Over 10,700 status grants awarded since 2001
(CNS): Over the last fifteen years Caymanian status has been granted to 10,768 people under the immigration law or by Cabinet. The mass status grants in 2003, given to more than 3,370 people because of pressure from the UK to regularize people who had been here for many years without rights, is still regarded as controversial but every year since then the number of people becoming Caymanian has continued to grow, largely by marriage or the next step after permanent residency.
However, not everyone who has applied over the last decade and a half has been given status. A freedom of information request has revealed that more than 2,100 applications have been denied over that period.
According to statistics released by the Department of Immigration in response to the FOI request, around one third of the current Caymanian population emerged in the last fifteen years via status grants, though a small number of those grants — less than 500 — were given to people who were descendants of Caymanians.
The PPM has faced criticisms in the past for being anti-foreign and for driving people away but since 2013, when the current administration took office, 2,047 people have become Caymanians.
In addition to the 2003 mass grants, 885 people were awarded status in 2004 and 880 received status in 2012. In the last five years the average number of annual grants has increased compared to the previous five years. Between 2005 and 2009 the average number was around 320 but between 2011 and 2015 that average increased to more than 690.
2000-2008 Cayman Status Applications Processed By Board by CSPR – SE
Category: Local News, Politics
If the Jamaicans found out that any child of a cayman daddy had full cayman rights the population of caymanians would quadruple overnight
It has. It’s just that Government hasn’t realized yet.
Reading so many retorts of Cayman not being a country but merely a British territory.
My advice to those that hold that view is to submit that little fact to your PR application. In fact, in light of that little tidbit I fail to understand why this hotly debated issue of PR and immigration continues to be hot topic of the day.
Clearly many of the readers and contributors should be able to just set up home in SMB as easily as Norwich. No?
No. That is what boils the blood of so many and serves as catalyst for the bitter and disrespectful sentiments we are witnessing.
There are certain folks in this world that suffer from a severe case of Entitlement Syndrome – and nothing gets their goat more than the reality of living as an immigrant …anywhere. (I encourage them to apply their commentary and sage advice to our native community to the immigrants in their home country and then take stock of their perspective.)
Speaking as the child of an immigrant, and having lived as one in a foreign country, I learned and understood that a certain level of respect must be maintained at all times.
Actually, I would consider myself a bit of an idiot if I spent so much energy criticizing and tearing down my host community. If anything, I would leave if I found so many aspects of living there as objectionable as appears to be the case for many of our new (and prospective) Caymanians.
Cayman would be much better off if more of us upheld these values of common decency.
– Whodatis
True in some ways. It is terrible that one has to suck up to a bunch of backwards a$$XXXXX before getting the silly little status stamp. But since one does not need to really socialise or work with them it is not all that bad.
You wrongly assume that everyone wants status or PR.
More and more are just not bothering and sending the equivalent in fees back to their home.
“There are certain folks in this world that suffer from a severe case of Entitlement Syndrome”.
Bingo both local and expat.
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools
5.50a.m you got up too early-this is not a place to preach-this is a place for hypocrisy, racism and general pi$$ taking. Please take your preaching to a more suitable institution.
Preach Brother or Sister at 11:25! Amen and hallelujah.
So it really begs the question, why are you here? There are so many options. The world is your oyster. branch out, move on and upward to greener pastures. We here support you and, hey we would love to meet you at the airport to wave you a warm and friendly, Cayman kind ‘ goodbye’. As they say, you should never stay where you are not wanted….BTW you’ve made it clear that our point system isn’t working. You must have really faked your way to getting your PR by hiding your true feelings for all those years. No wonder youre so angry sounding. Must have been tough.
Lots of easy cash in an environment where you do not have to work hard. There is a big pay premium for having to live in a place like Cayman and if you pocket enough cash then it is probably just about worth. With the internet now it is not quite being locked away in the cultural vacuum it used to be, so it slightly more bearable. Your friends will say “How can you live there” and then you show them your bank balance.
