Riding pony dies after sexual assault

| 22/08/2016 | 105 Comments
Cayman News Service

Charm, killed in a violent sexual attack

(CNS): A pony stabled at a local riding school has been unlawfully killed as a result of internal injuries sustained in an attack earlier this month, which included a sexual assault on the animal. Charm, who was described as a “wonderful, gentle pony” by its owners at the Equestrian Center, was one of two horses subjected to an inexplicable and brutal attack some ten days ago. The pony died last Thursday from the extensive damage and bruising to her vagina after the unknown perpetrators entered Charm’s stall on the night of 10 August and inserted an object in a sexual assault.

Another pony, over 30 years old, was attacked at the same time, the stables stated. A release from the Equestrian Center indicated that the life of the second horse was saved by veterinarian Dr Joyce Follows.

“This heinous crime was perpetrated on two defenseless creatures … the most gentle of our animals,” said Mary Alberga, the owner of the stables. “That anyone could perform such a horrendous act on a horse is beyond my comprehension.”

Charm was reportedly popular with the centre’s very youngest riders and had been there some 19 years.

Security at the stables has been stepped up and the owners are warning other ranch and stable owners to take extra precautions to protect their animals. The attack was reported to the police, who confirmed that they are investigating the incident. They are asking horse owners to be vigilant and monitor cars and individuals arriving at unusual hours.

Because Charm died as a result of the injuries she sustained, the violators are guilty of unlawful killing and the equestrian owners hope that if whoever is responsible is caught they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Although attacks on and neglect of animals are not uncommon in Cayman, there have been very few publicly reported cases of bestiality. There have, however, been a small number of suspected cases involving goats.

Anyone with information is encouraged to contact the RCIPS at GTPS on 949-4222, x3010, 2923, or to call 936-9124. The public can also call Cayman CrimeStoppers on 800-8477.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Interestingly no discussion of this sickening horrendous act on the radio talk shows. You know, the ones that constantly remind us of how great Cayman is, how great Caymanians are, how this is such a stalwart Christian island, blah, blah, blah.

    Guess you stick your head in the sand long enough you really start to believe your own BS. Wake the f*ck up Cayman. Your social problems are enormous. The first step of curing problems is owning up to the fact you have problems.

  2. ISIS Anyone? says:

    Folks of the belief that this type of act can only happen in Cayman, while this act is GROSSLY SICK no doubt and am instantly angered by the person(s) who did it, but let’s imagine ALL the other types of grossly sick acts and crimes that humanity does around this wretched world i say. So what say we all (locals and foreign people alike) were living in other countries where ISIS are killing up a storm, then would you say this act is the worst?

    Simply put, Humanity all around this world is a perpetually nasty, terrible force to reckon with, period!!!


    • Annie says:

      Okay, yes ISIS is beyond bad, but frankly that is off topic. I am sure the punks who did this do not even know what the acronym stands for.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Perhaps if community band together and set up a reward to catch the slime they would be ratted out by someone. Surely someone knows who did this.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I am sure Sicko watches perverted porn and bestiality videos and now decides to give it a try. Sick very sick probably eventually progress to children. Hope there is a special place in hell for persons or person who did this. This sort of individual badly needs mental treatment.

  5. Anonymous says:

    This is a most despicable act. Having heard Mrs. McTaggart on TV indicating that the perps used a foreign object to conduct the attack and inflict the serious wounds to the pony, to me it sounds more like a very twisted act of animal cruelty and not necessarily a case of sexual perversion. But I’m no psychologist. Nonetheless it is sick and appalling.

    I don’t have any experience with horses, and this pony is described as gentle, etc. but is it possible that only a person (or persons) who was known by the pony could get so close, with the horse being comfortable until the sicko(s) attacked her? It seems really strange that someone who knew and interacted with the pony would do this but there could have been some familiarity.

    Hope RCIPS is investigating that angle and will arrest the guilty persons(s). I wouldn’t be surprised if it were idle, but damaged teenagers.

