Tag: passports
Local seniors to get free passports
(CNS): Cayman Islands passport holders aged 65 and over will no longer have to pay passport fees after Cabinet amended the relevant regulations following a recommendation by the Council of Older Persons made some two years ago. The order waives fees for first-time applications and renewals of British Overseas Territory Citizen (Cayman Islands) passports, change […]
Biometric passport issue resolved with new service
(CNS) The Governor’s Office has put in place a permanent solution to the challenge of taking biometric data for visa and British citizenship applications. This was thrown into turmoil by the pandemic because UK staff were unable to visit the Cayman Islands. The new service will start tomorrow at the Genesis Building in central George […]
BOT passports now need ‘live’ signatures
(CNS): From now on, when people receive their new British or British Overseas Territories Citizens (BOTC) passports, they will have to physically sign them, as the UK passport office has dropped the digital signature in preference of a ‘live’ one. The new “sign after receipt” policy means that a new passport must be signed by […]
Local passport production moves to UK
(CNS): Cayman Islands passports will no longer be produced on-island and applications for new or renewals of local passports will now be sent to the UK. Officials said that from Friday 8 May the local Passport and Corporate Services Office in George Town will no longer accept C1 and C2 application forms.