Tag: Mount Trashmore

Poster competition to kick off waste-awareness
(CNS): As the Cayman government inches its way towards the creation of a waste management strategy and a private sector partner to help implement it, the government is targeting the younger generation for its first awareness programme about more sustainable ways of managing waste. Before public consultation begins towards the end of this month on […]

Crews remove heated concrete from dump
(CNS): As firefighters and landfill personnel were keeping a close watch on the dump Tuesday, crews removed a large chunk of heated concrete which officials said was causing more hotspots in the wake of Sunday’s surface fire. The first fire at ‘Mount Trashmore’ this year on Sunday was brought under control quite quickly but the […]

Systems and new kit help mitigate fire
(CNS): The latest dump fire was contained within an hour, government officials have claimed, pointing to improvements in the team and upgraded equipment. A small surface fire ignited at the George Town landfill on Sunday around lunchtime but fire crews were on the scene fighting the flames before 1pm, and with help from the Department […]

Fire crews dispatched as dump burns
(CNS): Firefighters were back at the dump Sunday afternoon to tackle yet another blaze at the George Town landfill site. Staff at the main fire station confirmed that several crews had been dispatched to tackle the blaze but they were unable to reveal any details about the fire or exactly where it was, as the firefighters […]

$450k compactor to address dump issues
(CNS): The director of the Department of Environmental Health, Roydell Carter, said the investment in a new $450,000 compactor for the George Town dump and ten new garbage trucks expected at the end of this month are all desperately needed to help address the myriad issues faced in recent years by his department. Carter and Premier Alden McLaughlin, […]