    • Anonymous says:

      Lesson horses are very gentle and see 100’s if not 1000’s of people and new faces during their lifetime. They have lived a life where 99% if not 100% of humans are safe, friendly and bring them treats food and hugs. (I have been a professional trainer for more than a decade, so I am very qualified to speak on the subject.) It is very plausible for a complete stranger to approach one of these animals and restrain them without them running away or fighting back, especially if they are in a stall in a barn. Heart breaking story, lesson horses are truly gentle souls. I hope the perpetrator is caught and punished to the full extent of the law.

  6. George Nowak says:

    “The older I get the more I hate humans and the more I love animals”. Often when I make this refrain I get an eye-roll or a weird stare from the listener, well this sick incident should shed light on my comment. Besides the heartless, good for nothing scums who performed this act there are other guilty parties involved- and those are the ones who know who did it but remain silent, they are true cowards.
    Julius Caesar said : “Cowards die many times before their actual death” – — sure hope he’s right.
    G Nowak

    • satirony says:

      Some commentators have compared the evil perpetrators to cockroaches. On behalf of all roaches, I protest this gross and offensive insult to their kind.

  7. Anonymous says:

    What is more sick, a mother killing her child in the name of god or someone disgustingly sexually assaulting a horse? It will make you wonder if these mentally disturbed individuals did it because god told them too. Seems like the perfect scape goat in what is considered a christian nation. If they ever catch them maybe we’ll find the motive behind all of this.

  8. Yahshua says:

    “Jesus says of the birds of the air that ‘not one of them is forgotten before God.’ [If the Lord said this] How then can we possibly mistreat them or cause them harm?”

    ~ Pope Francis

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah, right. Christians are all vegans and no Christian would ever destroy coral reefs, rip up mangroves, or clear a pristine forest. What’s more is they always turn the other cheek and never start wars. Oh, and Christians are never greedy when it comes to money either.

      • anonymously says:

        I consider myself a spiritual person and I eat seafood only. I don’t eat chicken, beef, pork, horse, or any other meat. I try as much as possible to be in harmony with nature. And I have witness the cruelty to such animals in the slaughter houses. The only reason why I eat fish and seafood only is because I feel Im not getting enough protein from beans, nuts and tofu. Besides I reason Jesus ate fish. But if I get be like the Jainist, who has the strickest vegan diet on the face of the earth, I would. I encourage you to consider an animal activist site called “mercy for animals.” Peace

  9. Anonymous says:

    Cayman commenting at its finest. People accusing west bayers, west bayers accusing back, everyone pointing figures everywhere getting all their little hates in the open, threatening violence as if that’s going to solve it. Classy guys, classy.

  10. Knot S Smart says:

    What a despicable f&%#$@& person or persons…
    Whoever did this to this poor animal deserves to be severely punished then punished again and again…

    • Anonymous says:

      Will be a first if the animal law is actually upheld. Abuse to dogs and cats does not get noted. No animal should have to go through abuse and ALL persons responsible should be prosecuted.

  11. Anonymous says:

    What kind of sick **ck would do such a thing?

    • Anonymous says:

      Unfortunately Ms Alberga is correct the police do not really think this is a big deal. They may say it is, but really they won’t do to much to catch this sick individual. The police don’t realize a person that would do this to an animal can do this to a person. Unfortunately Cayman isn’t animal friendly and even if they did catch this person, all he will get maybe is a year in prison. Hey a father can rape his young child and only get two years so sorry to say this, but another horrific act will go unpunished!!!

  12. Anonymous says:

    This does not sound like a sexual assault in the way that we think it might be. XXXXX What is more concerning to me is that there are person or persons unknown who are going around sexually assaulting goats. This is the first time that I am hearing about this and is yet again another symptom of the silent treatment that people who are committing crimes received. Many of us here know who the perpetrator(s) are of crimes such as this, but because they are family members or friends we keep silent.

