IT manager connected to CarePay contract still on job

| 23/02/2016 | 53 Comments
Cayman News Service

Cayman Islands Hospital, George Town

(CNS): The IT manager at the Cayman Islands Hospital, John Thompson, who sent an email to Jeffrey Webb implying he would “blow the lid” on the shady aspects of the corrupt CarePay contract after he suggested he had only received a small payment for his part, is still working at the hospital, Lizette Yearwood, the CEO of the Health Services Authority, has confirmed. “John Thompson remains an employee of HSA,” she told CNS. “To date no charges have been laid against him, as far as I am aware.”

Officers from the RCIPS Anti-Corruption Unit are said to still be involved in spin-off enquiries relating to the recent CarePay trial, in which Canover Watson was found guilty of five corruption charges, though very little information about the ongoing probes and who else may be involved in the corruption scandal has been released.

Thompson was named during the course of the recent trial when an email he sent to Webb was placed before the jury as evidence of the corrupt contract by Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions Patrick Moran as he opened the case for the crown.

The correspondence appeared to imply that the CarePay contract was not above board and that Thompson not only knew it but had also received a small payment for his part.

In his email to Webb in February 2011, soon after AIS Cayman Ltd received what appeared to be the first of the lucrative kickbacks relating to the contract, Thompson expressed his frustration that Webb and another person had received $200,000 while Thompson received only $4,000.

In the email, the IT boss, who is also on the ICTA board, indicated that he had introduced Webb to Doug Halsall and started the ball rolling for the CarePay contract between the HSA, CINICO and Halsall’s Jamaica-based company, AIS, for the payment and verification system at the hospital.

Thompson claimed that despite his part, he was “excluded” and accused Webb of disrespecting him. “I am ready to blow the lid on this,” Thompson wrote in the email that was read out to the court. Webb had then forwarded the correspondence to Watson, his friend and business partner, to discuss the pair’s possible “exposure” regarding Thompson’s comments. During cross-examination Watson said he had no idea what Thompson was referring to.

Thompson was not called as a witness in Watson’s trial, despite the email evidence suggesting he was well-aware of Webb’s involvement in the CarePay contract and AIS.

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Category: Courts, Crime

Comments (53)

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  1. Turtle says:

    CNS can you please confirm that JT has been let go from his position at the hospital after you posted this article, I’ve heard they let him go this week?

  2. Anonymous says:

    These patronage appointments on govt boards have to stop…this same guy is on the board of the ICTA and also listed as a member of the Central Tenders Committee…

    Is it possible that our politicians place their buddies in key places of influence so that decisions go to the “preferred” party?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Apart from the dishonestly of his actions, you’ve got to seriously challenge his competency, I mean, come on, the head of IT sending an email (which can always be recovered) in which he implicates himself… What a prat!

  4. Cayguy says:

    This is totally absurd. Government is so full of double standards that its appalling. They just fired the prison custody officer for that camera scandal, they effectively fired the police guy for trying to solicit a bribe, didn’t fire the “IT” guy at CIAA for all the “artistic” and explicit material found on a server or equipment. Yet this guy is head poncho for IT on the HSA, which may I add is the government public hospital. You got to love how in the Carepay trial they were trying to throw the former IT boss under the bus the entire trial. More than likely because he was a foreigner, yet a caymanian that is complaining for a bigger payout from the Carepay scandal gets off scot free and even keeps his job?

    I implore that the @Ambassador of Absurdistan get one of his minions to investigate this fully!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Will there be changes to the ICTA board?

  6. The watcher says:

    Oooh …. More “sons of the soil” getting some of the limelight. I don’t think people realize the extent or the national / International ramifications that will come. There is far more mileage in this and in the distance people are now putting between themselves and the Cayman Islands.
    Time to bring op Tempura back, only this time, pay them only on results.

  7. Lilly says:

    There’s more to this cake than we all think. This makes operation tempura looks like a minnow to how big this football and hsa thing really goes. It’s deep and very well connected. All of this couldn’t all be done with only Jeff and Canover.

