Minimum wage job requires answers to over 70 Qs

| 21/05/2016 | 106 Comments

questions(CNS): Candidates applying for a minimum wage clerical position at a local company advertised with the NWDA can expect the sort of grilling that would normally be reserved for people taking top jobs at a multi-national corporation. The application requirements were spotted by local activist Sandra Hill, who said the absurdly difficult questionnaire that applicants are being asked to fill in even before interview was yet another deliberate barrier employers are presenting to candidates becausethey already have work permit holders in place that they don’t want to let go.

What many people believe are deliberate breaches of the law to circumvent the rules regarding work permit workers and the requirement to replace them with locals are now well documented. But Hill, who has been following the antics that employers use to put off applicants, said this was one for a clerk at a hair salon in George Town was one of the most blatant she had ever seen.

After spotting the questionnaire, which had 79 questions covering everything from how the candidates would go about establishing their credibility with a new team to their strategy for the company and the job in the first 90 days, she told CNS that these questions would be challenging even for a senior post, let alone for a minimum wage sale clerk vacancy.

“I have interviewed for management jobs and never seen anything like this before. For a clerical position there were more logical questions that were not even asked here,” Hill said, noting that the lengthy and difficult questionnaire was supposed to be submitted to the employer even before an interview.

“It’s so absurd that you can only draw the logical conclusion that this is not a bona fide recruitment process. In all likelihood, a specific person is already earmarked for the job and is a work permit holder. The NWDA process is being used as a pawn in a game where everyone loses in the end.”

Hill urged immigration to test this out and have the “successful” candidate go to their offices and reveal how they responded to the questions to get the job.

“Until we, as a country, address these hiring practices we will continue to have other social issues. This cannot be tolerated and the business owner needs to be called to task on this one,” she added.

Hill said she has written to government officials and ministers asking them if they see anything wrong with the type and quantity of questions being asked here for a minimum wage position and when government will put an end to tactics geared at discouraging candidates from applying.

Hill received a response from Finance Minister Marco Archer, who thanked Hill for bringing the issue to their attention.

“We will discuss how best to address such matters and deal accordingly,” he said.

See list of 79 questions sent to applicant here

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Category: Jobs, Local News

Comments (106)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    There are more questions than answers…

  2. Anonymous says:

    yawn….more caymanian entitlement culture….
    if you think caymanians are being discriminated against there is a myriad of legal/statutory solutions…..
    just another day in wonderland….zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  3. Anonymous says:

    Who cares what your opinion is about any company’s hiring practices are? If you want to work for some one, any one, then you should have to only make that person want to hire you. If I were an employer here I would not want to have to please everyone and their nosey Auntie to get some one I thought would be good at the job. This is just more crying and whining from those individuals who can’t cut it the real working world.

    • Anonymous says:

      Please take a step back and consider if you agree with ‘equal opportunity hiring’ rules in general (in other countries). If you do then consider the next issue: is it possible to void ‘equal opportunity hiring’ through ‘schemes’ such as this in general (in other countries). If so, would this sort of thing then be allowed without justification in general (in other countries) under ‘equal opportunity hiring’ rules, just in case it is a ‘scheme’. If so, then why should it be allowed in Cayman just because, in general, we all agree that free markets work best if lightly regulated?

  4. Island Bundy says:

    Let us be honest about this. This is more a failure of the HR/Owner then it relates to immigration regulations.
    However it is champion leap to relate this situation it any type of discrimination. Simply the assumption of the writer seemingly prejudice against perceived failures of the immigration system. Further the assertion that immigration needs to be further involved in local HR recruitment is evidence of a lack of understanding how private business works.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh, I see. “We are the private sector and so ignore all your stupid little laws” is what I was missing. Now that I understand that, by all means, do what you want.

      • Anonymous says:

        That’s not what Bundy said at all 1.36, go drink some coffee or stop smoking weed, it makes you paranoid..

      • Island Bundy says:

        You are completely off base. However if you think of the flip side that this potential employer has successfully weeded out a person/persons who do not have the fortitude to answer the an employers questions. Weeded out those who have contempt for an employers orders and do not have respect for said employer.

