Visitor to Cayman tests positive for Zika

| 03/06/2016 | 59 Comments
Cayman News Service

Aedes aegypti mosquito

(CNS): The Public Health Department is investigating a case of Zika virus in a patient who had visited Cayman and tested positive on returning home. Despite releasing information to the media yesterday claiming Cayman was sill Zika free, following enquiries by CNS, officials released a statement Friday evening about the possible arrival of the disease here. “On 1 June 2016, the Public Health Department was notified that a visitor to the Cayman Islands, who was tested on returning home, was reportedly diagnosed with the Zika virus infection,” said Dr Samuel Williams Rodriguez, the acting medical officer of health.

“With immediate effect, my office contacted the individual and we are in ongoing communication to ascertain the exact details of the individual’s travel history, onset of symptoms and location of stay during the visit to the Islands including other pertinent information that will assist in this investigation to confirm the alleged exposure to the Zika virus in the Cayman Islands,” he added.

He said a comprehensive report would be issued on completion of the enquiries. “All relevant stakeholders are fully aware of this situation. We ask that (the public) exercise patience as the investigation is completed.”

Dr Williams Rodriguez also urged people to continue taking the necessary preventative measures against being bitten by the Aedes aegypti mosquito.

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Category: Health, Medical Health, Science & Nature

Comments (59)

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  1. LudditeSupernova says:

    True followers of Jesus have nothing to worry about.
    Let the world go to hell in the proverbial hand basket,
    Those of us who have connected with the truth can not be afraid.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah, the plague didn’t kill any true believers.

      • Anonymous says:

        Not to be overly biblical, but throughout the bible whenever judgement or plagues was being carried out on a nation, people or the entire world (Noah’s days), Gods people have always been kept safe.

        • Anonymous says:

          “Throughout the bible”… exactly. Throughout history and actual real life accounts this is inaccurate.

        • Al Catraz says:

          Then it is foolish for doctors and science to interfere with God’s will in that regard.

          Good to know the babies who have been born with microcephaly as a consequence of Zika were all condemned by God before they were even born.

    • Anonymous says:

      You had better remind your pastor to order a case of Christening headbands in size XXS.

    • Anonymous says:

      True followers of Jesus have love in their heart and are concerned with “the world go to hell in the proverbial hand basket”. Nothing to make light of.

    • Unison says:

      I am sick and tired of the Jesus doomsday modern cult. If God placed you here, isn’t it not your responsibility to at least prevent the world from going into a hell??? Has God gave you talents and abilities in vain??? I can see why so many of you are so heavenly minded and no earthly good. I for one, think you will be judged by your failure to improve life. :/

      • Anonymous says:

        The Christians I know do try to prevent people from going to hell. As rightly said, they have talents and gifts which they do use. Problem is, people reject and refuse to accept the help. Just like how the world rejected Jesus. Better to be heavenly minded. The bible says, set your treasures up in heaven and it also says love not the world. How can one help the world when the world rejected its help….

        • Jimmy with a Swagger says:

          sadly those people trying to do good tie it directly to adherence to their cult. If you were really following the teachings of Jesus you would do good, acting as salt and light to the world without strings, obligations, or requiring anything other than accepting the gifts offered. And no, sharing the “good news” is not helping when someone is hungry, sick, or just abused and damaged.

        • Unison says:

          Mmmm … repentance has nothing to do with accepting or rejecting Jesus! But it has everything to do with accepting God! For God is more concern with the life we live. That we abstain from evil, love, and do good.

          Your “talents and gifts” are different from the ones I am referring to. You speak about talents and gifts a person adopts when they become a Christian or join a church. Such talents you speak of, are to persuade and convert people to your religion. Whereas I speak about the talents, abilities, and gifts that are potential-power in you from the time of your birth that has to be released. These gifts in you are the product of mother nature, and comes directly from God. You ought to use these gifts to make a better you and a better world.