Further proof that this place will improve greatly in the next generation. The Genie is well out of the bottle! The sheer force of mathematics will fix our current situation.
Cayman politicians and business leaders sold the “country” in the 90’s and 2000’s for personal gain. The electorate will look nothing like the current makeup in 10 years.
I would encourage all the driftwood and paper Caymanians to buy a vacation property in Northside or East End and register to vote there. So few votes are cast in those two districts that 200 pieces of driftwood could clear out two of the more embarrassing seats in the LA.
Funny thing is OMOV will actually slow the process down as driftwood voters will be clustered into a few large constituencies rather than being able to clean up the District of West Bay by living at the Yacht Club and SMB.
Looking forward to three elections hence!
It would be interesting to know how many of those 2003 grants are still around or those same grants that used Cayman as a stepping stone to move on to greener pastures.
Remember the movie, “Braveheart”, when the hated king Edward said that the problem with Scotland was that is was full of Scots? Well it seems that the spirit of King Edward lives on and the colonials won’t give up until they have either killed us all or bred us out of our own country.
What’s next, “Prima Noctae”?
There will most certainly be a rebellion soon. It is shocking how Caymanians have been downgraded in their own country. Even more shocking is the willingness of their nobles (politicians/rich landowners) to sell them out. (Aye, same in Scotland.)
One day we hope that Cayman will be returned to the Caymanians. I have never seen such a proud group of people brought so low and defeated without so much as a shot being fired.
Just for the record, Caymanian does not necessarily mean born here. It means respectful of the place and the culture the way you found it.
Oh dear. Cayman is British. What bit of that don’t you understand? Its never been “your own country”, its never had “natives”. Everyone here is a foreigner or of foreign origin. I made a point previously about the need to reinvigorate the gene pool and it would seem that you prime proof that “breeding” you out is the only chance to save this place. Talk of revolution is foolish. You are outnumbered. Now that would be treason.
If you really thing like that, then are you from somewhere or no where. Your thinking suggests that everyone is from not where they say they are from. Of course I know you only think like that about Caymanians!
5.44 please think and drink coffee before writing a post.
No need for Primae Noctae when so many Caymanians are willing to either donate or receive the DNA of foreigners. Willing coitus, as amply reflected in the statistics on who has achieved Caymanian status, and how – just look at the admissions by birthright and on achieving 18 years old. Bit like the sale of land , really. Sell your birth right for a transitory pleasure, then blame the incomers for being the ones to dilute the native holdings /bloodline. Made your bed – trying lying in it without whinging about those who were prepared to take advantage of your willingness to roll over.
rebellion???…..i’ve seen more backbone in jellyfish
Star Date 2050: I’m just remembering the decade 2010-2020 when Caymanians became extinct due to their own desires to get rich fast.
That would be something about which I would not have a XXXX to give.
Get rich, get unnecessarily entitled or just plain dumb.
we have a deep rooted problem here I my islands…caymanians aren’t being hired to work in positions even if qualified. foreign business owners are employing their families and close friends from back home…how does that happen? I’m not prejudice of no kind but can someone tell me please how this lil island is populated with do many phillipinos? they come from clear on the other side of the earth! to find this island…for what?! and the politicians say to give them a better life. what about your caymanians lives? you are promoting poverty! allowing them to come work for less than a caymanian can survive on…because with the low minimum wage…come low cost rental accommodations….some are so derelict they should be deemed inhabitable. the only benefit that a caymanian have over a expat applying for a job is that they need a permit we don’t…but what benefit is it when they are willing to pay for their own permits and work for less? the government is fueling poverty right here in our islands and it’s been going on for years! it’s time for it to stop! caymanians can’t live on half a loaf of bread where as expats can.
I know of a doctor denied, more than one school teacher denied, many business people that made big investment denied and all their investment destroyed.
