RSSLand Habitat

Panton warns of political risk posed by NCA changes

Panton warns of political risk posed by NCA changes

| 08/01/2025 | 42 Comments

(CNS): Former premier and sustainability minister Wayne Panton has raised significant concerns about the minority UPM government’s attempts to gut the National Conservation Act, specifically the damage the proposed changes could cause to the environment as well as the political and governance risks they present. Panton said the draft bill not only undermines the intent […]

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Changes to law would pave way for unchecked development

Changes to law would pave way for unchecked development

| 07/01/2025 | 24 Comments

(CNS): One of the most fundamental changes the UPM government is proposing to make to the National Conservation Act would, if the amendment bill passes, almost eliminate the main purpose of the law. One of the clauses removes the National Conservation Council’s ability to curtail even the most egregious development if, for example, the Central […]

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Conservation NPO opens shoreline community park

Conservation NPO opens shoreline community park

| 19/12/2024 | 24 Comments

(CNS): Local conservation advocacy non-profit organisation Sustainable Cayman has opened the first of its own community shoreline parks in South Sound. It was officially opened on Tuesday evening when government officials joined members of the public and those who helped to create the space, plant the local flora and help rewild the area. The activists […]

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Mailer: It’s ‘blindingly obvious’ NCA not stalling development

Mailer: It’s ‘blindingly obvious’ NCA not stalling development

| 05/12/2024 | 41 Comments

(CNS): Stuart Mailer, the chair of the National Conservation Council, hit back on Wednesday at the false narrative being peddled by developers and politicians that the National Conservation Act was slowing down economic development. As he opened the NCC general meeting, he said the rate and scale of physical development taking place in the country […]

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Bryan continues to criticise conservation battle

Bryan continues to criticise conservation battle

| 18/11/2024 | 74 Comments

(CNS): The tourism minister’s criticism of efforts by public and private sector entities to protect Cayman’s environment and dismissal of the hard battle to preserve our dwindling natural resources were on display again last week at the Chamber of Commerce Legislative Luncheon, where he implied that the balance is tipped too much in favour of […]

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Threat to blues grows in face of another sub-division

Threat to blues grows in face of another sub-division

| 23/10/2024 | 47 Comments

(CNS): A planning application by South Cove Ltd for another residential sub-division off the Queen’s Highway in East End is placing Cayman’s critically endangered blue iguana under further pressure. The application is for 26 residential lots on nine acres of land currently zoned agricultural-residential, so it will require a variance from the Central Planning Authority […]

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Minister says ignoring DoE advice has led to devastation

Minister says ignoring DoE advice has led to devastation

| 22/10/2024 | 101 Comments

(CNS): In a post on her social media pages, Sustainability and Climate Resiliency Minister Katherine Ebanks-Wilks recognised that developers’ failure to heed science-based advice from the Department of Environment and the National Conservation Council has had a devastating impact on the Cayman Islands’ environment and economy.

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Lawyer argues review of CPA action in blues case is critical

Lawyer argues review of CPA action in blues case is critical

| 21/10/2024 | 16 Comments

(CNS): The lawyer representing the National Conservation Council, Chris Buttler KC, argued that the court needs to review the actions of the Central Planning Authority in the wake of unlawful land clearing of pristine habitat in blue iguana territory in East End. Buttler said the case is far more than an academic legal exercise. Until […]

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NCC and CPA in court over unlawful road in blues territory

NCC and CPA in court over unlawful road in blues territory

| 17/10/2024 | 83 Comments

(CNS): Questions over whether or not the Central Planning Authority legally cancelled unlawful after-the-fact planning permission granted for a road in East End that cut through critical blue iguana habitat were argued in court Wednesday. The National Conservation Council continues to battle with planning officials and the repeated failure to follow the law and consult […]

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Ex-CPA chair’s wetland project will fuel more flooding

Ex-CPA chair’s wetland project will fuel more flooding

| 03/10/2024 | 83 Comments

(CNS): Al Thompson, a local hardware merchant and former chair of the Central Planning Authority, has been given the green light for a $7.5 million subdivision in the wetlands in Bodden Town adjacent to the proposed East-West Arterial extension. According to minutes from the 28 August CPA meeting, Thompson was granted planning permission and a […]

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CIG spends $1.1M more on land to block development

CIG spends $1.1M more on land to block development

| 01/10/2024 | 29 Comments

(CNS): The Cayman Islands Government has used public cash to buy another two pieces of land costing more than CI$1.1 million, the Ministry of Lands has confirmed. According to a brief summary of a recent Cabinet meeting, the ministers approved the purchase of both pieces of land for conservation reasons. However, officials told CNS that […]

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