Still no arrests in case of cyclist’s death

| 10/05/2016 | 29 Comments
Cayman News Service

Anthony Moore

(CNS): Police said Tuesday that no one has been arrested in connection with the death of Anthony Moore (34), who was killed on 30 April. Moore is believed to have been riding a silver and black mountain bike (Pacific 8000) before he was found dead on Hirst Road, Savannah, in the very early morning hours as a result of serious injuries. Police investigating the circumstances surrounding the fatal incident have not yet confirmed the cause of death.

“We are continuing to actively investigate this matter,” a police spokesperson stated Monday. “We would like to stress that we are interested in any information members of the public may have about the whereabouts or movements of the victim, Anthony Moore, between 1:30am to 4:30am on the morning of Saturday, 30 April.  The specific area of interest would be on Hirst Road in the vicinity of Hatch Drive and Butterfly Circle.”

Anyone who may have been driving early that morning in the area and noticed a man on a bike is urged to contact the police as they attempt to piece together what happened.

The senior investigating officer on the case is Inspector Adrian Barnett, who can be reached directly at 926-2204.

The family of Moore believe he was a victim of a hit and run. They are urging the driver to come forward and give themselves up.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (29)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Have the police made any headway in this crime?

    Someone needs to be held account.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I remember drinking with this guy, and him telling me his plans for business plans in jamaica. A really nice guy.

    I am sad that he is not here anymore.

  3. Zendaya says:

    I just found out Tony passed away, my deepest condolences to his friends and family. He wasn’t my favorite person in the world, but he did not deserve such a tragic end. I hope he made peace with God and he found forgiveness in His Glory. RIP Anthony.

  4. the watcher says:


  5. Anonymous says:

    Thank you government for increasing the speed limit there from 25 to 30.
    Two deaths are no the result.

    • Jotnar says:

      Yes, I am sure a 5mph difference in the posted speed limit was the primary reason someone got run over in the early hours of the morning and the driver then fled the scene.

      • Anonymous says:

        You are as ignorant as you are rude. The difference in fatality rates between 25mph and 30mph is much more significant than you would think. At 25mph the death rate is around 20-25%, at 30mph the death rate is 45% and at 40mph it is about 90%. The reason is simple we have evolved to survive most collisions with animals travelling at speed. But there was no evolutionary need to withstand more than that. That means the effect on accident rates of the 25mp/30mph tipping point is so pronounced.

  6. Anonymous says:

    And aren’t there CCTV’s in the vicinity????

  7. Anonymous says:

    How long does it take determine the cause of death?

  8. Anonymous says:

    If he’d bled to death, will it be considered murder, which it is.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Whoever did this, just come forward and give this family some closure on your disgusting and lawless actions. That you have not so far indicates you have no common decency and should spend a long time in Northward.

  10. SSM345 says:

    Have they questioned / investigated any persons at the house party he was apparently attending and left that night? There are rumors on the marl road concerning a disagreement that took place between Tony, the homeowner and their daughter.

    • Sarah says:

      Well my dear I am the home owner and yes I was questioned, but for your information you should not spread marl road rumors, Tony left my house and went to another yard in Newlands. And yes I did ask Tony to leave my yard and the reason why is not your business. Tony knew he was not welcomed there from three years ago. You people on this Island have too much time on your hand and obviously passes time inventing crap. God give me patience with ignorant people. Get your facts before writing things you know nothing about on public web sites.

      • SSM345 says:

        Hi Sara, thank you for replying. Please note that I did not state any facts whatsoever, nor did I claim too. I simply relayed what is being said around the Island hence the words “marl road” and “rumors”. Nor did I ask you for a reason as to why he left your yard. I did not invent crap, simply repeated what others are saying. The police seem to be stumped on Tony’s death so any bit of information is valuable either to address it or dismiss the circumstances surrounding his death. Seeing as he left your yard (which you admit) and was then found dead, that would be key to establishing timeline in the matter. Thanks for your help.

        • Anonymous says:

          I don’t know either one of you, but I did not take it that SSM345 was trying to imply any wrongdoing on your behalf Sarah

          • SSM345 says:

            12:22, I don’t know you either, but just to be clear, I was not implying any wrongdoing on the home owner, just that it is well known that he was at their house prior to his death. Since the Police are completely stumped on what happened, I was merely pointing out that their house might be a good starting point on the events of that night i.e. talk to those who were there. If he was at Burger King and left and I suggested that the police look there first, then by your logic, I would be implying that a Whopper should be interrogated.

            • Al Catraz says:

              Perhaps if you believe you have heard any information which might be relevant to an investigation, a telephone number is provided for your use. If you have called CrimeStoppers with your tip, then you might rest assured that the information you have heard is being duly considered by those in a position to ascertain the complete facts of the matter. As the comments section of this website is not, to my knowledge, relayed to those conducting the investigation, then in this and any future matters, you might consider finding the appropriate channel to communicate it, rather than to invite public speculation.

          • SSM345 says:

            Misread your comment, oopsie daisey….

        • Actuakly says:

          Actually your comment does read like you are implying that someone at the party may have had a motive

      • Anonymous says:

        You people?…..

      • Cammy says:

        Sarah you are very disrespectful. A man is dead who was at your house the same night he died. Regardless of how you feel about him he was human and had a loving family that cared for him. You seem quite ignorant, to say the least; yet, you are the one on here calling others ignorant who are simply concerned citizens.

        The FACT here is, Tony is dead and we live amongst people who don’t care when another human being is run down and left for dead. You should ask God to give you patience and sympathy/empathy for others and lastly, respect.


        • Anonymous says:

          Couldn’t agree more.

        • Al Catraz says:

          No, the fact here is that a person is dead and another person is being insinuated to be morally culpable for it. I assure you that if a loved one, or even a distance acquaintance of mine were killed, then my reactions in the matter might well be influenced by whether I was considered to be a suspect or contributor to the chain of circumstances of that death.

          The implicit suggestion here is “Had you not sent him away, he would not have died.” Well, had no one sold him a bicycle, he would not have died either, but I do not see anyone laying this at the feet of Uncle Bill.

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