    • Anonymous says:

      Let’s just hope that for once they can’t sweep it under the rug and the whole tangled mess comes out in public. Not just HSA but CIFA and a whole lot of other “arrangements”. We all know the name of one elected member that narrowly avoided having to testify, and it’s easy to guess the identity of one other big cheese that was at least on the fringes of this. Let’s hope everyone finds out who else profited or helped out for murky reasons.

  8. Anonymous says:

    He should be suspended on full pay immediately while an urgent 5 year investigation is conducted!

  9. Anonymous says:

    He was also placed on the Government’s Central Tenders Committee during that questionable period, one has to question the then Premier and Minister of Finance’s motives for placing him there.

    Word is that he made some interesting attempts to influence certain bids during that period as a member of CTC and was actually called out for his actions. Hindsight is always 20/20, now it is all starting to make sense, things that make you go hmmm

  10. Anonymous says:

    By definition there really is no need to ‘prove’ a fact

    • Anonymous says:

      Tosh. It is a fact that the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. But that needed to be proved.

  11. Anonymous says:

    In the teaching service there would be disciplinary action without proof. Or, for some anyway. Why are these things so damn subjective?

    • Anonymous says:

      No wonder some of these young guys always had loads of money, expensive cars and side businesses.

  12. Anonymous says:

    wait till the court of appeal hear on this evidence and C wins his case. what a law suit

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m guessing you were asleep during the ENTIRE trial. No way he can win an appeal and his lawyers should advise him of that too. Guess that’s why they don’t even know the grounds for filing it.

      • Anonymous says:

        The grounds for appeal might be to get legal aid. He could increase the amount his lawyer wants by 20%’ pass some of it through an account in the BVI…….

    • Anonymous says:

      Can over, that you posting from Northward?

    • Anonymous says:

      You seem to think that winning on an appeal against conviction somehow gives the accused a right to sue for damages. That is not true.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Par for the course. The doctor involved in the death of the English lady after her car crash is I believe still employed at the hospital. Futhermore only after the indictment from the British coroner did Ms Yearwood agree to a review of the circumstances surrounding the patient’s death.A year later we still await the results of the review.

  14. Patricia Bryan says:

    WOW. I guess the only thing left for me to add is that he was the whistleblower or he has very good contacts and connections within government; perhaps could even go as far as to say maybe have other lids to pull for other people so his seat has been kept warm right where it was.

    To anonymous how this is seen or interpreted as “clean” is beyond comprehension. You need to re-evaluate your thoughts.

  15. General Lee says:

    Whatever happened to the former HSA CFO?

  16. Sharkey says:

    @ 12:25pm , CNS can you make it mandatory that people like this have to answer 6 intelligent questions a 100% correct before they can post their comment . I think it would most other readers happy .

  17. Questions says:

    Sometimes I really have to wonder about Lizzette’s competency and judgement.

    First it’s exposed during the trail that she doesn’t read important contracts that she signs on the Health Services Authority’s behalf, and now this.

    When I first read the statement made by Mr John Thompson about him going blowing the lid for not be adequately compensated, I wondered if he was still employed there because obviously he played a role too, however small.

    It’s depressing. I feel bad for the HSA staff because their morale is probably pretty low right now. The thing is this is just the beginning. I’m sure more inconsistences and unbelieveableness will be exposed through the upcoming audit recently ordered by Deputy Governor Franz Manderson.

  18. Anonymous says:

    You bunch of haters out there, go ahead and make your assumption, prove your facts before you come on here and talk a bunch of crap, their is a reason he is still working at CIS because he is clean, so you idiots who is trying to tarnish his name, think twice on the words of assumptions you come on here and make, your don’t have a life or a clue about anything, whoever wrote this, You need to seriously look into themselve and fix whatever internal issues you have within there life. . It is our own Caymanians you tear us down not foreigners.. Get a life whoever wrote.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your grammar is appalling!!!

      • Jotnar says:

        Not as bad as his judgment. Clearly sees nothing wrong with writing an e mail expecting a BIGGER hand out for introducing a prospective candidate to a tendered job to the guy running the evaluation, in the knowledge that they received a significant hand out themselves. Jeremiah 5:21 comes to mind

      • Anonymous says:

        ……..and his/her’s spelling is worse!,

      • Anonymous says:

        Don’t worry about the grammar, I am pretty sure you got the message, my message clearly states how idiots can come on here and totally make a fool of themselves, what are you really Trying to accomplish, comming on here and accusing anyone, go and study law obviously your not a very smart person.

