Tag: nurse shark

Entangled nurse shark in need of help
(CNS): The Department of Environment is asking the diving and snorkelling community to look out for a nurse shark that became entangled in a thick mesh bag which found its way into the sea. The DoE team said they are already doing their best to locate and assist the shark but so far they have […]

Nurse shark killed in ghost net
(CNS): A couple paddle-boarding in South Sound on Saturday alerted the Department of Environment about a ghost net floating in the sea that had ensnared several sharks, one of which was dead.

Lionfish culler bitten by nurse shark
(CNS Local Life): A diver taking part in the Cayman United Lionfish League (CULL) tournament today (Saturday, 31 August) was bitten by a nurse shark, suffering a serious injury to the back of his knee. Paul Egleston (70), who is a CULL board member and experienced diver, was hunting lionfish when the shark began aggressively […]

Seven sharks killed or injured in local waters
(CNS): Over the last few months four sharks have been found dead in Cayman Islands waters and another three badly injured. Researchers at the Department of Environment believe an increase in the appearance of the marine predators in local waters is leading to more encounters between them and fishermen. The DoE research team, Shark Conservation […]

Cayman dive instructor pulls knife from shark
(CNS): Reef Divers’ Brett Johnson has become an internet hero after footage of him pulling a kitchen knife out of a 3-ft nurse shark’s head on a dive with a group of visitors at the end of last month went viral. Johnson, who had spotted the knife sticking straight up from the poor shark’s head […]