    The time has truly come for a mental health facility of some kind to be established on the Island. We can no longer as a country sit back and sweep under the carpet our brothers and sisters who are mentally unwell.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Simply horrific! What other senseless, heartless acts have these soulless brutes carried out. They need to be brought to justice and pay for the rest of their hopefully short lives. No punishment will justify the pain and suffering these defenseless, innocent animals have had to endure.

    Cannot stop crying. Words cannot describe how we feel for these animals and the MacTaggert family.

    What has become of Cayman!

    Please find these savages before they do more harm!

  14. Sick cowards says:

    Imagine what this sick persons (persons) have done to their own family members.

    They probably learnt this from their parents, spouses, and god forbid, kids.

    Sick people. But as usual they are cowards and cant fight so they hide with the roaches.

    Maybe some idiot in the family will speak up but they probably wont. They enjoy it to much.

    Can only be in westbay though. Figures.

    • Anonymous says:

      Equestrian center is in GEORGE TOWN which is where your probably from peanut brains. So leave west bay out of this.

    • Anonymous says:

      Please stick to the facts!! I read this story over and over and I see no mention of westbay. Equestrian Center is located off Linford Pierson’s Highway. Therefore, your statement is just another hate statement or you are very knowledgeable of the crime. Maybe you should let the proper authorities know what you know. Just remember West Bay is just a stone toss away from wherever you are and if you are honest “nothing’ has happened in West Bay that has not happened up here in BT and the rest of the Island. This is the Cayman Islands – 26 sq miles and most of that is swamp. Let stop the Hate among our own and stick to the facts in an effort to helping to solve this and other crimes!
      One Love!!!

      • Hit the piggy did he says:

        When you throw a rock into a pig pen, the first squeal ……………
        Guess I hit a nerve there.
        Now all you gotta do is turn yourself into the police and admit what you did before your caught by someone other than the police.
        It’s all on you. Don’t be a coward roach.

    • Sophia says:

      Wow! I was actually nodding my agreement as I read the comments made by Sick Cowards. I completely agree that whomever did this awful act is the lowest form of scum and I sincerely hope that they are found and prosecuted to the full extent allowed by Law, but, really, did they have to go THERE? “Can only be in westbay though. Figures”??? Do they realize how offensive that is to people like myself who call West Bay home? Do they realize that there is nothing that goes on in West Bay that doesn’t happen in every other district in Cayman? It is ironic that with that one thoughtless comment they completely invalidated themselves as the caring person it seems that they were trying to portray. Their petty prejudice against an entire district is truly sad and dilutes the message that they should have been focusing on, that of animal advocacy and outrage over the horror that was done to this innocent horse. For the record, since this person seems to have issues with geography, the Equestrian Centre is located in George Town, not West Bay.

      • Facts are Facts says:

        For those that dont remember. Previous cases are as follows.
        The cow was in GT.
        The goats were in GT.
        The horse was in WB.
        EE, NS and BT none.
        Now this horse in GT.

        • Joseph Stalin says:

          The cow in GB was a Bayer at the helm
          Assuming your talking about the 14 year old on the CNB roundabout at 4pm on a Friday.

    • Anonymous says:

      see for you to blame districts and even mention West Bay etc shows that you really truly live in a bubble called Cayman… for you to think that anywhere on this island is far…you need to get off this island….there are farms bigger than this whole island out there..seriously you need to get out of the bubble and into reality….or off your computer…smh..the mentality seen here sometimes it utterly scary….

  15. Anonymous says:

    Is Cayman lost?? I

  16. Anonymous says:

    So saddened to hear of Charm’s passing, my absolute heartfelt condolences to Ms Mary and her staff. She was an old spirit and such a gentle beauty who was loved by all who took care of her and learned to ride on her. Writing this brings a tear to my eye and a lump in my throat. I learned to ride on Charm many years ago. I looked forward to my equestrian classes every week, always bringing along a bag of carrots or apple slices for her to munch on after our lessons. Even after my lessons stopped, I would continue to visit her and the other ponies with their favorite crunchy fruits or veg. Reading this news this morning has broken my heart. This island has reached a new low. I am ashamed that I live and breathe among someone so depraved. May the sick souls who did this heinous act on such a defenseless animal be found quickly and may justice be swift. Wherever they end up, I hope they suffer infinitely worse than Charm did when they did this to her.

