EE candidates let down LGBT community

| 09/03/2021
Cayman News Service
East End candidates Rankine, Frederick and McLean

(CNS): Not one of the candidates running for office in East End gave even the slightest hint of support to members of the LGBT community on Monday during the first of the Chamber of Commerce Candidates Forums. When asked about the Civil Partnership Law, the candidates gave answers implying that gay people were evil and had no entitlement to rights. The incumbent, Arden McLean, gave an answer that was difficult to follow while his challengers displayed clear prejudice, despite claiming they were not judging people.

McClearly Frederick began by stating, “Judge not lest you be judged,” before going on to condemn members of the gay community and the evil of “modern families”.

McLean, the current opposition leader, gave a jumbled response about his opposition to the law itself, which he said was wrong because it carved out something different for one group, even though the CPL extends to different- as well as same-sex couples.

Meanwhile, Isaac Douglas Rankine gave a response that oscillated between bigotry and blaming legislators for getting it wrong.

The three men answered a number of the usual questions on development, education, cost of living, the offshore sector, population, health insurance and their own constituency.

But although all three are claiming to run as independents, they were not asked about how, if they were elected, they would go about implementing any of the policies they claimed to support or solutions to the country’s problems.

No questions were posed about their political alliances, even though Douglas came under public scrutiny recently for holding a meeting with the premier and stating that he wanted to be part of government and so was looking for a way to work with the PPM. Even McLean’s position as an opposition leader without an opposition team was not raised at all.

The importance of this question cannot be underestimated, as many people in Cayman remain deeply concerned about the post-election landscape and the likelihood of closed-door horse-trading leading to yet another government that no one voted for.

Not one of the three men had a moment that could be defined as helping them win or lose the seat, as they stumbled their way through the questions. While McLean’s experience in public speaking gave him the edge on performance over his opponents, he also failed to capitalize on the opportunity to put some serious distance between himself and the challengers.

The next Chamber forum will take place on Tuesday evening in North Side with the four contenders in that district. The event starts at 7:15pm.

Watch the full EE forum on the Chamber’s YouTube channel below:

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Category: Election News

Comments (36)

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  1. PhenomAnon says:

    I will never understand how black men, who have undoubtedly felt discriminated against in their lifetime, cannot have the balls to stand up for others that are being discriminated against. If you’ve ever had your life affected by bigotry, racism, classism or hatred, how can you yourself then be bigoted towards some else? How can you justify wanting equal treatment under the law for yourself, and at the same time want deny equal treatment for others?

    Obviously, these 3 men running for East End are more concerned with votes than with educating their constituency on why it is necessary to stand up for all Caymanians. Gay and straight. Black and white. That is what REAL leaders do.

    • Anonymous says:

      You absolutely hit the nail on the head. BRAVO!

    • Anonymous says:

      I believe the lyrics of this Kris Kristofferson song sums it up.

      Jesus was a Capricorn
      He ate organic food
      He believed in love and peace
      And never wore no shoes

      Long hair, beard and sandals
      And a funky bunch of friends
      Reckon we’d just nail him up
      If he came down again

      ‘Cause everybody’s gotta have somebody to look down on
      Prove they can be better than at any time they choose
      Someone doin’ somethin’ dirty decent folks can frown on
      If you can’t find nobody else, then help yourself to me

      Eggheads fussin’ rednecks cussin’
      Hippies for their hair
      Others laugh at straights who laugh at
      Freaks who laugh at squares

      Some folks hate the Whites
      Who hate the Blacks who hate the Klan
      Most of us hate anything that
      We don’t understand

    • Anonymous says:

      They not black, they brown.

    • Cheese Face says:

      Religious fools?

  2. Anonymous says:

    LBGT should be at the very bottom of any list in this campaign. there is more important issues that needs addressing for the BETTERMENT OF ALL in these. Islands

    • JTB says:

      Alternatively, you could take the LGBT issue as a handy means of distinguishing between those candidates who are decent human beings and will therefore be likely to approach other issues in an intelligent and honourable way, and those who are blinkered, bigoted, stupid dinosaurs, and therefore unlikely to be a shining adornment to our parliament.

  3. dinosaurs says:

    These bigots are dinosaurs from a past century. They will never learn. Makes no difference, because same-sex marriage will soon be here. Many people, probably even a majority, will welcome it. And the bigots: Their kind will slowly die off. Their viewpoint will NOT prevail, they know it, and they’re furious. Love will win — and hate will lose. Go, Vickie and Chantelle!

  4. JTB says:

    None of the above

  5. Anonymous says:

    No disrespect to the LGBT-Q community but I think East End and Cayman in general has a whole lot more to be concerned about than gay rights right now. Let me touch on a few.

    We are still in the midst of a pandemic with only 30% of our population vaccinated.

    The cost of living is soaring.

    Tourism is dead and there is no plan on what to do when it starts to return.

    Corruption is rampant in the government.

    Traffic and infrastructure concerns continue even without adding tourists to the mix.

    Huge concessions are being handed out left and right to the large developers without any accounting for return on investment or for that matter a means to measure it.

    Planning remains in the control of the largest hardware store owner together with the a large contingent of contractors who rubber stamp every project that comes along to their financial benefit.

    Our beaches and accesses to them are continually being taken away from us with the blessing of the current government.

    Food costs have skyrocketed and continue to climb.

    Hundreds of people cannot survive now without the help of the NAU.

