Tag: District Councils

All MLAs to review district council law

All MLAs to review district council law

| 19/10/2020 | 43 Comments

(CNS): Premier Alden McLaughlin and opposition MLA Kenneth Bryan (GTC) came to a compromise in the Legislative Assembly on Thursday over a private member’s motion to immediately implement the long outstanding legislation providing for district councils. Bryan brought the motion because there is popular demand for these MLA advisory bodies, but the law, passed in […]

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MLA creates district council in Newlands

MLA creates district council in Newlands

| 29/01/2018 | 45 Comments

(CNS): MLA Alva Suckoo has established a district council in his constituency of Newlands after, he said, a number of individuals reached out to him to volunteer, including his former competitor in the 2017 General Election, Raul Gonzales. Suckoo, the deputy opposition leader, said he is not prepared to wait on government to decide how it […]

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District councils ‘high on agenda’ for PPM

District councils ‘high on agenda’ for PPM

| 20/09/2017 | 15 Comments

(CNS): The formation of district councils is “high on the agenda” for next year, Premier Alden McLaughlin told his Red Bay constituents at a public meeting Saturday night, but government has to decide how to structure them. He said that West Bay had been the only district where one had been established but that government […]

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Premier promises funding for 19 district councils

Premier promises funding for 19 district councils

| 12/04/2017 | 70 Comments

(CNS): The creation of district councils in the new single-member constituencies will be given a financial boost if the Progressives are re-elected, the premier revealed at the PPM national conference Saturday. During his speech, Alden McLaughlin announced that if returned to government, his party would be amending the district councils law and allocating a budget […]

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District council law changes shelved until after election

District council law changes shelved until after election

| 01/12/2015 | 6 Comments

(CNS): The government plans to amend the district councils law to make the process more democratic but will not get to the amendments during this term. Premier Alden McLaughlin supported a motion in the Legislative Assembly brought by the independent member Ezzard Miller about revising the legislation passed by the UDP administration to introduce some […]

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