    CNS – If the Equestrian Centre plans to have some sort of gathering to remember Charm, please advise.

  17. Anonymous says:

    This is one the most disturbing and upsetting article I have ever read in our papers. What is this Island coming to! I hope that these brutes are brought to justice and pay for this for the rest of their soulless, spineless, lowly lives, may they be short! They should be bagged and dropped off the wall! They should not be living in our community. The poor, helpless, innocent animals. I can’t stop crying, I am sick to my stomach.

    Please find these sick folk before they do more harm!

  18. Anonymous says:

    People with this type of disease don’t usually stop with animals. We should all stay alert and aware as one of us could be next.

  19. Jim says:

    Wow, a new low

    • Anonymous says:

      To be honest, and I’m sure readers will agree: people are “low” on the regular. It’s just rare for these lows to come to light.

      Nothing surprises me anymore.

  20. Anonymous says:

    CNS,please remove disturbing comments describing the possible ways the violence took place. They serve no purpose and are sick. Certain things better not to know or hear. Spare our minds from it.

    • Anonymous says:

      No, people should be aware of what the disgusting people did, they should be appalled by it and they should work with the police to root them out. Take your head out of the sand.

    • Benjy says:

      Cayman has buried it’s head in the sand for decades. Hiding social behaviour does nothing to improve a community’s existence.

  21. Wth says:

    Horrendous and disgusting, and obviously brutal. The outrage against these acts is warranted. Why aren’t we similarly outraged about what is often perpetrated against children and women?

  22. Anonymous says:

    Cant believe this. Should find these guys and beat the s*** out of them in public. sick individuals!

  23. Anonymous says:

    Who could know that these horses were the most quiet and calm of all the horses. a good way to begin the investigation.

  24. Anonymous says:

    PPM, UDP, CDP, C4C etc. etc. still think it’s a good idea to keep increasing the population? If we can’t manage less than 60,000 people here now you really thinking adding 40,000 more at alarming rates will be a good thing?

    These sickos could be locals, born here, status, work permit or whatever but hearing such disgusting, brutal acts on animals and now increasing reports of child abuse when will our leaders rethink their so-called development plans and deal with current issues?

    To all who think their money, gated communities, private schools, will be enough, unfortunately collateral damage is real!

    • Scott says:

      Are we still blind? This Day Chose who be your God if the Devil be your god serve him if God be your God Serve Him how long will we be torn between two opinion . These things must come to pass because of Sin there will Never be Pece on this Earth till all has Fulfill

      • Tempie says:

        Hey Scott, you sound like a preacher and you spell like one too!

        As long as human beings are alive and well, the devil will always have a canvas to use….people make choices everyday to do good or bad.

        Then there are the really sick individuals like these people who did this; who simply need a shot to the head….if they can do that to an innocent animal, imagine what they will do their fellow man???????

        “These things must come to pass….”; urm, these things should have never happened!

      • Anonymous says:

        I lost interest after the first god.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Come find me you sick piece of !!!!! what I could do to these monsters what the hell is wrong with you? I hope you die and suffer!

    • Anonymous says:

      Funny thing is, if you react with disgust and hate toward and individual like this you’re sentiment approach won’t be any different from this twisted individuals mindset. Clearly the individual(s) need help, which, a 9mm hollow point to the medulla amblagada might be prescribed accordingly by the appropiate physician.

    • Told ya so says:

      I don’t think you suffer after you’re dead. So you should probably re-phrase that to suffer and die.

    • Anonymous says:

      I doubt they even have a phone or computer.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Is it drugs? Is it the devil? I have never been so afraid at what a human is capable of doing. To do such a thing as this to something defenseless then it is capable of doing the same to someone who is defenseless – a child, an elderly person, one who is weak or frail. Whatever it was who did this is not a person, it is an abomination .

