Archive for December 26th, 2016

Christmas messages focus on Cayman’s blessings
(CNS): With the turmoil of political upheaval, wars and terrorism around the world, Cayman’s leaders focused on reasons to celebrate the peace and stability in the Cayman Islands and what Premier Alden McLaughlin said were its many blessings. “Fortunately, here at home we have had many reasons to celebrate giving us good cause to keep […]

Queen talks about inspiration in Christmas speech
(CNS): The 90-year-old British monarch and head of the Commonwealth, Queen Elizabeth II, spoke about inspiration in this year’s annual Christmas message. The speech was recorded a few weeks ahead of the Christmas Day broadcast as the Queen was still unwell on the day itself, missing the annual trip to church Sunday near the royal […]

Teenager shot outside 7MB nightclub
(CNS): An 18-year-old boy was in a critical condition at the George Town hospital Monday after being shot outside the Fete night club in the early morning hours. The incident combined two of the country’s rising crime concerns of gun violence and young men tearing up the roads on illegal motorbikes as the shots were […]