I also know many labors that are 99% illiterate granted status.
It is very sad that a weak person that will never amount to anything more than a labor /breeder & drain on society is welcomed with open arms. While those that can improve the island are removed.
I am sure it is a fear by those in power that one of those intelligent expats may call them out and threaten their well being.
Thankfully the war is only virtual. Nobody has blooded my face in my 7 years here. Going home soon.
A question. How does one know if I am on a work permit, a visitor or a status holder?
Tattoo on your forehead, only visible to that alleged species known as “real Caymanians”
CNS – the 10,700 does not appear to include possibly thousands of expatriate children awarded status by the Chief Immigration Officer while they are under 18. It would be interesting to know what that number is. Added to the 10,700 granted by the Boards and by Cabinet in the period, the public may be truly shocked as to the total number.
The number is inclusive of all people who received Status under the various sections. So your comment only spurs up distrust of the process.
I am afraid you are greatly mistaken. The statistics relate only to status granted by the board. The children of persons granted status by the board or cabinet also are granted status, but not by the board or cabinet, but rather by the Chief Immigration Officer. Please show me which of the statistics refer to those grants by the Chief Immigration Officer?
Expat children do not get status.
My first child was born here, I am a 2001 status recipient, she is now 1st generation Caymanian and recognized as such.
The reports show what category these status grants appear in, every Caymanian child needs to apply for status both as a child and after 18, everyone marrying a Caymanian needs to apply for status, everyone applying for status by birthright is also included. There is a category under ‘naturalisation’ that could show the picture of how many previous expats were granted status, from 2009-2015 that total is about 1300, or about 200/year. so take your 10,700 number (over 14 years) and replace it with 200/year, is that too much?
Your understanding of the law is unfortunately way off base.
The stats do not appear to show the hundreds or even thousands of children of persons who have become Caymanian by entitlement after their parents are granted status. The making of someone Caymanian by entitlement is an act of the CIO, not any board.
Unfortunately wrong. Caymanian children are born with status. They do not have to apply for anything. Expatriate children who are born before their parent becomes Caymanian do have to be the subject of an application to become Caymanian, and then must apply again to continue it at age 18. It is the Chief Immigration Officer and not a Board which determines these children to be Caymanian. The statistics provided do not indicate how many expatriate children have become Caymanian in this way since 2001. There are believed to be possibly thousands in consequence of the cabinet status grants alone.
Racism is alive and well…right here in the Cayman Islands.
Caymanians’ biggest mistake was failing to realize we are nothing but ni**ers in the minds of many of our new “Caymanians”.
There is no question. These comments (and supporting thumbs votes) say it all.
*People don’t hate different or random nationalities in this way. This is much deeper. This is racism.
– Whodatis
(Before the comments are updated)
Not interested in any pointless debate on the matter.
Some can pretend as if this is not the simple truth – that is expected. We are yet to witness a self-professed racist in 2015, but the ongoing reality of the world (and Cayman) tells another story.
It is what it is.
In fact, the situation in Cayman is even more severe as those harbouring the hatred do so with a special dose of bitterness as they are forced to submit to the laws and processes of a people whom they despise.
Must be a very uncomfortable existence for many.
However, my primary concern is the awareness and welfare of my fellow Caymanians.
– Whodatis
(Child of an expat)
*I trust those that will take the time to address or “correct” my sentiments have also taken similar steps regarding previous posts in the thread that are indefensible examples of blatant bigotry. (However, for some strange reason that never happens. Instead we only see silent but concrete support from the CNS readership.)
The very epitomé of narcissism there. Your “truth” is but your opinion. But other than calling 25% of Caymanians racist, you don’t appear to have a point to make. Take your bitterness, anger etc and go and see a shrink, because that is where you can deal with your real problems.
If only your fight against discrimination, perceived or actual, kicked in on every occasion.
Why the inconsistency poster? Do share.
– Who
What was prophecied has come to pass.