  5. Anonymous says:

    That obnoxiously ridiculous list of questions says it all really: “If you can persevere in kissing my north side to my complete satisfaction I may just consider giving you a job. But you will have to agree to work for less than the expat I already have lined up for the position”.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I wish to thank the “activist” for pointing this process out. I will have the HR team adopt it for recruitment going forward as a good way of filtering out at the start of the recruitment process those who lack commitment.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Frankly speaking there is nothing hard about these questions. If the person is going to be the front office person at an upscale beauty salon where there will inevitably be conflict with clientele who are demanding etc., it is important to have someone who knows how to deal with the public, how to deal with dissatisfied customers etc. Perhaps what management should have done is choose the 10 best questions in order to elicit the best response and see if they are getting the right person but as it is I cant see how this is determinative of someone not wanting to employ a Caymanian

  8. Annie says:

    Everyone posting should apply for this position. I know I have at least a half dozen fabulous answers just busting to go.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Everyone seems to assume that a Caymanian would be at a disadvantage in answering these questions.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Just answer each question with a yes or no, simples.

  11. a concern Caymanian says:

    I like those questions. Maybe i should apply for the job and send a copy of the application with my answers and comments. That is just so funny i forgot to laugh.

  12. Anonymous says:

    The majority of these questions are extremely poor and are indicative of a lazy, low performing HR department that needs a serious re-work. To whoever the company is – google behavioural/STAR interview techniques.
    Q: What is your personal mission statement. A: Are you 12 years old?

  13. Anonymous says:

    Perhaps one day we will have a Government and Immigration Department more interested in the well being of the citizens of this country than they are in collecting and splurging huge sums of work permit fees that should be going towards educating and the general betterment of the Country’s local workforce.

  14. Anonymous says:

    It is a crying shame that we continue to protect the culprit employer by refusing to publish their name in an article like this. The dirt is coming to light nevertheless though. It has to.

    • Anonymous says:

      How true. What the public gets is that Caymanians are lazy, unqualified, no ambition, good for nothings. Thousands of Caymanians are unemployed and suffering at the hands of these greedy sadist organizations. It is WAY past time our Government and Immigration Department make some effort to put an end to this disgusting, most criminal behaviour in this counry.

  15. Anonymous says:

    It is worth pondering why, employers are willing to absorb the cost of a work permit rather than employ a local. It is quite simple and boils down to work ethic. Expats do not call in sick, they arrive at work on time, they do not spent much if their time surfing the net, are proactive and the lost goes on and on. This is not racism but bitter experience. Ask yourself why do Caymanians hire expats.

    • Anonymous says:

      Look at the Port Authority and Cayman Airways. They have at least 90% Caymanians employed. So your claim doesn’t hold water. The reason these sort of employers have problems retaining Caymanians is because Caymanians cannot work for $3 per hour.

      • Anonymous says:

        And look at the state both the PA and CAL are in. Without generous CIG subsidies CAL would have folded years and the PA is a cluster****. Doesn’t that tell you something?

      • Anonymous says:

        Both places are where capital goes to die. Both lose money and are loaded with make work jobs.

      • Anonymous says:

        If Caymanians can’t work for $3 an hour, then why all the fuss about the questionnaire.

      • Anonymous says:

        What a great example. Your point is perfect. Cayman Airways is a substantially subpar businesses that would not survive without being subsidized by the CIG throwing money at them, money stolen from taxes (sorry, fees, duties, etc) paid by everyone. Did you seriously just put Cayman Airways forward as an example of success using 90% local employment? Your ignorance is a perfect, perfect, perfect example of the sense of entitlement here. Please don’t use Cayman Airways as a beacon of success in any form. It simply would not exist without having millions of dollars taken from the people of cayman and given to it every year. I understand the issue of pride to have an airline, but please, don’t use CAL as an example of hard work and success for any group of people.

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually ITS NOT QUITE SIMPLE. Work permit holders are “beholden” to employers which means they can get away with a lot of infractions including working them over the allowed amount of time, not paying benefits etc. and most are too afraid to report anything because they are here on a permit. That’s the reality of the situation.

      Please education yourself before sharing such an uninformed opinion. I’ve seen many expats abuse the system once the know they can get away with it. This mean times like when they are leaving etc. Like the accounts guy who called in sick only to be seen at the airport with his girlfriend going on a trip to Vegas for the weekend! Had just started the job and knew he couldn’t get the time off for that reason. Once his GF, who worked at a recruitment agency had another job lined up for, had that secured he would take long lunches and how up late daily.

      So check your facts!