    Home and land values are far out of the reach of the average Caymanian. Our middle class is just about gone.

    The cost of Health Insurance is so high it’s ridiculous.

    The price of fuel continues to impact the price of everything including electricity cost. Of.Reg continues to cost the country significant amounts of money with to solutions to this problem.

    Pensions Providers are still allowed to invest our money in losing positions and nothing is being done to correct this and most of us if we are lucky will end up getting $1200 a month once we retire which can barely pay our monthly household bills.

    I could go on but I can tell you right now LGBT-Q rights are not high on this Caymanians’ priority list.

    Let’s worry now about electing the right people to turn this country around.

    • Anonymous says:

      My sentiments exactly. Gay rights is not a human right. Why is there so much emphasis on this subject?? I really don’t care what people do with their body parts and who they love. This is not an issue that deserves all this attention IMO, and it certainly doesn’t warrant being a priority.

    • Rodney Barnett says:

      Well, well, well. Finally someone who thinks like me!

      These are the important issues of the day, and of our future. It is the responsibility of the Caymanian People to demand candidates address these issues not not things like gay marriage. Gay marriage is being addressed by others, which is exactly what the current government wanted. So be it.

      The future of Cayman is all in its development. Dart and others all dream of a Cayman appealing to the mega rich. HA HA HA! Take a look around to see the terrible roads, lack of pedestrian friendly roadways, think about the poor schools, lack of opportunity for Caymanians in our financial and tourism industries.

      Falling down buildings, stacked up junk cars, and illegal shipping contains litter the island. Where are the colorful flowers, the trees, the birds, butterflies and other natural aspects people associate with “tropical islands”?

      Soon, Cayman will be just another paved over rock with nothing but dense pockets of dreary people.

      Sadly without true visionary leadership, Cayman will be the place people want to leave, not come to.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ever heard of multi tasking? With the ratio of public employees to population none of these issues you raise should take any time to resolve. Surely all public hires work diligently 8 hours a day and are competent and qualified for their job, with “world class “ management. Hah!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Methinks they doth protest too much 😉.

  7. Anonymous says:

    And LGBT+ rights is the single most important election issue in East End?

    It certainly won the headline.

  8. Dreadlock Holmes says:

    We must walk backwards into the future!

  9. Anonymous says:

    And how do we feel about the Jews? Blacks? Independent women? C’mon, let’s get the hate wagon rolling and divide our families and communities. That’s what religions and politics do best.

  10. Anonymous says:

    It’s been more than two thousand years since three wise men came from the east. I will give them three thousand more.

    • Anonymous says:

      You know why Jesus wasn’t born in West Bay? They couldn’t find three wise men or a virgin.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I think I was a good debate and all candidates did well, however McCleary Fredrick shown like a shining star. He went there prepared and was alway on target with every answer with facts and figures to back it up. He is capable, willing and prepared to represent East End/Cayman island both locally and international. Arden this is a man with a Plan, knowledge and experience. East End here is our Minister in Parliament. For better representation VOTE FOR MCCLEARY

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh that’s so funny. You heard the part where he said gay people were evil right?

  12. Bad or worse says:

    I am all for reverting to national vote because some of these aspiring candidates are simply not an option; they seem to think that holding office is just about pandering to what people wish to hear. What Ministry will go to Seymour – Education? OMG.
    And I hope WBW votes for Mario; he may not be the sharpest tool, but it will buy them four years without the convict in which new people can prepare themselves for the next time.

  13. Anonymous says:

    More importantly, are they pro Batabano or pro CayMas? The people deserve to know!

  14. Anonymous says:

    I feel sorry for the people who only have this sorry shower of humanity to vote for.

    • Anonymous says:

      Nationwide vote is the only answer.

      Single member constituencies are a disaster for Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      What about us in Bodden Town East? A choice between Dwayne “gaypril” Seymour and Ozzie “cowcod” Bodden. The standard of would be parliamentarians is desperately, depressingly low right across the board with only a very few exceptions.

      • Anonymous says:

        I don’t like either of them, but come on. It should be easy to choose Bodden over Seymour.

        • Anonymous says:

          You mean the Bodden who lost his temper and shouted at his permanent Secretary calling her XXXXX driftwood when she did her duty by drawing his attention to the fact that he had private business being done on his government phone which needed to be accounted for? Has he ever apologized in person to her for his racist, sexist obscene outburst?

    • Anonymous says:

      Jesus save me!
      (from your followers)

  15. Anonymous says:

    McCleary the vote splitter had something to say?

  16. Anonymous says:

    Question posed at 1:54 and then rattles on like a drunken barbershop for 10 mins. Of the three, Isaac Rankine had the best response, acknowledging that there were also common law heterosexual benefits to a civil partnership law, but that he didn’t like the method of how it came about, ie. via Governor/FCO, and not via Parliamentary consensus and action. I think we can all agree that the method of the necessary intervention was deeply regrettable, and that blame is on the current legislators, not on new standing candidates.

  17. Anonymous says:

    These statements would be disqualifying, and sanctionable, had they occurred in any other country. There is no “hate speech” parliamentary privilege extended outside the bounds of the House which is no longer in session. Colours Cayman could test our enforcement branch by holding each one of them in contempt…we can then consolidate East End District into the administration of North Side and reduce windbag payroll to 18. Thank you East End!

  18. Anonymous says:

    How exactly? Do they not have thier rights? Isn’t everything good now? What’s the problem?

  19. Anonymous says:

    ALL old farts
