CNS Comment Policy

Please include your email address in the comment form if you are using your real name. You can use a pseudonym, with or without leaving an email address, or just leave the form blank to be “Anonymous”. All comments will be moderated before they are published.

The comments posted do not necessarily reflect the views of CNS or any individual staff member. All comments are posted subject to approval by CNS. We never censor based on political or ideological point of view, but we do try to maintain a sensible balance between free speech and responsible moderating.

We will delete those comments that:

  1. contain any material which violates or infringes the rights of any person, is defamatory or harassing or include ad hominem attacks.
  2. a reasonable person would consider abusive, profane or offensive.
  3. contain material which violates or encourages others to violate any applicable law
  4. promote hatred of any kind.
  5. contain opinion as to the guilt or innocence of people arrested or charged with a crime or anything else that could be considered sub judice.
  6. contain links to “chain letters”, pornographic or obscene movies or graphic images
  7. are excessively long and off-message.
  8. unreasonably suggest that someone is unpatriotic or against the Cayman Islands because they hold an opposing view.
  9. “dare” or “challenge” CNS to post the comment — pet hate of the moderator, usually written by the courageously anonymous. Automatically deleted, whatever the content.
  10. promote conspiracy theories that are, in the opinion of the moderator, ridiculous.
  11. make no sense.

We may delete those comments that:

  1. are essentially unsubstantiated rumour. “I have documents that prove that….”, “I was witness to….”, “I know this for a fact…..”, and especially “I heard it on the marl road….” are not necessarily sufficient “proof” for CNS. However, this is up to the discretion of the moderator.
  2. are annoying to read. Please avoid hitting that caps lock button, highlighting parts of the comment in bold or posting in different font or colours.
  3. have too many links or reproduce large chunks of copy. Including one or two links is OK, but our comment section is for readers’ opinions, not to highlight news and views from around the web.
  4. have descended into bickering between commenters (which generally makes tedious reading).

Please also note: If we receive a comment that indicates an intent to commit an act of violence or any other criminal act, or incites others to do so, we may contact and fully cooperate with law-enforcement agencies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I posted a comment. Why can’t I see it on the site?

A: Because we have a very small staff at CNS, we sometimes only have time to moderate comments a couple of times through the day. (During a hurricane or some other unusual event this may be much more infrequent). Please be patient – we do try to post the comments regularly.

Q: I am sure my comment did not break any CNS comment policy rules. Why wasn’t it posted?

A: Look though the above list again. It may be that with a slight change and resubmission CNS will post the comment. Alternatively, you can email your comment to and we will reconsider posting or explain why it was not posted.

Q: I’ve noticed a comment that I think the moderator should have deleted. Why was it posted?

A: There is sometimes a fine line between free speech and hate speech and on occasion this can be a difficult call. Generally, if there is any doubt, especially if there is any possibility that the comment is defamatory, the moderator will delete it. However, if you think we have made the wrong decision and you find a comment offensive, please email and we will reconsider.

Q: Why do you allow people to post anonymously?

A: Unfortunately, many people in the Cayman Islands, both expatriate and Caymanian, feel that using their real names might jeopardize their livelihoods. In addition, in a small community like ours, many are reluctant to put their names to comments that might create ill will, and we feel that people should have the opportunity to voice their concerns and opinions without fear of retribution. On the other hand, a comment that is made by someone who has the courage to put their name to it has much greater impact and we encourage those who really care about the Cayman Islands to stand up for what they believe in. However, we do not allow commenters to use this website merely to insult others under the cover of anonymity – though we give more wriggle room if they are critising politicians or political parties or if the comment is funny (our call).