Archive for January 23rd, 2017

Challenges in the classroom
‘Support your teachers’ writes: Mr Samuels (principal at Sir John A. Cumber Primary School) needs to step up and defend his teachers, and speak up for them if they are unable to do so. Most teachers do not chastise well-behaved students because they have nothing better to do. Students, as young as Year 2 or 3 […]

Dozens in Cayman support Women’s March
(CNS): Joining millions in the US and worldwide who came out in support of women’s rights the day after Donald Trump was inaugurated as president, about 50 people in Cayman gathered on the beach Saturday, 21 January, in solidarity with the Women’s March in Washington, DC. The diverse group represented various nationalities, young and old, […]

Eight immigration officers off the job
(CNS): Officials from the Department of Immigration have said that there are now eight people from the department on required leave for one reason or another after three more people were suspended last week following their arrest in an anti-corruption case. It is also understood that the eight people on enforced leave includes Chief Immigration […]

Policy credited with better school behaviour
(CNS): Students in government schools appear to be behaving themselves, according to statistics released by the Department of Education Services (DES). Sharply contradicting perceptions in the community that the schools are in turmoil, with children misbehaving at every turn, the number of infractions has fallen dramatically. During 2015, 324 children were excluded from John Gray […]

Cops seize gun after truck chase
(CNS): Two men have been arrested and detained by police after a firearm was found in a pick-up truck which crashed on Saturday following a police chase. The RCIPS said that officers had attempted to stop the truck on Shamrock Road at around 2am on Saturday morning, but when the driver failed to stop the […]

Cruise visitor to fight extradition
(CNS): A German national who arrived in Cayman on a cruise ship and arrested on an Interpol warrant on behalf of the Turkish authorities has confirmed that he will be fighting the extradition, after the court heard the governor had certified the request. Celal Kildag (58), who is accused by the Turkish government of terrorist […]

Police seize bikes in reckless rider clamp down
(CNS): The RCIPS traffic unit seized three motorbikes and arrested five people for traffic related offences Sunday during a day-long operation targeting reckless riding on the roads. The public has raised concerns in recent weeks about the increase in the number of bikes on the road that are not licensed, not fit for road use […]