Anyway, I have clearly stepped on a few toes out there. However, the offended should ask themselves WHY are they offended by my words?
For example, I am never offended by accusations (about myself) that I know to be false.
Just sayin’…
– Whodatis
P.S. I challenge ANYONE out there to post evidence of my alleged racism and bigotry towards “Brits” / whites, or any other race or nationality. It should be an easy task, if the recently posted (and well-supported) comments are anything to go by.
As you carry out your research, be sure to differentiate between “racism” and criticism of the British government / FCO and related entities. For if such acts are the qualifiers of racism, then practically every Brit is a “racist” as well.
*Nevertheless, what we are seeing here is nothing but the age-old trick of accusing those that dare to highlight blatant racism and prejudice of being racist and prejudiced. Lol!
It is either a defensive tactic or simply a go-around as the objectors actually agree with the racist and prejudiced sentiments – not sure which though.
Ah – the old challenge of proving you are racist. How many times have I seen this, only for your racism to be clearly highlighted with your own words. Here’s another example:
“Caymanians’ biggest mistake was failing to realize we are nothing but ni**ers in the minds of many of our new “Caymanians”.”
You do not know the mind of anyone other than yourself – and I sometimes wonder about that. To claim you know the minds of many new Caymanians is clearly wrong and to then state that those minds consider Caymanians ” ni**ers” is influenced by your own prejudice and is itself deeply racist.
If you truly believe you are not a rabid racist, you are far more delusional than even I imagine – and I have an active imagination.
And low, a self-proclaimed prophet is among us, talking about themselves in the third person.
Whodatis, the evidence is what you write on CNS, you moron.
Just see people as people. You don’t though and you have bigoted, nationalistic, racist views, always inciting further hatred and stirring up people’s emotions for your own agenda and self-satisfaction. You paint yourself as the victim and take any difference of opinion to yours as proof that you are right. You are one of the largest parts of the problem of this island, which extends to other parts of the world.
Ever heard ‘if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem’? How do you think you appear to others, when held up against that?
Ps: I may be Caymanian, I may be expat. I may be black, I may be white. I may not even live in Cayman. I am not going to give you the self-satisfaction of classifying me. Does that confuse your ability to respond without intolerant, judgemental, unfair, bias?
How does any of what you’ve said negate the clear evidence of bigoted remarks against Caymanians in this very thread?
Those were my focus. Clearly you took no issue with said remarks, but only with my observation thereof.
As you said to me; “…part of the problem”.
You could do with a bit of your own advice.
– Who
Oh dear Who-you have this wish to answer every slap in the face you get on here with some witty repartee or stunning revenge mark. You fail every time and it is getting sad to watch. Sometimes you just have to accept that there are people a lot smarter in the room than you and trying to prove otherwise just makes you look more of an idiot than your original comment did. I just know you will answer this too.
You’re an idiot.
The problem is that having had to live for a over a decade listening to the prejudiced pontifications of people like you, once you get the Status joker card it is hard not to be affected by past treatment.
I’ll tell you what is racist, typing “Caymanians” in quote marks to refer to Status holders. That is the “your driftwood” mentality. Aside from some political discrimination, which will be removed over time, these “Caymanians” as you refer to them are Caymanians and you are the one practising racism by fuelling discrimination on the basis of national origin and fan the flames of division by your crass generalisations. To be specific, I don’t think of anyone as “n*****s”, even if rappers want to use the term, but I do think you are a nasty p***k and would think that if you were white, black, or anything in between.
(Ok, to this post I will reply in order to clarify a misunderstanding on your part.)
My usage of “Caymanians” was not because I do not regard them as Caymanians, but because those that fall into my description clearly do not identify or align with Caymanians.
Btw, may I remind the room that Whodatis is the direct offspring of one such “paper Caymanian”, as typed by another respondent.
However, unlike so many readers on here, that particular former expat would NEVER EXPRESS or SUPPORT the DISGUSTING comments that have proven so popular in this very thread.
