Archive for February 19th, 2016

LA has no say on election date, says DG

LA has no say on election date, says DG

| 19/02/2016 | 18 Comments

(CNS): Members of the Legislative Assembly do not have any say in decisions regarding early general elections, according to the letter from Franz Manderson, writing as acting governor, to the five independent MLAs, in which he also assured them that the next elections would be conducted in single member constituencies with each person having just one vote. […]

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Price hike fuels CUC profits in 2015

Price hike fuels CUC profits in 2015

| 19/02/2016 | 0 Comments

(CNS Business): Grand Cayman’s power provider, CUC, cleared a $2 million profit last year as a result of a 3% growth in sales and a hike in the base rate last June, according to its latest financial report. In the last quarter of the year the electricity company saw a an 8% growth in sales, […]

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Our own worst enemy

Our own worst enemy

| 19/02/2016 | 81 Comments

MM writes: More than 80% of the recent burglaries, female assaults, local murders and other community disrupting crimes have been performed by Caymanians — and as a Caymanian I am keen to point this out. It is unfortunate that as a community and a native people our only defence for our own faults is to blame […]

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Ex-supermarket boss not allowed to leave

Ex-supermarket boss not allowed to leave

| 19/02/2016 | 0 Comments

(CNS): In Summary Court Thursday, Magistrate Grace Donalds found that a former manager of a local supermarket charged with theft and deception offences was a flight risk and denied the return of his passport. Craig Gaskill (45), who is an American citizen, has been charged with stealing around $35,000 and lying to his employers about his professional credentials. […]

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Allen’s company quibbles over reef damage

Allen’s company quibbles over reef damage

| 19/02/2016 | 11 Comments

(CNS): Marine experts have begun salvage work to repair the extensive damage to corals off Seven Mile Beach by the anchor chain of billionaire Paul Allen’s yacht, MV Tatoosh, last month. While Allen’s company, Vulcan Inc., is disputing their level of culpability and the course of action for the repair, the Department of Environment has received a comprehensive assessment […]

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UK court ruling could fuel local appeals

UK court ruling could fuel local appeals

| 19/02/2016 | 9 Comments

(CNS): Local defence attorneys believe that a very important ruling in the UK this week regarding the misinterpretation by the courts for the last 30 years over crimes involving joint enterprise will impact a number of serving prisoners and future cases in the Cayman Islands. The law, which has allowed people to be convicted of […]

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Statistics reveal fall in crime

Statistics reveal fall in crime

| 19/02/2016 | 24 Comments

(CNS): The RCIPS said focused work on burglaries and robberies contributed to a fall in crime last year, reflected in the annual statistics, which were released Thursday. Although the latest figures were published the day after the first armed robbery of this year, the statistics nevertheless indicate that most crimes were down in 2015 compared to 2014. Chief Superintendent Kurt […]

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