  27. Anonymous says:

    I didn’t read from the story that they raped the horse, it sounds like an object was inserted but I didn’t read that object was a bodily part. And to be honest I’m not sure which would be worse…

    • Anonymous says:

      The point of this act was to torture the animal, not have sex with it. Though I would guess that they got some kind of sexual pleasure out of doing it. It is so thoroughly disgusting and I feel just so saddened for this gentle, loving creature who was kind to humans throughout its life and was dealt with by humans with such cruelty at the end of its life.

      SOMEONE KNOWS WHO DID THIS and they need to HELP US REDEEM OUR ISLAND by calling the cops direct at 936-9124 (they gave out a direct line, notice?) and giving the b&*tards up! Do it now!!

    • gray matter. says:

      it does not matter how you twist the wording……this is so wrong in everyway.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Sick mentally and needs to be castrated! Incest and carnal knowledge of animals are rampant here…

  29. Annie says:

    I hope ther is a special place in hell for these perverts. This is the sickest thing I have ever heard.

  30. Anonymous says:

    They damaged them with an object, not their penis, this is horrendous, this is like what the radical Islam extremists/Taliban have done to African women in Africa hunting for firewood to cook with. In India also women are horrifically raped sometimes with objects.

    I hope they find who did this to these old gentle helpless horses, they are both very old horses that can’t defend themselves, they couldn’t do it to the other horses because they would have kick them and stomped on them if they tried, so they chose the 2 very old gentle fragile horses to do this to.

    I would wish the perpetrators to endure the same kind of attack and assault that they inflicted to these 2 horses with the same objects they used on these horses!

    I can’t imagine what these perpetrators would do to a person if they can do this to a helpless animal! These kind of insane mentally depraved people would easily rape little kids too. They should be executed, this is a heinous crime!

    They need to be put away for life, Execute them!

  31. Anonymous says:

    This is sick but nothing new. There have always been stories and suspected cases of humans having sex with farm animals in this Island. There was a video many years ago that showed a man in the act .People have found their tied out goat cow or horse with concreate blocks near them for height gaining purposes to attack at a good angle. Perverts and it shows how sick some of these people are. There are far too many sexual assaults on minors and women here …….how long before this predator is not satisfied with a little pony? This is a deranged individual. Very dangerous.

  32. Sadsack says:

    Very Disgusting. But until the person is caught , no one knows the true gender of the perpetrator/s so please dont jump to conclusions.

    • Annie says:

      I bet you dollars to donuts that we all can correctly guess the gender of these scum bags. This is truly depraved behavior. Catch them, and put them down. They are wasting oxygen better spent on cockroaches.

  33. Anonymous says:

    This has to be the most horrible news I have ever read!

  34. Anonymous says:

    I am horrified. Horses, Goats? WTF is going on here? Is it the heat? Sane people don’t do this. Are we safe because some sickos like to hurt animals, not himans? I don’t think so. Did the police check the stall for any evidence? Foot prints, fingerprints and check against a database of sexual deviants I hope the keep. Damn, I’ve lived in farming enviorments and bigger cities and NEVER heard of anything like this. I’m freaked out.

  35. Anonymous says:

    Dear God what is this country coming to? That poor pony I am really in tears. Whoever is responsible for this beastility should have the worst possible punishment. My poor country… Going, going, soon to be gone. Things we could not even imagine happening now. God help us please!

  36. Anonymous says:

    If she suffered such brutal internal injuries. My guess is whoever did this probably used large blunt objects like a tree log or something crazy like that. Obviously his penis wouldnt be enough to cause such internal damage. Which means she must have suffered greatly. Poor baby. May she rest in peace.

  37. Anonymous says:

    What truly shocking is that there are only 55,000 people live in this country. Sexual abuse of children is called “cayman couture” (not my words, it is in the Unspeakable Confronting Child Sexual Abuse In The Cayman Islands documentary) and now THIS. Horrific!

