Tag: Trafalgar Place

Rezone will increase pressure on 7M Public Beach

Rezone will increase pressure on 7M Public Beach

| 13/10/2022 | 151 Comments

(CNS): Parliament has voted to rezone several parcels of land by Seven Mile Public Beach that will allow for ten-storey development and ultimately increase the pressure on one of only a handful of remaining places where people can still freely access Seven Mile Beach. The site of the RBS Coutts Building and Trafalgar Place is […]

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Hotel re-zone sought near Seven Mile Public Beach

Hotel re-zone sought near Seven Mile Public Beach

| 28/10/2020 | 67 Comments

CNS): The owners of Trafalgar Place, a commercial development on the West Bay Road, have applied to the Central Planning Authority to have the block and parcels re-zoned as hotel-tourism, which could pave the way for another major hotel development close to the Seven Mile Public Beach. The CPA was due to consider the application […]

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