Anyway, everyone has a right to be what they wanna, right?
Kudos to the offended.
– Who
Because you know what each and every “Caymanian” thinks, right. or rather you ascribe to all of them a view you believe they hold. Nothing bigoted about that of course, oh no.
Magical coming from the biggest racist blogger in Cayman. Every word you write is a knife in the back of expats, PR holders and “paper Caymanians” and particularly bad towards the UK. If it made some sense i could understand it, but most of it is just rants backed up by facts distorted to suit your purpose. Who, make yourself a New Years resolution to grow up.
“People don’t hate different or random nationalities in this way. This is much deeper. This is racism.”
You said it buddy – I would be hard put to describe your attitude in a better way.
“Racism is alive and well…right here in the Cayman Islands.” Yes – and living passionately inside Whodatis’s head.
You don’t need to be a consultant psychologist to work out that what is going on is that Whodatis has very deep issues related to his British parent and that is the core of the anger problem.
You are truly committed to this belief of my alleged British parent, aren’t you poster?
You, sir / madame, are legend.
– Who
Racism is indeed alive and well here in Grand Cayman. As a ‘white’ person, I had never experienced it until I came to Cayman. I found it interesting that the ‘white’ Caymanians were racist against the ‘black’ Caymanians. Then it turned towards the expats. I’ve been here since 1991 and have seen the changes over the years and the anger towards us build and build. That next year (1992) was an election year and that was when we noticed the expat bashing begin in earnest. You could feel it at work and in the air. The politicians used it to their advantage in their campaign. It was and is disgusting but is now the norm. Caymanians even teach their children about the horrible expats so it is perpetuated throughout each generation.
After Ivan when the rollover (that always existed) began to be enforced, Cayman proceeded to get rid of those that helped keep us together and build us back up. Since then, the breed of expat that started flooding in to take those vacancies (which were not filled with Caymanians) has definitely changed for the worse. These are the expats that come for the money and don’t care about the core values of the islands. The zombies that want everything to look like Camana Bay and encourage building across WB Road, selling out government land and filling it with sand from Columbia. They look down upon those that are not as affluent as they are. Encouraging the divisiveness of expat against Caymanian.
Oh, the stories I could tell….
You seem to be racist.
New Cayman motto: “Out of many, one big mess”
“Founded on the seas as long as there is a little something in it for me”
In this case, Founded upon the fees, would be more apt.
a noble spirit embiggens the smallest man
“. . . but a cousin on a Board can aid the most talentless”
I’m a “First Blood” Caymanian professional who has come to realise that the word “Caymanian” is so diluted and confused now that I rather not even use it.
Im just a human.
That is 10,700 “driftwood” voters who won’t be voting PPM anytime soon thanks to xenophobes and bigots such as Osbourne and Eden. The politicians need to realize that the “New Caymanians” are all voters and pandering to prejudice is a way of the past and no way to win future elections. Time for a change in attitude and for all Caymanians “native” and “paper” to work together for the good of these islands for all.
I don’t want to be Caymanian, I just want to be able to permanently reside, after 10 years, run my micro- business, pay my annual fees and live on my paid for property. Is that do much?
No it’s not and Cayman has capacity for persons such as you and you should be encouraged. It’s the idea that we now have a system where in a short space of time Caymanians are now outnumbered, that is concerning. If we don’t get this right we will become like Jamaica and Bahamas where expats were run out because of resentment. None of us want that.
We’ll then you better take good look at who is trying to race out expats. Jamaicans are very influential on caymanians whether they are white and powerful or black and increasing in numbers and THEY are playing both sides….
So-called friends and claiming family link to caymanians BUT in private will make expats believe they too are ‘expats’ but are constantly pushing caymanians from top to bottom that British people are problem (Whodatis is the guide to how majority feel about British ) and Filipinos taking jobs from unskilled Jamaicans so caymanians are again ‘brainwashed’ to see that group as a problem.