  38. Plb says:

    Unbelievable. So sorry to hear about this.

  39. Anonymous says:

    They will be caught…..

  40. Anonymous says:

    So this perverted animal sex fiend is hanging around. That’s just great….. Even as an adult I have concerns. If this person can corral , hold fast, and RAPE this animal what chance do any of f have. F$cking degenerate piece of Sh&t. Hope you are batten or hanged within an inch of your life. ANIMAL

    • Beaumont says:

      I don’t often invoke the Lord, but Jesus Christ. That is a horrendous act. I remember as a boy when a similar horror was perpetrated against a horse. They skated, even though everyone “knew” who did it.

      These people who did this are far lower order animals than the animals. I don’t have any qualms about hoping that they are discovered and beaten. I don’t care if they live. Anyone who who do this to a gentle horse has belayed their right to life, imo. I shudder that such monsters walk among us.

  41. Anonymous says:

    It is disturbing to think of this person or persons living on this small Island especially with small children and defenseless animals as available targets for this violence.
    Obviously a very troubled individual in desperate need of help.

    • Anonymous says:

      In desperate need of something…why should we expend the funds to ‘help’ someone like this???

      • Rationalman says:

        Because that is what caring humans do. It is what society should do. It is also good for you, children, animals…everyone. If such help was more routinely available maybe such terrible things would happen less frequently.

  42. Nous aimons le cheval says:

    Sick perverse act committed by a deviant who loves committing pain and suffering during sexual act to achieve a high. Pervert needs an injection to kill his sex urges. Poor little thing should never had to suffer like this.

  43. Anonymous says:

    Boy – “Caymankind” has so many different faces….

  44. Anonymous says:

    Wait, what??

  45. Anonymous says:

    Disgusting pieces of SH***. Hope they get caught and are sent to jail. Makes me sick to think we have such disturbed people around us!

  46. so it goes says:

    What have I just read? I feel sick.

  47. Anonymous says:

    Castration, then prison, then the guillotine upon release.

  48. Anonymous says:

    There are some really sick people in Cayman…

    • Anonymous says:

      In the world 4;49. and I am not a Caymanian. Lets accept these deviant acts are ghastly but they are not in any way confined to Cayman. Let’s stick to criticising Cayman for (as just one example) the stupid conflict of interest that has ALT heading up the very boards/authorities that make him rich but lets not try to claim that only in Cayman do you find nasty deviants.

      • Anonymous says:

        If you want to write about ALT do it on the ALT column. If you have something sensible to say on this article, say it. If you can’t separate the two and feel the need to “excuse” this as an international problem you really need to go get some help.

        • Anonymous says:

          YOU are the one who needs help, 10:24, if you think the poster was “excusing” the act. Those of us with a reading age of above 10 years understood exactly what the point of the post was.

          • Anonymous says:

            If the poster could read himself he would realize the ALT article was elsewhere and he could comment there, rather than trying to hijack this awful news, and for what benefit?

      • Anonymous says:

        Hear hear. Can’t say enough about the good ole ‘planning’ board.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thats it, i am bringing the cat indoors!

    • Anonymous says:

      There are sick people all over the world.

  49. MM says:

    Sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick…. I’m speechless.

  50. Anonymous says:

    My god this is disgraceful.

    • Anonymous says:

      I find this so heartless how could a human do this. How could such a person
      Be carried in a woman’s womb for nine months, commit such a hedious crime.I feel so terrible as if these horses were human. My heart is so saddden my God this person is walking and living amongst us and reading these comments on Cns and probably laughing at us. I don’t understand Why the owners did not have cameras on they property. As for the police they can not investigate anything. They are hopeless. I am a born Caymanian and living in this Country makes me sick to my stomach?. I am sadden that this thing living amongst us creeps at night and possibly day needs to be put away!! But before they are put away the same suffering should be giving to them. Keep your children, your family and pets safe and near you at all times. I am scared God please watch over Grand Cayman we need your protection now more than ever!!

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