Health insurance law changed to cover Lawrence

| 18/03/2016 | 73 Comments
Cayman News Service

Mary Lawrence as Speaker of the House

(CNS): The government is making a minor amendment to the health insurance law in order to provide medical cover for the former Legislative Assembly speaker, Mary Lawrence. Sitting in the chair for the duration of the previous UDP term and the subsequent temporary minority government, between 2009 and 2013, Lawrence was never a member of the Legislative Assembly or a civil servant and so once she left the post, she did not qualify for cover. 

A very brief amendment bill posted this week on the government’s Gazette website will empower “the government to effect and continue a contract of health insurance on behalf of a past Speaker who was not a member of the Legislative Assembly”.

Lawrence is the only speaker that this has happened to since local officials took over the role from the governor but it will also ensure health care coverage is given to any future speakers who are neither elected officials nor civil servants appointed to the role refereeing the LA.

Since the speaker’s chair was handed over to local control, there have been six Caymanians in the seat. The first was National Hero Sybil McLaughlin, who was the only other unelected speaker but she was a long time employee of the LA and a civil servant. She was followed by elected members, Captain Mabry Kirkconnell, Linford Pierson, Juliana O’Connor-Connolly and the late Edna Moyle.

Whether the experiment of having an unelected official with no parliamentary experience in the chair will be repeated following Lawrence’s four years remains to be seen but if the need does arise, future speakers will not be left without health protection in future once the amendment is passed.

The LA has been adjourned since November, creating another very long break for members. The next date has not yet been confirmed by government and it may not sit again until the budget is due to be delivered.

Despite early commitments by Premier Alden McLaughlin, following his election victory and taking up the country’s leadership, to have a formal and committed timetable for LA meetings, the parliamentary schedules have remained as ad hoc as they were during the last administration.

During his time as opposition leader, McLaughlin criticised former premier McKeeva Bush for what he often described as disrespect for the LA for meetings that were called with little notice and his circumvention of the 21 days notice of bills coming before members.

The PPM has managed to ensure the majority of its proposed legislation has met that statutory requirements but setting dates and offering notice to the members and the public appears to be just as difficult for this government as it was the last.

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  1. Craven says:

    The irony is that she was Mac’s protector and gave him tremendous latitude while riding the PPM opposition hard.

    So for the PPM govt to bend over backwards to give her such favourable treatment shows how anxious they are to curry favour among the more elderly voters in the Garden of Eden.

  2. Anonymous says:

    shout up she is Caymanian haters

    • Jotnar says:

      As are a large number of people the government says they cannot afford to help because they spend our money on stuff like this. Who needs the help more, an unemployed family on the breadline or this lady who got paid six figures for 4 years?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Wow! And retired civil servants havent gotten any cost of living supplements in so so many years.

  4. SocialiteCommenta says:

    Why can’t her children be her “old age pension ” and insurance like the rest a elderly people in the Caribbean?
    Oh but then that would mean Cayman is like other Caribbean countries and it isn’t. Maybe this wasn’t written right and they trying to say they want this position to be held by someone who isn’t elected so they want to ensure that they have all the benefits including insurance coverage? Even so shouldn’t it then be benefits for the next speaker of the house and should coincide with the next budget ? I have zero knowledge about these things but just applying common sense .
    How is this better than what Big Mac would have done? They need business smarts in government not just where the financial sector is concern but the everyday running.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Rewarding her for wrongfully fettering political speech in the LA if that threatened to expose misconduct of politicians?

  6. Anonymous says:

    You guys done taking care of each other yet? Care to do anything for the rest of us? You know, the people you work for?

  7. Anonymous says:

    A new national hero.

  8. Anonymous says:

    why the free ride ??? if she is US citizen she gets cheap medical of is it that she has too much $$$ to get the cheap medical what about her Social security check from uncle sam
    I wonder if she paid her taxes like required when she was employed

  9. Anonymous says:

    Like with Cayman, she reaps her benefits from the U.S., perhaps she needs to ensure her health is covered in the U.S. of A.