We can look at our history and people to see how we treated expats but no one wants to admit the past 25 years have seen more Jamaicans here and new generation are mainly Jamaican so the majority if this hating is perpetuated by Jamaicans and other colonial haters and recent racist opportunistic racists (mainly from Australia South Africa and Canada ) if we are willing to look closely.
It’s just too bad people couldn’t just work here send not be forced to call themselves caymanian because that level of patriotism and concern for the islands seem impossible to embrace
Do us a favor poster; count the number of “Jamaica/ns” in your post.
You always reply to my posts with the same agenda.
BTW, as I have to keep reminding the seemingly slow contributors in the room, I criticise the British government and our “relationship” – not the British people.
Can you understand the difference?
– Whodatis
We really don’t care. We’ve gone home to the first world for Christmas. Cayman is just a means to easy money. Status or no status somewhere like that will never be home.
But Status is much better than that. You get someone else to run the business and you can leave and live where you want.
But this is where I want to live……on the property I paid for.
Over 2,000 people have become Caymanian since 2013….yet not one PR application has been looked at in the same period……
If you look at the statistics for 2009 – 2015, 1343 were granted status following naturalisation and the SAME NUMBER, 1327, through marriage to a Caymanian. Why is that fact not mentioned in the article?!
Well HOSS, dats cos all dem Caymanians drinking all our beer, marrying our women and won’t be none left for us soon. Dey making their own kind of driftwood.
And if you plan to move ahead with all the impressive projects that are being touted as the way forward in the Compass you better be prepared to grant a heck of a lot more in the coming years.
CNS – to contend that the status grants were a response to the pressure from the UK is not only wrong, but an imaginative rewriting of history. We all know what many of the cabinet grants were, and why they were dispensed that way.
There were expats that had contributed to the Cayman Islands for over 20 and 30 years and couldn’t vote and did not yet have permanent right of abode, so yes, it was a valid Human Rights issue. We can also accept that there were a minority of controversial hand-picked Cabinet Grants for political expediency that can never be revoked. This was 12 freekin’ years ago…what are you going to do about it? Time to let this go and move on everyone. Like it or not, these are Caymanians now.
The point was that the Cabinet grants were nothing to do with British pressure. I love you describing what happened as political expediency. There are alternative more accurate although lass polite descriptions.
They can be revoked, if they are not already void for illegality. The so called permanence of a cabinet status grant is a myth. They are as revocable as any other status grant.
Dream on with that one.
It would be interesting to know how many of these 10,700 are receiving assistance from social services.
There were also some expats who had never lived here and contributed nothing, and others who not only contributed nothing, but took, took, took. They have not changed.
There are also indications of entirely improper motivations for some of the grants. No formal investigation appears to have ever been made.
It is all a sick joke that caused, and continues to cause, untold harm.
Saddest is that most of the recipients were fully deserving, but there was a board that could and should have granted the status, and did to hundreds of persons the same year.
Not really true. At the time there were a handful of expats that had been here for 30 years. Those that were here from before 1970’s immigration law had status as of right not by grant! those few that were here in 2003 for 30 years did not justify what happened. Those expats back then gave of their time, loved the Islands and mixed well with the Caymanians. Not true now at all. And the older expats of those days long gone feel the same about the newer ones who arrived yesterday and have already started to demand their rights!
great news….. we haven’t come to take part…we have come to take over!
That is precisely why your a** will be kicked out as soon as your permit expires
too late caymankind…i’m permanent!……
Just what i thought. A permanent looney.
If you live here and make your living here, why must you be so rudely offensive. Please…..like us or leave us. It’s just as simple as that.
Some folks are simply not capable of that level of intelligence. I sincerely hope the powers that be are taking note of the garbage they are giving permanent residence to.
why was i treated like a second class citizen from them moment i set foot here….?