    • This donkey says:

      Please pay attention in school, and learn the difference between there, their and they’re. That is why the foreigners are getting the jobs….

    • Anonymous says:

      This is the same kind of rebuttal that was posted concerning Jeff. XXXXX What a tangle Webb we weave seriously !!!

    • Ice-T says:

      Don’t hate the playa’….

    • Anon says:

      Whatever you are trying to say is lost….as English obviously not your first language!

    • Anonymous says:

      If he is so “clean” why is it he sent and email to Webb threatening to expose his crimes and in return want more money ? In my book that is a confession. Don’t know what it is in yours! So should he just be tapped on the shoulder and said “Job well done” and the receiving money from the same people he was helping to steal from in the first place?

      You need to get your facts straight it seems.

  19. Anonymous says:

    WOW … some logic there Lizette!

  20. Ambassador of Absurdistan says:

    Just Another day in Absurdistan

  21. Anonymous says:

    Insane that he is still on the job and on the Board of a public authority.

    Just another day in Absurdistan.

  22. The Statistician says:


  23. Anonymous says:

    For goodness sake. She needs charges to be laid to take disciplinary action against an employee who allegedly sends an email acknowledging receipt of a bribe and abetting corruption?

    What if he is charged? Will you then wait for the trial and conviction? Does he need to be hung, drawn and quartered before he loses his job?

    So if an employee steals $100,000 from his employer, and the employer has solid evidence, does the employer need to wait for them to be arrested or even convicted to take disciplinary action?

    Or is this just another day in civil service la la land.

  24. Revelations 3:45 says:

    The Carepay trial and the fallout is the gift that keeps on giving for everybody involved the HSA management, Ministry of Health officials CINICO, UDP and even PPM ministers Kirkonnell Bodden and Archer.

    Why did the PPM members travel for clandestine meetings in Washington DC with the IT consultant or why the Minister of Finance sat in on police interviews for his step father and ministry staff with the RCIPS?

    The entire sordid thing stinks worse than Mt. Trashmore.

    • Anonymous says:

      Now that is taking it too far trying to paint everyone with the same brush even those like Hon. Ministers Archer and Kirkconnell who actually did something to expose the corruption. Nevertheless an explanation needs to be given regarding the follow-up or apparent lack thereof.

      • Anonymous says:

        Politics bobo both are 2 sides of same coin

      • Anonymous says:

        I agree with poster 1:05, we need to applaud Ministers Archer and Kirkconnell for helping to expose the corruption.

        The Compass article clarifying the record of the CIO’s meetings with the Ministers cleared up any other questions. The article reported Mr. Sanders’ explanation that they were just due diligence discussions with an expert in the field to explore the best way forward for HSA and medical tourism possibilities. I have a lot of respect for Mr. Sanders transparency, it removes all the questions that Canover’s attorney tried to create. Thank you Mr. Sanders for helping bring criminals like Canover to justice.

        • C'Mon Maaaaaaan says:

          Please wait till Mrs Yearwood positively responds to the FOI request for all details and contractual agreements before you praise anybody connected to the HSA past or present. Also dale sanders told friends and the court exactly what he thought of Cayman. Do not forget what Sanders wrote about Caymanians and his perceived death threats that were straight out of a John Grisham novel because of what he knew. Expat NSA paranoia on full blast!

    • Anonymous says:

      You need to get your facts straight before making comnents. Minister Archer did not sit in on any police interviews for his step-father… far I know the Minister did not have a stepfather! Nor did he sit in on any police interviews for his staff or Ministry of Health staff. This is how propoganda gets started.

      • Marl Road says:

        Mr. Archer

        Did you sit in and aid Mr. Eldon Rankine a close family friend and “father figure” during his interview with the RCIPS conducted by DCI Richard Oliver of the ACU?

        A simple Yes or No will suffice.

        P.S. the signed witness statement is in the public domain.

        Marl Road

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