Tag: Ask Auntie
Can people fundraise if not non-profit?
Isn’t it illegal under the Cayman Islands charity law to solicit funds from the public without a charity licence or registration?
What is my recourse for a consumer complaint?
I’ve been dealing with a store clerk for over a month now about an unravelling designer bag that is still under the designer’s warranty. The clerk has told me the manager is dealing with my complaint however the manager has not responded to me or returned any of my requests for her to call me. […]
How is the decision made to deport someone?
When someone on a work permit is convicted of a crime here, why don’t they get automatically deported after they complete their sentence? I have read articles on expats committing crimes where they are ordered to be deported once they get out of prison and others where that doesn’t seem to be the case. What […]
Should you call the police after a car accident?
If involved in a car accident, if there is damage to persons or vehicle, must the police be called to attend? Also, what if I witnessed an accident, must I stay till the police arrive or can I just leave contact details?
How to complain about discriminatory job ad?
A job ad was published in the print news asking specifically for a man (see photo below). The Cayman Labour Law states that discrimination based on sex is illegal yet this company makes being male the first requirement to fill the position. Clearly this is wrong and illegal. But what agency polices this kind of […]
How do you request a new bus stop?
I pass buses everyday who pull over at the yellow crossing on West Bay Road outside the medical school residence hall. Students stand at the crossing waiting for the bus, which is dangerous as cars don’t know if students are crossing or not and it’s an accident waiting to happen. The buses also block the […]
How will Health City deal with waste from cancer centre?
Health City is going to build a cancer centre. Is it going to have a specially designed independent sewage treatment plant that includes disinfection and residue removal zones? Where will final effluent be disposed? Wastewater from hospitals can contain traces of anything from viruses and multi-resistant bacteria to medical contrast agents and chemicals for cancer […]
What dive sites are affected by enhanced marine areas?
It’s great that the Cayman government and the Department of the Environment plan to significantly expand and enforce the protected marine areas and increase the no-fishing and no-diving zones. But I am finding it difficult to read and interpret the maps released by the DoE with the overlapping protected zones. Can you provide a list […]
Why make it so difficult to see the royals?
I have been reading how there are going to be many opportunities for the public to see Prince Charles and Camilla during the royal visit this week, and we are being encouraged to attend events and greet them. However, I have also read about the numerous traffic diversions and parking restrictions that are being put […]
Are taxis getting meters?
Quite some time ago there was discussion that taxis were to install meters. Did that go away and why?
Shocked by rises in rent
Is there any government body we can appeal to about these crazy rent increases? I just found out my rent is going up another $200 from the $300 it went up last year! Other people I know have had their rent go up by $700. This is crazy! How is anyone expected to live with […]