Most likely because you are a second class citizen.
Have you tried treating the people you FOUND here like something other than second class citizens?
Very interesting statistics and confirms what some of us suspected. Not sure how anyone should react to finding out that they are officially outnumbered in their own country. Is there a precedent for this? The PPM and UDP were really never forthcoming with the full implications of the rollover policy. Welcome to the new Caymanians. Based on how most of them qualified, they are our new elite Caymanians. Maybe this is a good thing but I doubt it. The stats show the majority in Cayman are work permit holders by significant numbers. This means that amongst the Caymanian numbers, which are a small number in relation to the overall populous, just over 10,000 of those had no connection to Cayman other than they started out as work permit holders. Very scary indeed. Hopefully we will all grow stronger through this.
Firstly, Cayman is a British overseas territory, not a country. So you are not outnumbered, just part of the UK. Secondly the so called “Caymanian” gene pool is very limited and unless there is fresh blood injected it will just die out altogether. In breeding has already caused more issues than you could possibly know. Thirdly, having Status means they are Caymanian-and there are black Caymanians, white and various other colours. Hopefully we will get some decent politicos soon.
No offence, but I am not sure how being born to an unskilled domestic, having a absent father, and having no education or stable income makes you one of the elite. You truly misunderstand how many of those 10,700 became Caymanian.
I am offended.
” they are officially outnumbered in their own country. ” Like pretty much every other major western civilization. The only way Caymanians will ever outnumber expats is if they all leave and that will never happen because this place cannot function without expat labour, and that is just a fact people need to accept. A great idea would be to become competitive against the expat labour instead of bitching and moaning like that will ever solve anything.
Pink on the map. Not “your country”.
The MLAs and Cabinet members that continue to blindly pander to an outdated xenophobic or homophobic or orthodox-rightwing Christian mentality, and/or continue to overtly buy church votes, are identifying with a diminishing core of aging voters. They are out of touch with the current more-liberal mindset of the modern electorate. Voters have more than doubled since 2001, and the newest 30% qualified AFTER the much lamented Status Grants of 2003, and under harder qualification requirements. Many are committed and sophisticated expat business and property owners that love Cayman and cannot be bought. They will not be excluded at the ballot box. The LA can’t pretend it’s 1993 anymore. We need to move forward through time and space with inclusive policy that improves the quality of life for all, not just the diminishing homophobic core that sell their votes for solar panels, and washing machines. Look at the numbers. http://www.electionsoffice.ky
Well I suspect based on your writing, you will do to Cayman what has been done to the very country you chose to flee from. You left there and came on a work permit and stayed here because presumably this was a better place with opportunities. We haven’t done everything right but we have done a lot that was good for a long time. This is still a place I want to raise my kids. They wouldn’t be kidnapped or taken from their front yard and then displayed on the milk carton later on as missing. Yes we have our troubles but we are a far cry from where you are from. Clearly you have little regard for us and sadly it sounds like you are here to stay. But be careful, for when you have finished the job of converting Cayman into the place you left…where will you go to next?
Where will I go to next? Tough one when the choices are –
Luxembourg, Switzerland, Tuscany, the Algarve, Cyprus, Malta,Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Singapore, Hong Kong, New Zealand, the Azores, Northern Spain, Danemark, Canada.
None have the same disproportionate amount of gun crime, robbery or road fatalities as Cayman. Additionally, the corruption and nepotism will be far lower than Cayman.
I am sure there are a few that I have missed.
A lot of those places are tax free and all come with history and culture.