    Come on, now, Ms. Mary…this was a “low-life” move by lady of your calibre. #I’mTickled

  10. Anonymous says:

    Why won’t she go and sign-up for ObamaCare? Why do we need to be burden with her medical costs, after only serving 4 years as Speaker of the House? Like her children, she has reaped all the benefits (possible) in the Cayman Islands and, still, run to the U.S. to benefit from Uncle Sam – which should include healthcare. This sort of political nonsense needs some media traction. Where is the IRS?

    Mrs. Lawrence needs move to the U.S. if she so desire “free” comprehensive healthcare. Her children have all worked their money in Cayman & sold their homes, and repatriated to the U.S.; it’s time that she join them.

    The public purse has nothing to give her. Her husband and Caymanian-U.S. Citizen has reaped enough benefits, when and where it wasn’t necessary.

    Alden! You need to pull up your socks, and stop this proposed bullsh!t legislation from passing. This predatory behavior has to cease!

  11. Anonymous says:

    Glad to see they can respond quickly to fix laws. Now can they fix one for the Caymanian people?

    • Anonymous says:


    • anonymous says:

      Minister of Health – my question is WHY CINICO does not accept a family member as a “Care Giver”?? who has the benefits not paying Pension, no Health Insurance, no work permit fees, and not adding any more financial burden to family members – if the law is changed for the Retired Speaker of the House to receive medical benefits. This should also be a consideration by government to make some changes to the Care giver status of CINICO. We have too many care givers in this country!!! I seek a reply to this very important matter.

    • Anonymous says:

      Like the Caymanian Protection Law that has lost its ‘PROTECTION” what a shame!!

  12. Me says:

    Ok, I do not condem anyone for helping another, but can the same be provided for the people that are in dire need?

    • Anonymous says:

      The presumed people in dire need, should get off of their hands and put them to work. Nobody survives without w o r k I n g! Are they more important than others?

      • Anonymous says:

        She only worked, I believe for a term of 4 years – and taking into account the Dire Need if they work, will not receive a Pension until 60-65 years old. Contracted Officers are better than them. Therefore, I see them always in dire need and having next to nothing in Cayman. If you have no work you have no Pension or Health insurance. Finding a job in Cayman defeats the purpose – you are either under qualified or over qualified… Cayman story.

  13. Anonymous says:

    The Auditor General ought to look into the genesis of this.

    • Anonymous says:

      And the Attorney General. And the Police. And the Governor. And the FCO. The ongoing petty corruption masquerading as grace and favor and nepotism has to stop. Sure she should have health insurance. So should hundreds of others! Is she that much more deserving than them? What is this: Government of the people, by the people, for the select chosen few?

      • Anonymous says:

        Is or was government the sperm donor? It seems that way, because every person who has children and don’t have a father figure, it is taxpayers responsibility to pay their way. Children and family services is the father, while the fathers live and enjoy the help provided. When is government going to direct those free loaders to the Courts Office and let the dead beat fathers take care of their children?

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, 9.06 am, maybe it should be looked into by these agencies, but We the People have the Power. My representative will not get my vote if she votes for this. What about yours?

      • Anonymous says:

        This speaks volumes for non-adherence to the “strict eligibility criteria” by which all other persons are judged and held accountable to meet for even acceptance into the standard health insurance plan level of health insurance cover. This example of faster than the speed of light access to the 100% covered for lifetime government health insurance plan speaks volumes of how grace and favor non members can become members overnight by default of possessing simply a correct name and title and desire to demand presumptive en(title)ment acceptance into a defined government group plan. So very many other persons are out there in the community who deserve the same consideration!!! however would likely feel uncomfortable sleeping nights knowing that they were not truly eligible at all by the strict criteria standards everyone else is held to…… What lengths to go to to be in accordance with the Health Insurance Law when all others simply sign up as accepted enrollees in whatever health insurance plan will accept them after jumping through the hoops of fire and paying significant monthly premium fees. Another access planning tactic of the 1% privileged few who can take this route to 100% health coverage benefits at no cost whatsoever to themselves as the costs ultimately fall upon the rest of the population which does indeed bear the costs of such newly deemed privileged free members.

