Misick plans return to political fray

| 22/02/2016 | 2 Comments
Cayman News Service

Michael Misick

(CNS): The former Turks and Caicos (TCI) premier, Michael Misick, who is currently on trial on a number of serious corruption and money laundering charges, has announced his intention to run for office at the next general elections, regardless his current circumstances. The national poll is expected to take place in February next year. Misick’s candidacy will need to be ratified by his party, the PNP, and it will also be subject to vetting by the TCI Integrity Commission, which can apply to the courts for a declaration that a candidate is unfit for elected office.

Misick’s corruption trial, which is being heard by a judge sitting alone, started last month and the former premier has not yet taken the stand to answer the allegations against him of corrupt land deals. The trial came out of a commission of inquiry that found systemic corruption within the Misick government.

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Category: Caribbean, Courts, Crime, Politics, World News

Comments (2)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    You couldn’t make this shit up!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hahahahahahaha He’s been drinking Mac’s Kool-Aid! This is priceless

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