Raffles legalised in add-on to gambling bill
(CNS): The Legislative Assembly has approved amendments to the gambling law that not only facilitates the registering of cruise ships with casinos onto the local shipping registry but also permits local voluntary organisations, churches and service clubs to hold lawful raffles. For many years, charities, religious institutions and other non-profit organisations have held raffles and draws to raise funds for good causes in breach of the gambling law.
Although Ezzard Miller, who proposed a number of additional amendments to the gambling law, was not present in the LA on Wednesday, Financial Services Minister Wayne Panton adopted his proposal to legalise raffles when he brought the amendment bill to address the issue facing the Cayman Islands Shipping Register that was preventing it from attracting cruise line business.
Panton did not adopt Miller’s proposal to legalise the numbers games and collect fees from the sale and winnings because, he said, government had not changed its policy on gambling. However, he wanted to legitimise raffles that raise money for community programmes and initiatives.
The raffle amendment was tagged onto the Gambling Amendment Bill, 2015, which will excluded registered vessels from the gambling laws here when they are in international waters.
During the committee stage the minister amended his bill to remove the application of the law regarding raffles held by voluntary organisations as well as passenger ships.
“It has been recognized for a very long time that raffles were held for good causes and raising funds legitimately, but technically the gambling law had applied,” he said, noting that Miller had wanted to take it much further but government was only going to legitimise raffles.
Panton explained that the amendments would also provide for regulations dealing with the conduct or licensing of raffles if it becomes necessary but it would not be a requirement.
The bill essentially legitimising raffles and draws for charity and ensure that there is no longer any risk that charities, churches or any voluntary not-for-profit groups could be prosecuted for a fundraising draw.
Ok so gambling is coming, what about prostitutions and brothels?
Did Jesus run raffles?
I rather suspect raffles were not around in the days of Jesus. I am happy if service clubs, churches and sports clubs use this method as a fund raiser provided there is a proper control on the use of those funds. That is really the crux of the matter.
Can we legalize friendly private poker games between friends? 5-20 people 25-50 dollar buyins. Tired of breaking the law every month.
boycott all raffles until gaming is legalised…..
Now let’s get casinos here.. Make sure we give a piece to the churches and they’ll lobby for us!
Can we have a raffle to raise funds in support of same sex marriage?
Hypocrites don’t get any bigger than the church. Case in point.
Charge the churches and other organisations a fee – haven’t heard of any churches going bankrupt – they always seem to have money for preachers and never-ending revivals.
Double standards in governance!
I can’t believe they facilitate the churches greed yet again. Pathetic.
Yawn … For the love of money, and seeing the rise in the cost of living, this law will grow to include other forms of gambling. Just wait. Time will tell.
Before you know it, folk will start saying, how can churches do their thing and our thing is not considered a “good cause” ??? All like the game Numbers is a big thing already on the island. Even civil servants are said to be playing the game.
Yes, I won’t be surprised some of the MLAs are in the mix, including those who say they don’t want nothing to do with McKeeva Bush. :))
People are saying that already Unison! Why not legalize a National Lottery? It’s basically the same thing-buying a raffle ticket to Gamble……the money can be used for excellent purposes (Education etc)…
Maybe it’s the Churches hitting your ‘troll’ button because any other inclusions would take away from their coffers 🙂
Look, gambling is gambling is gambling – whether it’s the Local Vicar selling the raffle tickets or not !
Funny how the churches are in full support of gambling where their own monetary interests are concerned.
But woe be onto the rest of you sinners………
Is the LA going to legalize the commercial raffles run by for profit companies too or are we going to let FLOW continue to bombard us with texts encouraging us to pay to enter a “contest” by sending a text? Just $1 per text for a chance to win this week’s prize.
Paying money for a chance to win is prize is gambling, right? No matter who does it.
A rose by any other name, indeed.
Don’t worry, I’m sure our hardworking DPP is on the case… oh
Not only Flow, but Digicel.
They say money flows…huh! So that’s why the name change. Hmmm.
All together now:
? It doesn’t show signs of stopping
And I’ve bought some corn for popping
The lights are turned way down low
Let It Flow! Let It Flow! Let It Flow! ?