  14. Anonymous says:

    LA has not sat since November???????
    more nonsense in a mickey mouse wonderland……..

    • Anonymous says:

      Well they are not doing anything so no need to sit. Meetings are only necessary when SOMEONE who cares enough is trying to accomplish something good. Or bad.

  15. Anonymous says:

    The current salary for the Speaker excluding allowances is CI$150,000 at least plus the most generous non contributory pension in Cayman. Does Ms Lawrence receive a pension?.

  16. Anonymous says:

    It’s good to be queen

  17. Knot S Smart says:

    Poor Lil Miss Mary…

  18. Anonymous says:

    Wait, doesn’t Captain Cowcod have to approve this first?

    • Anonymous says:

      This is the woman who bemoaned the fact that by taking this highly paid useless position. she was sacrificing her retirement in the States with her family. Has she run up an enormous medical bill in the US and we are going to bail her out?

    • Anonymous says:

      Politics, political patronage and weak politicians are ruining this little place. Can anyone explain the rationale for setting such a dangerous precedent? Suppose a speaker only serves for a few months, will her/him and spouse and dependent children get this? YES! Why? Compare to civil servants who actually have to WORK for more than half their lives to get free medical after retirement.

      • Anonymous says:

        Free medical after retirement? Wtf. And you sound like you deserve this. If you can’t get coverage at 60 the very least you should pay for half unless we are socialist. Wait we are.

  19. Jotnar says:

    CINICO has enough problems to deal with without adding this. Why don’t you just give the woman a suitcase of cash – would be more transparent and less hassle.

  20. Fred the Piemaker says:

    You serve for 4 years and then have health insurance for life at the public’s expense. Sweet deal. And its backdated to 1 July 2014 – why? Has she run up health care bills in the meantime that would otherwise be uninsured and she would have to pay for? Anyone want to guess what this is going to cost?

  21. Anonymous says:

    Miss Mary you are a good and decent person please ask the Government to stop this amendment. Free health care for life for 4 years of being speaker ( notice I didn’t say work) is hard to justify.

    • Anonymous says:

      She requested it,8:06

      • Anonymous says:

        The major reason for back-dating government health insurance enrollment is for the purpose of the payment of unpaid healthcare claims. At the very least she should be asked to pay the monthly premiums as being ineligibly accepted (apparently to be corrected by a minor change to the health insurance law!!) into the civil servant plan is already comparable to winning a huge Lottery prize . Payment of back-dated healthcare claims in addition to the grace and favor enrollment for life in the CIG healthcare plan would be a total injustice to all who abide by the present health insurance laws of eligibility criteria and the process of acceptance. It is a real shame to learn of this situation of unfair privilege. Also wondering Is it to be a single enrollee or family plan membership?? If family plan then the costs of this grace and favor CIG healthcare plan enrollment to the public is beyond enormous as healthcare claims from potential multiple family members is apples to oranges in overall cost differential analysis terms of the public purse risk. More details needed especially given the change to the health insurance law is imminent (or already executed??).

  22. Anonymous says:

    Ms Mary was an unemployed Caymanian from the demise of the Norwester magazine until McKeeva made her Speaker-apart from some employment at a school her sister was the Principal of. None of her many children live here-they are all in the US as they are, like her, US citizens. So she has no one here to support her. Government also wrote off many years ago her husband’s huge medical bills so there’s nothing untoward about this latest thing.

    • Anonymous says:

      Then like everyone else, she should have planned or have her children take care of her, or go to the U.S. for care. Not fair on the Caymanian people to pay for this.

