Tag: Tammy Banks-DaCosta

Students under investigation over ‘edibles’

Students under investigation over ‘edibles’

| 10/05/2021 | 32 Comments

(CNS): Police have opened an investigation after a group of students at the Clifton Hunter High School became ill last week after consuming what is suspected to be sweet-goods that contained ganja. The case was referred to the RCIPS by the Department of Education Services, and while two students have been excluded from school, a […]

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‘Modest’ improvement in school exam results

‘Modest’ improvement in school exam results

| 10/11/2020 | 17 Comments

(CNS): Government officials said “modest gains” were made by Year 11 and 12 high school students in their external examination results this year. By the end of Year 12, 86% of the Class of 2020 had attained Level 2 passes (Grades I, II or III) in English, compared to just over 75% last year. Results […]

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