    • Anonymous says:

      You can control expats. They are unable to run to politicians when you abuse them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Quite simply because they can own and enslave them like they will never be able to do with their own Caymanians. Meanwhile our beloved Government is blissfully oblivious to the FACT that exorbitant work permit fees are like a cancer eating away and destroying all forms of commerce in this country, in particular the tourism industry. One really has to wonder what on earth happens to the tens of millions of dollars that government collects every year in work permit fees, and why the entire world can continue to come to our shores and sh*t all over Caymanians because this money has NOT been used to ensure that they cannot do so, nor has it been used to help prepare our Caymanian people to fill both professional and menial positions in every type of industry we have in this country.

    • Rhett says:

      They do not complain…..about anything….

    • Anonymous says:

      You want to know why they hire expats, so that they can control you because they holds your work permit so if you do do what the want even when it is unethical they will always have an edge over the work permit holder. I know of many expats who are treated unfairly just because they are trying to make a better life but I can tell you employers everything is only for a matter of time and you will all get your just rewards. Remember that at the end of the day you will not take anything with you so robbing the workman of his wages is not right but greed has taken priority over fairness.

      • Anonymous says:

        Doesn’t quite work like that where I am, and if I have an issue with my employer, they know I will take it to court. Too much generalization…

  16. HR Police says:

    This list is just a bank of HR questions on the web that appears when you google “Interview questions”. Obviously the interviewer should select those relevant to their specific job and not just hand them all over to an applicant as a questionnaire.
    Some are obviously not applicable. “Are you willing to relocate?” No I was thinking of doing your clerical work off-site in my home country.

    I don’t think this salon was trying to deliberately eliminate anyone, this appears to be a simple case of ignorance. They obviously don’t have a qualified/dedicated HR person as they would have never botched an ad like that.

    So while I thank Ms. Hill for highlighting this gross error, sometimes she just needs to assess before making a mountain out of a mole hill and automatically jumping to less than honourable intentions. In my line of work it is called professional skepticism.

    • Anonymous says:

      So the employer get to claim ignorance and the potential employee must be smarter than them? Oh please, let’s not be so dumb! No one gives anyone 79 questions to be answered in writing for a simple job and think that’s reasonable even if they are ignorant!

    • da-wa-u-get says:

      So, HR police, do I understand you correctly? Are you saying that the employer is significantly more ignorant than the person s/he is trying to hire for an entry level position?

  17. Anonymous says:

    oooh my head hurts, too many questions, I’m entitled to have a job. Suck it up, if you want the job enough you’d answer them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Were expat employees asked the same questions? If not, who is entitled?

      • Anonymous says:

        yes they were, I know you think a job interview is a barrier to enter the workplace, But frankly it is necessary for all employees

      • Island punky says:

        No, we have to provide three references, our university diploma, plus grades in some cases. Police background checks and panel interviews and professional designations. All standard really.

  18. Anonymous says:

    What does it matter if it’s a minimum wage job? All they’re doing is weeding out the no hopers so they don’t waste their time when it comes to interviews.

  19. Anonymous says:

    This is only appropriate if 20 of these questions are asked and no more. The employer can choose which 20 are most important to them and ask those. Otherwise utterly disgusting and ridiculous. These are paragraph type answers enough to write a whole book answering the 70 questions. What a waste of time and humiliation to the job seeker after spending so much time on this and not getting the job, and to make matters worse a low income job? You have to be joking! Who makes this stuff up?

    • Anonymous says:

      20? Is that a joke? You go to top level management interview and they don’t even have time to ask you 20 questions.

  20. Anonymous says:

    44. If you were at a business lunch and you ordered a rare steak and they brought it to you well done, what would you do?

    For a clerical position at a hair salon? C’mon guys…

    Also, easy on the HR folks…I seriously doubt this salon has a dedicated HR position.

    It sucks to be Caymanian right now.

    • Anonymous says:

      That question might just be assessing how they would handle a difficult customer or a disappointment. Just because it isn’t related to a hair salon doesn’t mean it’s not relevant. I was once asked, if I could just dress up as any super hero, what would it be and why? That was for a teaching position! They just wanted to see if I was creative. There might be a reason to their madness.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Oh don’t worry, elections are just around the corner. The Government will care deeply about things like this…..just long enough to fool the fools once more.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is a list of interview questions that can be found on any google search. I saw a list that looked just like this when I was preparing to go on an interview.

