Elderly man mugged for cash bag

| 30/12/2016 | 14 Comments

(CNS): A robber made off with the takings from a local business owner in a daylight mugging at Grand Harbour on Wednesday. The robbery happened at around 11am on 28 December when the elderly man was walking along the west side of the shopping centre toward the skate park at the back of the complex. The masked man ran up from behind him and snatched the bag, which contained cash and cheques from a nearby business. The mugger, who had a dark complexion, about 6’ tall and of slim build, and wearing a mask and black pants, ran off toward the back of the shopping centre.

Police did not disclose the quantity of cash stolen or whether the mugger was armed but they said the victim was not threatened or hurt during the robbery.

Anyone with information is asked to call George Town CID at 949-4222.  Anonymous tips can be provided directly to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777, the Miami-based call centre Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS), or online.

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Category: Crime

Comments (14)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Whichever politician steps forward and puts in their manifesto that the first day in office they are going to challenge the Governor and current situation by implementing massive police reforms. By promising to bring in as a temporary measure a full defence force of 200 army guards (hired guns) legislate effectively curtailing the power of the Governor and if not by legislation just by because I said so. By the time the Home Office back in London gets wind of the situation and acts the whole mess will be cleaned up. A series of legislation and reforms sacking all the current officers and legislation to prevent contract claims (retrospective burmah oil v lord advocate) and rehiring those (qualified officers at much increased salary) and an ambitious local first and oversea drive to recruit high calibre officers with pay in the region of CI $100,000.00 from throughout the common wealth and the USA will see the situation change rapidly. As for the UK, they will clap their hands after they have seen what competence is and a frown will be had for the former cushy roles that once funded golden parachutes with lump sum pensions and Govern protection contract.

    The Security that the governor can command it the Royal Arm Forces in conjunction with the Ministry of Defence should that be required in the Cayman context. As her loyal subjecty we promise to provide men and monies to any war effort. This is a fair exchange not command of our internal security.

    Not really an anti-UK rant but crime is much too far away to “really matter” and this is a local concern that needs a local solutions not sound bites about “diversity” when as for an example the only community element represented accurately is Jamaicans.

    Even in the UK, London does not attempt to police Cardiff so why do they think we are any different. They use a completely different approach at home so why is it acceptable in this place. Time for some of the politicos to grow a pair because the voters have done so in the UK and the USA…Cayman next..we will see

  2. Anonymous says:

    Crime against the elderly = cowardly punk!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Maybe it was the illegal entrant they are looking for!

  4. Anonymous says:


  5. Sell art, not soul or drugs. says:

    This will continue to happen in and on through the new year.

    The street thugs and corporate (hidden behind job) thugs are hungry now that Christmas is over.

    Ain’t Nobody got the means to keep up their current lifestyle throughout 2017 only at Christmas again lol…Don’t believe me, you too can just watch.

    • KK says:

      I just read a piece:
      Why don’t our people get a fund going for the Halfway House Project ? Not only the people but the government should be in Full support of this (and not a measly 10k ).. Or do they prefer the 70k a year for the prisoners along with watching our people and Island slowly deteriorate . These persons have expressed an interest in bettering themselves and their community and again we are quick to judge and condemn when someone robs , break-in. Which is never justified but is the inevitable as a result of drugs/addiction.
      I no longer reside on island but think the persons involved should set up a charity on line for this cause as no community wants to live amongst crime, this is island wide. Note :please accept my apologies if they have already done so. And if so please provide me with the details as I would be happy to contribute to this great cause.

  6. Anonymous says:


  7. Nuff Respect says:

    Safe and Secure my @$$ wey deh police dem? Oh i forgot they are here to reflect the diversity of our community???? not sto crime. what a mess we is in?

  8. Cash Flow says:

    Would the Victim please please call our Governor and dear leader and wake them up and tell them how safe and secure he feels after this robbery and ask Alden exactly what he has to be thankful for. Yes and ask the PPM for a refund of his money from the money they are about to give our useless Jamaicanized police force.

    • Anonymous says:

      We have the fox in the hen house. Who is unable to see, should get hearing aids.

    • Anonymous says:

      9:07, don’t you remember the days-around 30 years ago- when we had mostly British policemen and teachers and Roy Bodden kept going on and on about how we should be recruiting “nearer to home” to reflect the fact that we are a West Indian island? Well, he and those who thought like him won that battle so now we have a West Indian police service and teaching service.

      • Luk Youtmen says:


        It had begun from before his period in ‘charge’ but he was able to fulfill his role and pull the veil over the eyes of EVERY older citizen who already couldnt stand the sight of anything they see outwardly but that would NEVER EVER reflect within.

        Why do they do that?? Never seek an inner solution to an outward problem? but stay ready to slander and condemn the hardworking class of people who choose not to follow BLIND leaders.

        The real question is, why do we ALL continue to do that…Head In Sand, Ostrich style..waiting for you to tell me when to drink water and hydrate myself since… you all care right.

  9. Gangsta Paradise says:

    What a terrible mess this place is in?? Then you have totally out of touch people in charge of this place running around talking pure foolishness about Safe and Secure and counting our blessings. With more foreign police per capita than any place on this planet. Its Time for some folks to be sent back where they came from!

  10. Helen's Korner says:

    Didn’t anyone tell him that we are Safe and Secure? and he should be thankful for his blessings he could have bee shot!

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