Tag: International Blue Iguana Day

Blue iguanas begin working on the next generation
(CNS): The blue iguana nesting season has begun, the experts at the Blue Iguana Conservation (BIC) facility at the Botanic Park said in a press release a week before International Blue Iguana Day. Lady Pop, a 33-year-old blue Iguana, has begun excavations for her nest and, along with her younger partner, 17-year-old Iggy Stardust, have […]

‘Charles’ the blue iguana released into the wild
(CNS): The National Trust for the Cayman Islands (NTCI) and Blue Iguana Conservation (BIC) have released a blue iguana named Charles into the Colliers Wilderness Reserve in East End. The endangered blue was set free just before the third annual International Blue Iguana Day when over 50 countries celebrate Grand Cayman’s endemic iguana.

Iconic blues get their own international day
(CNS): The endangered blue iguanas now have their own annual international day, even though they exist in the wild only in the Cayman Islands. The bid to put this iconic reptile on the world stage follows international efforts over the years that have contributed toward bringing this species back from the brink of extinction. The […]