      • Anonymous says:

        The U.S. is where she belong, if she want to life-long healthcare. Her children have worked and turned around enough assets for profit, and have benefited handsomely. Let them take care of her. Her husband was and accomplished Caymanian/American Lawyer, why does she need the peoples money insure her healthcare?


    • Anonymous says:

      Alden please say this isn’t so!!!! White brothers please come out and clarify this NOW. Thanks

  23. Joe says:

    Ms. Lawrence is not my family or friend! “Let’s say something happen to this wonderful lady and she did not have heath insurances” we would still blame the government! “Can we just love for once? “no price tag on life. “we hate all the time until we are affected: 345875 signing out.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sounds good. Let’s love the filipina that a drunk driver (never charged) hit near Hurleys and the we shipped off island cuz no health insurance (oops, employer was pocketing the cash). Let’s give her some love. Oops, too late. She dead.

    • Anonymous says:

      Im all for love but we all need to be loved equally

  24. Anonymous says:

    A couple of months work for four years equals free medical care for life? Why? For putting up with Bush? I know that must age a person but this is ridiculous.

  25. Disgusted Caymanian says:

    Only in the Cayman Islands. There are some men and women who gave 20+ years of good, loyal and dedicated service to the Cayman Islands government that either resigned before they became of retirement age or left for other reasons, these individuals got no such consideration. What the hell did Mary Lawrence do to deserve this?????????Shameless, bias, corrupt, unfair…..

  26. Anonymous says:

    Sickening. There are many people that cant afford healthcare and government change the law to look after their own. Its just corruption in disguise.

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually, may not be that much of a disguise.

    • Anonymous says:

      If I am elected to be the Speaker after the OMOV elections how many weeks/months/years would I have to stay in the seat to get this benefit? I’m not selfish so I would only stay the minimum time then a new Speaker could be the beneficiary of the medical coverage. Will my spouse and children be covered?

    • Anonymous says:

      Weaklings! Can’t stand up against a forceful woman, eh!

  27. Anonymous says:

    Ok then. and civil servants soon to pay for their own health insurance.

  28. Anonymous says:

    WHY? Mary was a useless Speaker of LA

  29. Anonymous says:

    So the large salary wasn’t enough??

    Must be so nice to play with “house money”!

  30. Anonymous says:

    Any what cost will this unnecessary extravagance come? Vote and favour buying before 2017?

  31. Anonymous says:

    All well and good for Mrs. Lawrence but what about a large number of persons who transferred to various statutory authorities as civil servants with all the benefits? I am among those who are entitled to retirement health care coverage but have to pay full insurance costs, plus costs of meds. I worked for Gov’t for over 38 years and have to cover all my health care costs after retirement!! Why the disparity??

    CNS please investigate this!!

    CNS: I have sent this to Ask Auntie

    • The Watcher says:

      Because my friend, the voting population is a captive and bought population.
      It is run on almost tribal politics where a person is either with one party or the other.
      The Cayman population will never do anything about it yet they are ultimately responsible for voting them in.
      There is nothing really to investigate, it is clear as day that the each term, you get six months of action in the last year, the rest of the time their pockets are being lined with your help.

    • Anonymous says:

      I have worked for an Authority for 17 years and cant afford to retire because i will have a very small pension that will not even cover health insurance. Many more like me will have to work until we die on the job.

      • Anonymous says:

        Well then I’m afraid the answer going forward is direct taxation and a ‘national’ health service. Won’t help you now I’m afraid but is that the right way for future generations? Can’t have everything.

        • Anonymous says:

          No, actually the answer is to stop throwing away millions on impoverished imports who are here in breach of our laws.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Must be elections soon. This Premier is exactly like the last two they all the same

  33. Anonymous says:

    More vote buying and bs from Alden’s ppm

    • Anonymous says:

      So government is saying one of their own is more important then any of us….pre existing conditions NOT COVERED, high premiums people can’t afford….what a two edge sword government is

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