog is friendly with you, it will be the same with children and other adults.

    Be responsible!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe Cayman should adopt the policy in Wales UK that no dogs are allowed on the beach between May and October. Such offence committed results in a £1000 fine. This also keeps the beaches free from excrement. Why would you take a dog onto the beach in that heat?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Isn’t this rich? How about some camping tips RCIPS? Are you guys taking this weekend (and rest of the year) off? This weekend is one of the biggest piss-ups in the entire calendar, we’ll be looking for you!


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