Tag: poor relief

Poor law rename much more than cosmetic
(CNS): The deputy chief officer in the Ministry of Community of Affairs, André Ebanks, has said that the overhaul of the outdated poor law desperately needs a name change and it that will be much more than just a bit of cosmetic tinkering. Appearing before the Public Accounts Committee last week, the senior ministry official, […]

Poor Persons (Relief) Law under review
(CNS): Government has confirmed a review of the Persons (Relief) Law (1997 Revision), which governors the current social welfare support provided to people by the Needs Assessment Unit. Responding in a ‘government minute’ to the findings of the Public Accounts Committee on a report by the Office of the Auditor General, which found a number […]

NAU clients need review as benefits increase
(CNS): Payments to those on social assistance are due to increase by $100 this month, from $550 to $650, following a government commitment in the 2018/19 budget. But some clients of the Needs Assessment Unit receiving monthly poor relief must be reassessed before they can get the increased allowance if they have not been assessed […]