  22. Anonymous says:

    WOW – those are some crazy questions for real. I figure if a person could answer those they would own the business and not be working as a clerk! The business owner is NOT very smart. They have made this a little too obvious!

  23. Rp says:

    The questions are not unreasonable. Most are questions i was asked when I was 16 applying for part time positions at grocery stores as a student. Are we sure the candidates required to answer all 70 questions or is this a list of all questions of which some (10-15) are selected during an interview? If a candidate is required to answer 10-20, I don’t see an issue. If they are grilled with all 70, I would agree that it is overkill. Can NWDA clarify or corroborate this before we jump to conclusions? Has nwda contacted the employer to query the requirement?

    The residency ap has a pool of 200-300 questions but only a sample of 20 is selected.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes they are required to answer ALL 79 questions in writing. What’s the point of an interview after this even?

    • Anonymous says:

      This list of potential questions is compiled from various sources I have read throughout my career. I have become pretty practiced at answering most of them without the slightest hesitation. There are variations of these that can be phrased in a way designed to “trip up” the average interviewee and it takes a degree of sophistication to handle them. This is a way of eliminating those who cannot think on their feet or have limited education or experience. It will show in a very short time and those applicants are quickly eliminated.

      There was even one question asked of me once – “how many tennis balls can fit inside a limousine?” I had seen this one in a list and was ready for it! I defined the standard volume of a regulation tennis ball and asked what the volume inside the limousine was, and if it included the driver’s compartment or not! The interviewer was so blown away by my answer that I got the job offer based upon a single interview. I eventually took another (better) offer, but will never forget the look on the interviewer’s face at my answer!!

      My favorite one is “sell me this pen/pencil/desk/chair, etc.” I have developed a great sales pitch based upon that question and never fail to impress on the response. In short, the best way to interview is to be confident, poised and most of all prepared. Know something about the company, perhaps at least one current employee, and be prepared to say WHY you want to work for them. Have a plan in mind as to what you wish to achieve and where you expect to be in 5 or 10 years. This is a most common question, other than what details you know about the company itself.

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually 40, and they are no longer relevant as everyone that does the course gets full marks.

      • brad smith says:

        Not true 10:24 , I would like to see how recent high school and college grads fare on the immigration test.

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually it is 40 questions from a pool of 400 . Some designed to trip the applicant up.

  24. Anonymous says:

    I have a better one for ya……the NWDA is reaching out to a recruitment agency to fill one of their own positions that is becoming vacant (not sure what position it is). So goes to show…..they can’t do work for their own good much less the persons that need help.

  25. Bless Up says:

    I am a Paper Caymanian and I feel the pain for my fellow Caymanians. For those of us who would like to feel that there is not a fight against hiring Caymanians, it simple means that you are not living in these islands. However, after reading through the entire list, I can only agree with one question on the list, which is question number 66. as stated below.

    66.How would you feel about working for someone who knows less than you?

    I also put blame on ALL parenting who do not pay attention to their children mannerism, attitude and school work. I blame the education system who lacks to provide and put proper systems in place to prepare our children with quality education so that our children can feel confident to compete with Work Permit Holders for the world of work in their country. I blame the natives who turn their noses upon Trade Schools and let our children believe that they are entitled to a job with no proper foundation. We need to let our children know that being Caymanian is important, but being Caymanian with a good education and good work qualities are the only fabric which we need to land us a job and keep it.

    My biggest fear is that every Caymanian may have to become their own bosses and create their own place of employment only because they are not given the opportunity to land their feet through the employers doors. In conclusion, all government need to sit back and asses the entire work/job system along with our people and assist those who are suppose to monitor labour and education. That lady need to HELP our unemployed by sending them back to school and preparing our children with a solid education and STOP interfering with an Ex-pat pension when they roll out of the Cayman Islands. It is no business of hers when an Expat leaves here what they want to do with their pension when they are allowed to collect it and leave. It is better for her to focus on her children of the island and ensure that they are educated to hold jobs that Work Permit Holders are scoring over them.

    I will close with my prayers for continued blessings for the Hon. Marco Archer and Osbourne Bodden for doing their part to assist. I also pray that another Caymanian will not have to answer 79 questions to put food on their table or keep a roof over their head. Bless up

    • Anonymous says:

      Can’t believe you use the term Paper Caymanian. A Caymanian is a Caymanian period. Once a person receives status they are a “citizen” of Cayman like any other. Paper Caymanian is actually offensive and should not be used.