Mauritius – same pay, cheaper living and without the bs
You would wish that were the case. The Politicians who stand up for the culture and beliefs of the majority of voting Caymanians will continue to be selected to represent us. These persons will not be bought and will not pander to those who come here seeking to force their hedonistic and un-godly ways on us. There are also a great many new Caymanians who are in support of those “dinosaurs” you refer to and who came here because the Caymanian way of life attracted them. those who choose to remain and live here adopt our culture while those who are here to make a quick buck and move on do just that after they spend their years here complaining about us and ridiculing us and basically being obnoxious and ungrateful. So to your comments I can only say this. Return from whence you came and stop trying to make Cayman as f*$#%^ up as the rest of the world you so love. To the “Church Pandering” politicians among us, I say keep up the strong representation and never weaken in your convictions, you are carrying out your work as God expected and the people will support you for as long as you do this.
All others beware… 2017 is coming
Whats happening in 2017? The Rapture?
Darlin You need us. Say what you want, but we pay your bills.
In that case I am seriously missing out. Can I have your mailing address please?
So let me get this straight, you state that the rest of the world is f@$cked up but Cayman should stay normal!
That is an interesting concept indeed.
Would have been easier to just say “white (former) expats”.
Skin colour does not impair the ability of humans to learn and work hard. It’s almost 2016. The many inclusive people that recognize that fact are the ones making a tangible contribution to the Cayman Islands. The others living in 1992, are going backwards into a racism-fueled, turtle-poaching, homophobic pit, of anger, resentment, and criminal proclivity. To them, I say: forgive us if we leave you off the Christmas Card list (again) this year.
Excellent comment. I went through the full WP, PR and Status process over 17 years. I have invested in a home and own a business that employs more than 50% Caymanians. Time to move this country forward for all future generations.
For a backwards, xenophobic, barbaric heck of a hell-hole, we sure are popular!
– Whodatis
weather & friendly expats……thats why we are here….
They want to get rid of the natives for a few more locals….
Who-that’s just our reaction to you. Everyone else we love. Could be a reason for that.
Very few people want to come here. You can’t blame the few people who do come here for wanting to economically improve their lives. It wasn’t too long ago that your grandparents arrived here, too. This country isn’t very old.
Territory. Not country. They know with independence it would all go to sxxx.
Agree with previous poster–most of us don’t want to live here, we just want to do the job we’re being paid to do and then leave. This doesn’t mean we’re bad people who are taking your money and not giving back–we’re giving our effort for pay; it’s called working. This is a tiny speck of a place with very little to do and not much culture to speak of. The beaches are dirty, SMB is overdeveloped WAY too close to the water line, and lined with the most unfriendly “STAY OUT” signs at each resort along the way that you feel like you’re trespassing just taking a walk. It’s overpriced, crime is high, and it looks like South Florida. I wouldn’t choose to vacation here or live here permanently. You can find friendly people most places if you approach them with kindness and mutual respect (mutual being the key word). American tourists come here because of cheap airfare, because it’s quick to get here, and because it’s a BOT, which they perceive to be safer than other places (same as the USVI, BVI). If you want to keep the place all to yourselves, declare independence; we’ll all be out of here quicker than you can blink, and you can compete for the tourists who visit Jamaica. I will support you, as it matters not a whit to me one way or the other.
Get over yourself! All are here as work brought them here. Just like the Bahamas was back in the day. What happened there? I recall that the Lyndon Pidling administration managed to steer the finance industry out of town and towards the next politically stable overseas territory.
This could have been any of them. Now the Bahamas is rife with gun crime, travel warnings, gated communities and Chinese owned businesses.
Strange how quickly things change.
great news for a small island nation with a tiny population with a lack of hardworking, well educated nationals….
To make things worse its getting filled up with ignorant, greedy expatriate lunatics.
In other words; Hard working, educated, and friendly people who you don’t like.
You said before they didn’t exist.
Sorry but we really do not need hard working educated friendly folks who do absolutely nothing but discredit us to justify their existence in our country.
Agreed 3:20am. Well said!
You are referring to the UK?
No I think the UK is slowly following US and allowing so many immigrants expats that the white natives are becoming a minority
Not good news where overwhelming majority are poor and uneducated or poor and educated (teachers, recent lawyers) who get the professional jobs and the others become a burden