PPM-Alliance with easier road to government

| 15/04/2021

(CNS): By 11pm Wednesday the count was in and Roy McTaggart was on track to be the next Cayman Islands Premier after the PPM-Alliance secured eight seats. Although they don’t have a majority, several of the independents that were returned have already indicated their willingness to support a PPM-led government, meaning that for the second time Cayman has voted for a majority of independents and ended up with the Progressives taking office.

With fewer losses on the PPM side than expected, and since both opposition leader Arden McLean and Ezzard Miller lost to candidates that have already indicated a willingness to support the PPM-Alliance, McTaggart appears to have the easiest path to the premiership.

With Jay Ebanks (North Side) and Isaac Rankine (East End) inside the Alliance tent, McTaggart can form a majority government and appoint a speaker from outside. Speculation has been mounting for several weeks that the job will be going to Tara Rivers.

While Wayne Panton and Chris Saunders could try to pull a government together, not all of the independents that have been returned had engaged with either of their groups prior to the election to shore up a potential agreement.

Andre Ebanks, the new member for West Bay South and a former PPM member, has remained tight lipped about his likely allegiances, as has Sabrina Turner, who ousted Austin Harris in a tight three-way race in Prospect.

Meanwhile, McKeeva Bush now looks to be on the outside of the political horsetrading, if indeed any is required, and may find few political allies on either side of the political aisle in what will be his eighth term in office representing a West Bay constituency.

See the full results here.


Category: Election News

Comments (57)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    We really do not need anymore PPM. God help us Caymanians if they get back in power. What is the matter with these people here voting them back in. Also shame on any of the Independents who join in with them. So disgusted with them.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Wayne, Heather, Sabrina, Kathy congrats and I know you will do the right thing and work hard for your people and country.

    Austin, Arden, Alva, Eugene, Tara good riddance!

    Ezzard, cannot believe you lost your seat. You were the only one trying to keep them honest. You will be missed! Thanks for your service.

    Bush, you are a disgrace to politics and Cayman but sadly you do not have enough sense to realize this. You dillusional little creep

    Kenneth without you we would have gotten rid of McKeeva but you made a very selfish decision. Smart people won’t forget that.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well said, exactly right! Unfortunately, if Tara is being considered to be speaker of the house, big mistake!

    • Anonymous says:

      How on this earth Seymour is still in is beyond comprehension – multi-lingual donkey voters!

  3. Anonymous says:

    I am Caymanian but any country that reelects a convicted woman beater and a complete idiot (the donkey) in my opinion is just backwards. Embarrassed and disgusted.

  4. Anonymous says:

    4 more years of rampant environmental destruction. 4 more years of insider deals and back-handers. 4 more years of increasing traffic issues. 4 more years of dodgy planning decisions.

    And a re-elected, convicted women beater.

    Well done Cayman!

  5. Anonymous says:

    With few exceptions people who condone violence against women were given green light…again..

    Women hugging in joy M Bush are disgusting!

  6. Anonymous says:

    At the end of the day the People get the Government they deserve.

  7. Anonymous says:

    NS made a mistake by dismissing Ezzard. Yes, the impetus was for “change”, especially from some of the old (and useless) guard. But Ezzard was very relevant and fit-for-purpose. Well educated, intelligent and VERY well versed in Parliamentary processes. I’d like to see Jay come even close to representing us at Commonwealth Parliamentary Assoc. or even the PAC, etc…!!

    Anyway, the people have spoken!

    I’m in WBW and we nearly had redemption! But WBN & WNC spoke for us. WNS also elected a good man!

    Someone please get McKeeva a warm blanket – he’s out in the cold! Although, Wednesday night he was “cruising” Andre’s victory celebs, trying to get an early shot at horse-trading!

    • Anonymous says:

      Mac crashed the WBS celebrations and was quickly aware that he was not welcome. So dissappeared within minutes.

  8. JTB says:

    So now we know.

    It’s not just our politicians who think it’s ok to beat up women.

    The voters agree.

    What a truly sad day for these islands.

    • Anonymous says:

      it is tragic, to say the least…

    • Anonymous says:

      Our politicians are people just like us. Most Caymanians are dumb and so are our politicians.

