No word from Turkey over jailed suspect

| 29/12/2016 | 19 Comments

(CNS): Director of Public Prosecutions Cheryl Richards has said that her office has still not received any information from the Turkish authorities regarding the visiting cruise passenger who was arrested in Cayman on an Interpol warrant earlier this month. The Turkish government claims Celal Kildag (58), who is now a German citizen, was involved in terrorist offences relating to a Kurdish separatist movement in the 1980’s in the eastern part of Turkey and wish to extradite him. But Richards told the court Thursday that she has received no documentation about the allegations or any response to questions put to them since the man was arrested three weeks ago.

The authorities in Turkey had a 45-day window from the day Kildag was arrested on 8 December to respond to the requests made by the Cayman prosecutor’s office for information supporting the extradition request but the country has not yet sent any relevant material.

Although it related to crimes that happened in 1988, the warrant supporting Kildag’s arrest was raised just over one year ago. The Turks are accusing him of murder and arson in relation to acts of terrorism in April of that year which were said to have been committed by the PKK, a Kurdish separatist group that has become a target of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s increasingly authoritarian government.

Kildag is understood to be a Turkish Kurd but he has lived in Germany for more than 30 years and says he has never returned to Turkey. He has stated that he knows nothing about the alleged crimes and allegations and that he had already left Turkey before 1988.

Despite the lack of evidence, he has remained in custody at HMP Northward for three weeks over the holidays. The case has been adjourned again until 12 January — nine days ahead of the extradition request deadline.

Kildag was again remanded in custody.

See more in a related story on CNS

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Comments (19)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    He’s ours now.

  2. Sharkey says:

    I wonder if he would be pardoned , and given Cayman Status , and alowed to live freely in Cayman to avoid him from suing .

  3. Al Yamamah watcher says:

    Poor fella lock up while the UK playing games with Turkey over weapons sales.So long as the realm eats everyone else must pay!

  4. Hmmmm says:

    Is Interpol going to take responsibility for this ?

  5. Anonymous says:

    I have a question. I am thinking that this gentleman didn’t board the cruise ship in Germany; I am also thinking he started his cruise out of the US. If I am correct, why didn’t Interpol or whomever notify the US of his presence there? I think this is just another way the UK is trying to shame us. The CI Government needs to ask questions and demand answers and if there isn’t substantial proof of his involvement, then he should be sent on his way. I see another law suit on the horizon. Aye boi!!!!

  6. Anonymous says:

    You tend not to hear too much from Turkey until it get closer to Thanksgiving.

  7. Peter Piper Picked a Pepper....... says:

    Terrorist acts in the 1980’s?

    Seriously…..leave this man alone!

    This is rubbish!

    • Allar says:

      I totally agree with you Peter Piper. This is absolute rubbish, why are we holding this man if Turkey is failing to comply??? Why???

    • Anonymous says:

      Incase you didnt know serious crime cases such as murder and terrorist acts dont close! I bet if a family member of yours was hurt you would want him locked away.

  8. on the wings of turkey vultures says:

    Will the veritable geniuses in the DPP please endeavor to save the public’s coffers a coin or two due to the incarceration of this gentleman and take him out to the runway, give him a can of energy drink so that he can flap his eyebrows fast enough to achieve liftoff, give him a handheld gps and a pattie and point him back in the general direction of Germany?

  9. Allar says:

    So when is it that our fool fool Office of the DPP going to see that this is some BS and let this man go on his merry way. But wait I guess the DPP is awaiting a law suit in order to do this. Plain BS I wouldn’t hinge anything on the Turkish Government for a penny

  10. Abdul agent of the F SEE O says:

    Turkey has join Russia now and no longer need to buy our western Toys so Sorry mate all a terrible misunderstanding but feel free to sue the living daylights out of our UK territory because they always have to pay for our mistakes and their pockets are deep!

  11. Veritas says:

    45 days in Northward is a small price to pay to avoid being sent back to the country which practiced widespread genocide against all Kurds.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Another goof for a big pay-out. How stupid, stupid is?

    • Anonymous says:

      They are just following the law. By international agreement, they are required to detain those with warrants on Interpol. There is no payout coming..

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