RSS2017 General Elections

Students stir up a baker’s dozen more voters at GT bar

Students stir up a baker’s dozen more voters at GT bar

| 14/12/2016 | 10 Comments

(CNS): A group of students from the International College of the Cayman Islands (ICCI) held a voter registration drive at a George Town bar on Friday night and persuaded 13 young people to join the electoral roll. The event was held at The Office and organised by five students from the college’s public speaking class. […]

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Election date set, voter deadline extended

Election date set, voter deadline extended

| 12/12/2016 | 14 Comments

(CNS): The 2017 General Election date has been confirmed as Wednesday, 24 May 2017, and the Elections Office has extended the registration deadline for eligible people to make the list to be able to vote. Governor Helen Kilpatrick signed off on next year’s election programme Friday, making polling day a public holiday as well. The […]

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Mac presses for voter deadline extension

Mac presses for voter deadline extension

| 09/12/2016 | 25 Comments

(CNS): Opposition Leader McKeeva Bush has called on the Elections Office to push back the year-end deadline for eligible people to register as voters in time for the 2017 General Election. Wesley Howell, the supervisor of elections, told CNS that they are considering pushing back the deadline into January and expect to decide soon. He […]

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PPM urge supporters to call out ‘fake news’

PPM urge supporters to call out ‘fake news’

| 09/12/2016 | 38 Comments

(CNS): In a membership circular this week the Progressives urged their members and supporters to call out the radio talk show hosts and callers who are spreading “fake news” or false allegations about the party and the current government. The official party notice said that accusations had been made by some opposition members and political […]

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Tibbetts leaves gap in PPM election line-up

Tibbetts leaves gap in PPM election line-up

| 29/11/2016 | 61 Comments

(CNS): The premier has made it clear that if his long-time political friend and colleague, Kurt Tibbetts, sticks to his guns about his planned retirement from the political arena at the end of this administration, it would create a very difficult gap to fill in the PPM team. But speaking to the party faithful at […]

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Cayman must be ready for uncertain world

Cayman must be ready for uncertain world

| 25/11/2016 | 62 Comments

(CNS): The premier has spoken of the “increasingly, bewildering and unpredictable seismic geopolitical changes” going on in the world creating uncertainty that Cayman must be prepared to navigate. Alden McLaughlin said the combination of ‘Brexit’ in the UK, the election of Donald Trump in the US, plus the rise of right-wing fear politics in Europe is […]

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Every vote will count in 2017, says Alden

Every vote will count in 2017, says Alden

| 10/11/2016 | 51 Comments

(CNS): Talking to the party faithful in George Town Wednesday, the premier said that the PPM will be checking the legitimacy and accuracy of the voter list when the Elections Office publishes the register of electors ahead of the 2017 vote.  Alden McLaughlin told a Progressive party meeting in Prospect that with the move to […]

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PPM deny conducting latest poll

PPM deny conducting latest poll

| 07/11/2016 | 15 Comments

(CNS): The Progressives have said that they are not behind yet another political opinion poll currently being conducted on Grand Cayman. As Cayman gears up for the political campaigning to begin in earnest in the coming months, the ruling party issued a short statement Monday denying that they were behind the latest survey.

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Over 1,000 new voters sign up for 2017

Over 1,000 new voters sign up for 2017

| 06/11/2016 | 14 Comments

(CNS): Canvassing efforts by the Elections Office have already boosted the electoral roll by 1,052 people, officials have confirmed. The new voters were added to the register following the first phase of canvassing in September. Enumerators went door to door in all districts except George Town during the month. Canvassing in now underway in George […]

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Veteran PPM member surveys public ahead of campaign run

Veteran PPM member surveys public ahead of campaign run

| 02/11/2016 | 49 Comments

(CNS): Lucille Seymour, who says she expects to throw her hat in the political ring again to try to win a seat in George Town, is undertaking a survey to find out what the people want rather than telling them what she stands for. Seymour said that as a founding member of the PPM she […]

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Would-be GT voters urged to have documents ready

Would-be GT voters urged to have documents ready

| 28/10/2016 | 26 Comments

(CNS): Election officials will be going door to door in the capital this Sunday, 30 October, canvassing for eligible voters to register on the electoral roll or update the details of voters already registered but who have moved or need to update information. Voters are encouraged to have copies of supporting documents on hand to […]

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