      • Anonymous says:

        I’m Caymanian and I have to agree with your analysis that most of us are dumb. Preach about change but keep electing the same people.

        • Anonymous says:

          I’m Caymanian and certainly NOT dumb! So please say “a lot”, “many”, if you wish but NOT most!!


          • Anonymous says:

            Lol – it is possible that “most” excludes you – and me! – and many others. However, “most” only means 50% + 1 and sadly, I would easily agree with “most.”

          • Anonymous says:

            These election results would suggest otherwise. And if you are relatively smart, it’s even worse that you vote for politicians who you know don’t have the best interest of country at heart, and are just selling us out.

          • Anonymous says:

            These election results would suggest otherwise. And if you are relatively smart and still voted PPM, then that’s even worse.

    • Anonymous says:

      Women beating is cultural, just like having multiple side pieces. Expats need to accept it, ignore it or leave. You aren’t in Kansas anymore, but unfortunately this isn’t the land of Oz.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Get ready for more nonsense from ppm. You can’t complain cause you keep voting them in. Another 4 years and maybe something will get done again. Lame.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Wayne Panton for Premier!!!

    But overall I am disgusted with the results.

  11. Anonymous says:

    So Mr. McTaggart retired from KPMG in 2012, almost 10 years ago. Today he is ripe to govern a country!!! ???

    A gerontocracy is a form of oligarchical rule in which an entity is ruled by leaders who are significantly older than most of the adult population.

    • JTB says:

      Roy won’t be making any decisions. He’s just a puppet dancing on Alden’s string.

    • Anonymous says:

      The man is, at most, 61 years old… not a geriatric by any standard.

      Get over it… move on … the average age of the Cayman voter is 50+years

      Do your maths.

    • Anonymous says:

      But yet age discrimination still exists for ‘ordinary’ citizens trying to find work!!

  12. Anonymous says:

    So many people seemingly disappointed in democracy.

    • Anonymous says:

      These are not normal people – really a combination of losers/keyboard warriors-bloggers – not really independent objective voters.

      It’s to be expected…it too will pass.

      The fact remains that no matter how any of us feel about the results – it’s plain and simple democracy.

      Get over it…. move on!

  13. Anonymous says:

    Great comeback for Panton. We’ll have to see if Heather stays on the lifeboat with him or runs down the passerelle to join the PPM crew.

  14. ppm Distress Signal says:

    Wayne for premier let’s change direction No ppm rubbish the voters want change not a ppm hegemony of another 4 years of more environment destruction that Alden surely will allow!

    • Anonymous says:

      👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 voting buttons are not working

    • Anonymous says:

      You might have wanted change, but it is quite obvious that the majority of voters are happy with the PPM/Progressives. It now looks like Alden’s decision to call early elections was a stroke of genius. Not only did they turn back the challenges of people like Johann, Alric, Sammy and Emily, they got rid of two big pains in their side in Ezzard and Arden, and have relegated McKeeva to lonely opposition where no one will want to sit with him on the other side of the aisle. This could hardly have gone better for the PPM (I am sure they aren’t mourning the loss of blowhard Austin) and will allow them to impart their will on the country a lot easier. If anything, this election solidifies the Progressives hold on the country, probably for a generation more the way single member constituencies work on small-island countries. Look for 8 years of Roy McTaggart being Premier followed by 8 years of Joey Hew being Premier. The Progressives are deeply entrenched now – at least until the generation of Boomers who love them dies off.

      • Anonymous says:

        Just glad a certain candidate from George Town North didn’t get in, we don’t need his style in our local politics.

        • Anonymous says:

          I hear what you’re saying, but corrupt is not a style we should embrace either!

  15. Anonymous says:

    Ppm need to be in opposition yes we see Dart newspaper pushing their return wow! Cayman if they return our environment is F#@&

  16. Anonymous says:

    It is presumptuous to assume that the PPM can thread this needle. A lot of horse trading to be done and the Indies have a much better shot with some of the old Egosaurs gone or made irrelevant.

    Egosaur: An old dinosaur politician with an inflated sense of self-importance.

