Former civil servant eyes Arden’s EE seat

| 12/02/2021
Cayman News Service
McCleary Frederick

(Press release): Career civil servant and former Director of Hazard Management Cayman Islands, McCleary Frederick has announced that he will be running for the constituency of East End in the upcoming May Election.

A seasoned former civil servant of 36 years, Frederick believes his experience as a leader at the community, national and regional level, places him in a good position for becoming a member of Cayman’s Parliament. He is also a passionate mentor to young Caymanians, having a genuine desire to help them attain greater heights within their careers.

Frederick’s contribution to improving the resilience of Cayman throughout his career was noticed internationally. He was honoured with a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Florida Governor’s Hurricane Conference in 2017 for his contributions to hurricane preparedness, the first person from outside the United States to be bestowed such an award.

Before becoming the director of Hazard Management Cayman Islands, an entity that he helped create, Frederick was the chief building control officer in the planning department and was instrumental in the development of the Building Control Unit and the writing of the Building Code Regulations and the Cayman Island’s Building Code. During his tenure within the civil service, Frederick also worked at the Public Works Department and acted as deputy chief secretary (which now equates to chief officer) and other senior positions.

 “Even though I have been retired for a few years, I continue to have a desire and drive to be of service to the country and the community,” he stated. “I’ve been part of the East End community all my life and I believe, based upon my experience, I would be able to provide a strong and stable leadership and representation for the people of East End Community.”

One of his concerns is the lack of long-term infrastructure planning at the national level.

“Infrastructure is the underlying foundation of sustainable development and includes personnel, buildings, roads, transportation systems, communication networks, sewage, water, and electric systems and I believe we have been reactive rather than proactive in developing our infrastructure,” he said. “Development has outpaced infrastructure and it appears we are always trying to catch up. As the population increases and the country develop, we should strategically invest in our infrastructure to enhance our economic growth and our standing in the global economy.”

Frederick further noted that “East End seems to always be last on the list to get any infrastructure or other needs addressed”. He is particularly keen on ensuring his East End community receives the focus it deserves when it comes to development and the improvement of the lives of the residents of East End.

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Category: Candidates

Comments (18)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Play the harmonica and continue rocking in your hammock McLeary.

  2. Anonymous says:

    He should give his $1,000 to an East End charity as he is certainly to lose it. Not national political material.

  3. Anonymous says:

    He is better than what the private sector has been producing.

    Look at all of our private sector MP’s and their tract records

    What is so surprising is that private sector complains about Government. But all MP’S come from the private sector.

    If Frederick would smile he might get 78 votes.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s “track” not “tract” geez man

    • Anonymous says:

      11:57 am; That may be so, but in the Caribbean we have a saying that may have some relevance, even if a bit crass: “swapping black dog fi monkey”

  4. Anonymous says:

    Whether it is him or anyone else, they will have to fight tooth and nail for any development for the Eastern districts. The government machine agrees to projects but they do not happen. Look at Bryan, he managed to get government to commit to a park for his constituency, but four years on, no one can give him a straight answer as to why the area still has not progressed. And it is not that he does not follow up on it, because I hear him on the radio during the meetings asking the relevant ministers for an answer. Nothing.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Mr Frederick will be a breath of fresh air in Parliament, given his unflappable and honest approach to civil service. He has mentored many young Caymanians throughout his career, including young women who have risen through the ranks of typically male-dominated fields. He’s a family man with strong ties to his community. And he has a very keen knowledge of planning and infrastructure matters. He deserves a seat in Parliament.

    • Anonymous says:

      8:38, it’s just as well there is no fact checking of comments like yours!! “Unflappable and honest approach to civil service”? Say wha?

    • Hafoo says:

      You must be mad..This man is a stranger in my friend said, he nah even play a game of marble with anyone..

    • Anonymous says:

      I have a few other choice words than “unflappable.” Disdainful and sullen are better descriptions.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Ask his then Chief Officer KG why he twice promoted foreigners out of Planning into his ministry rather than take Mcleary.

    • Anonymous says:

      Because McCleary didn’t want to transfer at the time and thank goodness, because Planning needed him.

      • Anonymous says:

        You just can’t make this $h^! up………Ask those in East End what he did when his school mates were all playing team sports and dominoes?

        Really McLeary?

        • Anonymous says:

          He’s not competing for high school prom king you know. Just because people are hermits and not much for socializing doesn’t take away from their ability and integrity. Prefer him to some loud mouth, obnoxious socialite who talks a lot of crap but gets nothing done.

      • Anonymous says:

        It was a promotion not a transfer. More money, better pension etc and he made it known he was pissed. Nice try.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Guess playing PAC Man on PWD time and becoming a faithful sycophant to DE has finally qualified him to run for office now.

    We surely need much sharper tools in the house to do the job.

  8. You mu’be mad! says:

    🎵 I can see McCleary now the rain has gone 🎵
    Yeh right, whatever….

  9. Anonymous says:

    Oh no! Really?
