Tag: Braccanal

Minister flip-flops over carnivals
(CNS): Despite insisting that government wanted Grand Cayman’s rival adult carnivals consolidated into one weekend, Dwayne Seymour, the minister responsible for culture, has announced another change of plan. Now Batabano will be held on Saturday, 9 May, CayMas on Monday, 18 May (Discovery Day), and the carnival on Cayman Brac will take place as planned […]

Cops face crime spree on Cayman Brac
(CNS): Seven people have been arrested on Cayman Brac over the last two weeks for various offences, from ABH to cultivating ganja. Five people were arrested during the Braccanal Carnival festivities alone, which took place earlier this month. A 25-year-old man from the Brac was arrested and has since been charged with assault ABH and […]