      • Anonymous says:

        A Caymanian who does not self-identify as a Caymanian will never be accepted to be a Caymanian. The problem is that too many people with no regard for Cayman have been allowed to become Caymanian, sometimes in breach of the law. The individual who identifies themself in the above post as a Paper Caymanian is a Caymanian in every sense of the word. They understand these Islands and their people. They have respect for them and understand the problems being caused by some in a newer generation who have simply come here to make money and will be gone as soon as Cayman has outlived her usefulness to them.

        BTW. There is no such thing as a citizen of Cayman. We are not a sovereign country. Our citizenship is BOTC – and that is separate from whether or not someone is Caymanian.

        • Jotnar says:

          Yeah, and anyone who identifies themselves as a paper Caymanian is hardly self identifying as Caymanian – they are in effect saying there are two types of Caymanian, and they are part of the second class of Caymanians you refer to. Seriously doubt whether this poster is a new Caymanian at all.

        • Anonymous says:

          Caymanian is a descriptive term, it is not a nationality.

      • Anonymous says:

        Please……… Caymanians are the ones that insist on distinguishing between ‘born’ Caymanians vs ‘paper’ CaymanIans.

        You think the phrase “I arrived by pain not plane’ was dreamed up by an ex-pat?

        You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t..

        If a ‘paper’ Caymanian themself as a ‘Caymanian’ they are quickly told in no uncertain terms that they are not a ‘real’ Caymanian. Yet if they call themself a ‘paper’ Caymanian, a title imposed by ‘real’ Caymanians, then they aren’t fully embracing Cayman and its people?

        Seriously, make up your minds. You can’t have it both ways.

        • Anonymous says:

          I think you will find it depends who is calling themself Caymanian. Some people simply do not deserve to. They treat Cayman and Caymanians with disdain, and are quite rightly despised.

      • Anonymous says:

        Let us stop the bickering about who is Caymanian, this is not about nationality, the problem we are having is that our government does not have any back bone they are spinless. They need to take a page out of Bermuda immigration law were the local takes priority over expats when it comes to hiring.
        In regards to immigration, I saw an ad for an administrator post which one of the administrator resposiblitity is to contact the NWDA to verify if they have any one register that is qualify to do the job when a work permit is received. Do a survey and find out how many times the immigration department contacted NWDA in regards to this procedure.
        Another point is we need to stop blaming expats has they cannot take up and come here to work if they do not have a work permit, the system is rigged against locals as the laws are not being enforced. Why have laws on paper if they do not work. Check how many temporary work permits are issued to these employment agencies per week, which they are using to exploit people and the list goes on. We the people of this country need to take a good look at what is going on as our childern will not have a future in this country and the reality of it the locals are being pushed to the side.

    • Back against the wall says:

      There is clarity in your foresight on the section where you foresee the cayman locals only choice is to become their own bosses & start their own businesses. This is already being blocked by government moves making it harder to stay open as a small business the new pension and insurance laws alone is a blow to any small business trying to break above ground.

    • Anonymous says:

      The word is “assess”, not asses. And yes, I am a native West Bayer.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Absolutely absurd the type of questions for this clerical position.

    The only question they haven’t ask is what type and color underwear do you most prefer and can you repair or assemble a space rocket ?

    Which hair salon is this anyhow ?

    I bet they use lot’s of Rogaine and do hair implant surgery as well ??

  27. Fed Up says:

    One of the problems in this country today is that we have an overabundance of “human resource” professionals who need to make their jobs relevant and the only way to do this is by making the hiring process more difficult. A minimum wage clerical position should be an easy post to fill. There are a lot of Caymanian men and women who would do spectacularly well in this post. And government needs to lead by example.

  28. anonymous says:

    Stupid is as stupid does

  29. Anonymous says:

    This is HR management at its worse. But let’s calm down, it has to be a clerical error. This is a list of questions for interviewers to choose from, it’s not for
    pre-interview screening. It even asked for feed back on the interviewer! Surely this was sent out by mistake.

  30. Anonymous says:

    What we need Gov’t to make as law is that all companies in Cayman have at least 25% of staff as Caymanians . Simple no 25% no T&B license. We do not need so many companies offering the same products and services just so they can abuse the system. They are here because of the tax exemption law.