  17. Angus says:

    The people have spoken and we expect that the winners will be given a chance.

    Lets give thanks to Ezzard and Arden. They have shown us that you should not run past your sell date. A Good lesson for Mac.

  18. We coming fe ya says:

    The race is not for the swift all eyes are on this Alliance. There will be a stronger force to deal with within the next 4 years. So you better be better than good Ppm, because we are gearing up to take you out. Selah

  19. Anonymous says:

    In Belgium, people are liable for prosecution for failing to attend the polling stations on voting day; they can leave a blank ballot or indicate “none”, but they face a hefty fine for failing to register or failing to cast a ballot. There’s a new revenue stream for the Caymanian government.

    • Anonymous says:

      It wouldn’t make a damn difference. Most people here seem to love voting in the same stupid/corrupt politicians, and I’ll never understand why. You reap what you sow, that’s all I can say.

      • Anonymous says:

        “Most people here seem to love voting in the same stupid/corrupt politicians,”

        I have to disagree with that statement. Quite frequently I see one stupid/corrupt politician replaced with another.

  20. I’m disgusted says:

    Bleeping sickening!
    A measly 73% of registered voters casted a ballot and obviously many of them are not fit to choose candidates – a convicted criminal, a friend of illegal substances, someone who pandered to gender over someone with solid and proven results, and two representatives that have done very little or nothing at all for their GT constituencies in four years. Then we have idjiots saying the election system is broken?! No! It is some of the voters that have no eyes or brains to see that they keep giving the power to the same people who have us eating $@#* by voting them back in. Bleeping insane!

    • Anonymous says:

      The Elections Law bars a lot of good Caymanian candidates from running for office, which means the field is held to an artificially small and unappetising cabal, mostly reshuffled every four years. There is no functioning opposition, and most laws are passed in private caucus without any Legislative Assembly debate. That’s not on the voters, those deliberate limitations were formulated by our past leadership. When there is no good choice, I don’t blame people for spoiling their ballots by not showing. It seems that 27% of the duly enumerated voting population looked at their candidates and made that difficult choice. That is diagnostic information that should not go to waste, or be dismissed entirely as apathy.

  21. Anonymous says:

    So sad. All we have to look forward to is more of the same.

    • Anonymous says:

      Exponentially more of the same! Here come the skyscrapers and I wouldn’t be surprised if the Port project resurrects itself in a couple of years!

  22. Anonymous says:

    I was so fearful that someone like Johann Moxam would get in. Phew. People saw through his blow hard ways, his diviseness and nasty temperament. Thank God.

    • Anonymous says:

      Lacky do nothing Hew is better?

      • Anonymous says:

        The Lodge cabal grows stronger and stronger. Parliament is rife Cayman’s deep state secret society members like Hew. If you’re not in with this crowd, it’s probably best to leave town now.

  23. Anonymous says:

    So Alden lost two of his elected Alliance Members and picked up 3 more, NS/EE/WBS. You can’t make this shit up.

    Bad to worse..

    Anyone that couldn’t see these sheep in wolves clothing as Alliance/PPM members must be blind.

  24. Anonymous says:

    I hope the independents can pull this together but I think Alden was smart to put plants in EE NS and WBS. They will all fall in line for whatever he promised them if they won. If he doesn’t give them the seats they want he will throw them by the wayside and pick up MAC again.

    With that being said the PPM did win their seats but must of those were in very tight races which should send a very clear signal to them that the people want change and we do not want to continue with the same old style PPM Politics.

    For those independents, with the exception of John John, that will join the PPM, I trust that you all know you won because people in your districts wanted change and that change should mean more than joining up with the PPM to secure a ministerial seat.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Caymanian elections. Proof that there are more stupid people than smart people.

    • Anonymous says:

      Boris Johnson, Donald Trump.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yep. Cayman is just like everywhere else now. But at least Trump didn’t even win the popular vote. Can’t say the same about these clowns.

    • Anonymous says:

      To 1:02 am:

      I would not say stupid, per se, but certainly:
      1. not educated enough to read the writing on any wall
      2. happy with hand outs and empty promises
      3. too selfish to understand that voting affects not only them, but everyone else on all three islands.