    • Anonymous says:

      State telling us who to employ? You don’t even bother to go into whether you should be qualified or capable of doing a job. Why don’t you do something to make sure that Caymanians are educated, well trained, good attitude and hard working and the problem will go away on its own. Nobody wants to employ expats, costs a fortune, but if there is no talent available or if the local staff it wants 1 hour breakfast breaks, 2 hour lunches and an hour “afternoonsies” break then it ain’t gonna work. I am not going to be told who to employ.

      • Anonymous says:

        Fine. But you do not get to choose what foreign nationals live in my country, our immigration department does following rules that are very similar to the rules in the country you came from. You do not get to employ a foreigner if a local can do the job. What part of that is fundamentally wrong or offensive to you?

        • Jotnar says:

          You missed the point where the other poster suggested a business should have to employ 25% Caymanians irrespective of any other considerations, one of which would be being qualified to do the job (or for that matter prepared to do it). What are you suggesting – that a business that cannot find 25% of qualified Caymanians should simply not operate? At that point you can whistle goodbye to the finance industry, my friend – with a native population this size there is no way on the planet you can staff even 25% of the head count of the law firms, accountants, actuaries, hedge fund professionals locally. Similar problem with the low wage service industries – where are you going to find the 25% to replace all the gardners, burger flippers, hotel housekeeping staff, domestic carers etc?

          • Anonymous says:

            I was responding to the arrogance of the suggestion that the employment of foreign nationals was not something Cayman could properly have a say in. I agree that an automatic 25% requirement would be foolhardy in many industries, but local businesses including retail, tourism, domestic banking, and even construction are all examples where many employers greatly exceed the 25% threshold. Applying that accross their competitors who (falsely) claim they cannot find Caymanians may not be a bad idea in certain fields.

            • Anonymous says:

              10.11, arrogance? Then Cayman needs to make a choice. Employ your quota idea and there will only be tourist jobs left here which are “beneath” most Caymanians, or wake up to the fact that unless the local market can supply people ready, properly qualified, willing, able and with the right attitude that you cannot tell an employer to employ those people. In our office there are many such hard working Caymanians, and also some who are frankly our “tax” for being here, and would not survive or be offered jobs elsewhere if we moved. Our company in every other office in the world (except Bermuda where same issues exist) would prefer, and manage to find local staff. In Cayman, other than those already employed and the odd youngster coming through, there is no one left we would ever employ. That generally is a function of the kind of attitudes you see on here “I cant get a job, all those damn furreners are playing unfair”, and they never even stop to think and question themselves if it is their attitudes that need changing. Arrogance yourself man,….

        • Anonymous says:

          Government can fix all of these shannigans in one fell swoop. Give immigration a mandate to not even consider issuing a work permit for any company for these low level/ salary positions. If a company, any company, cannot abide by the ruling then they can simply close down.

          • Anonymous says:

            Government can fix all of these shannigans in one fell swoop. Fix the education system and stop promoting a false sense of entitlement into young Caymanians. In this life you have to work for a living, and allowing people to think otherwise is doing them a huge disservice.

    • Anonymous says:

      Anything else. Unexperienced Caymanians should be paid more the experienced expats maybe? Company car? Longer lunch breaks? Shorter hours? Sick days counted as holidays?

      • Anonymous says:

        However there is an existing pay gap. The expat comes in with a relocation package, full accommodations paid to avoid taxes being paid on their income, full tuition fees of the children paid for the entire tenure of the parent, car(s) provided and plane tickets provided to return home annually and upon the finals return home full expenses are paid.

        That is a wonderful deal and I appreciate that everyone needs to negotiate well during the interview process. However, what is not right is when these individuals arrive, they are then trained by a local and subsequently become the boss. If any expat needs training, then provide the same to a local.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Discuss? Is that all the PPM government can do? We, the unemployed are tired of discussions and looking for some real solutions.

  32. Anonymous says:

    If their expat staff were required to answer these questions prior to hiring, I see no problem.

    If this is however treatment reserved for local applicants only, the business should not be permitted to exist in our community.

    I look forward to finding out whether everyone has been required to answer.

    • Anonymous says:

      Being that the NWDA is for Caymanians only … that should answer your question!

      • Anonymous says:

        Actually, you are wrong. The NWDA, like the Immigration Law, is charged with ensuring that any person resident in the Cayman Islands has preference in employment over expats who do not live here.

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