          You claim mankind need to be SAVED from original sin that’s in our DNA our blood, and hence we need the blood of Jesus to save us. But I affirm SAVED FROM WHAT ??? :// God has already given us the grace and power to change our lives for the good. We are fully responsible for saving or losing our own lives by our ignorance and foolish decisions. Having a Jesus-blood-sacrifice is not be a permit in reconciling you with God. Jesus can’t save you! You must act, change, and save your self. Your churches talk so much about “faith” is needed to be saved… but even faith is a work, an action, a mental choice that only you can make. You are to show to God the fruit of repentance, have a God-self responsibility in this world, and that will see you to the kingdom. That is how I see it 🙂

    • Anonymous says:

      XXXXXX CNS probably won’t post this comment as usual cause it challenges the status quo. XXXXX

      CNS: No, I won’t post this comment because of that sentence. Otherwise it was OK.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Lighting spliffs on fire has kept me zika free

    • Unison says:

      Errrr … the GM mosquitoes is another story. We are being experimented on for profiteering reasons, and our MLAs are silent. :/

  3. Anonymous says:

    People who vibrate on a negative energy are all about destroying goodness, honesty and love.
    You know you are negative when you have no empathy and are filled with hate.
    Stop forcing your will on people who are not interested in your warped opinion.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Cayman is good at cover up!!! We will know as little as possible until it is to late…remember hurricane Ivan? Certain people in government didn’t want anyone in the outside to know the extent of the damage…do you call that a cover up???

    • Anonymous says:

      The only coverup would be that it isn’t here already. Jamaica has confirmed 16 cases, while suspected cases diagnosed by physicians number in the thousands – and that was last week.

  5. Anonymous says:

    What exactly is ‘ongoing communication’? Seems to me that all the relevant information could be collected from the patient in one conversation. The term ‘ongoing communication’ is a term used by politicians and officials when translated it means ‘I don’t know’ in real life.

    • Nola Sanderson says:

      Did it ever occur to you that maybe the “visitor” has not provided te requested evidence to confirm the allegation.

      • Anonymous says:

        Did it ever occur to you that this could also be published? If the health officials don’t know they should just say so.

      • Anonymous says:

        The article states the visitor was tested positive, so surely whoever ‘tested’ this person should be providing the information to confirm the ‘allegation’.

  6. Anonymous says:

    It is possibly true- not impossible!! Could also be a manipulated plan. I hope every effort is being made to ascertain the facts on this one. Sounds a bit convenient to me.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Great, with most of our flight to Jamaica we will have zika in no time.

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactamundo, Jamaica is the gift that keeps on giving to Cayman….crime, disease, historical entitlement, third world educational teachers siphoning off the money with their online degrees,,,

      • Anonymous says:

        Hell, they even send Hurricanes our way!

      • Anonymous says:

        Cayman should have stayed close with Jamaica as the old days. The time going come when we need Jamaica again. Making Caymanians hate Jamaicans was all a part of keeping us West Indians separated and controlled.

        • Anonymous says:

          The value of the Jamaican dollar is testament of how much help and good ideas they will provide in the future…. or suck off others countries like the cayman islands.

          • Anonymous says:

            Says the fool on a flat rock in the middle of the ocean without a River, Mountain or fresh water supply and scarce farming grounds. Dont count wealth in dollars.

  8. Anonymous says:

    It has arrived already and is much more widespread globally then imagined. But the position wil be worsened by the refusal to move or postpone the Olympics and the Republican party’s blocking of funding to limit the summertime spread in the US. By this time next year Zika will be global, uncontrollable and the biggest health issue on the world agenda.

    • Anonymous says:

      Blah blah blah. And the last issue was what? Ebola?

      • Anonymous says:

        And before that it was Dengue, Bird Flu and SARS. Meanwhile, we have a huge festering mound of rubbish spreading carcinogens over Grand Cayman and what do PHD do about it? Nothing! They’re not even monitoring the health issues this raises.

      • Anonymous says:

        Zika is worse in terms of spread because it is not lethal and the symptoms are less obvious. Dengue and Chik are around to stay, and Zika is not on that list too. The problem is that Zika seems to be much more harmful than the other two.

      • Al Catraz says:

        Ebola did not just walk away on its own. A concentrated international response managed to contain it to its present level.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Great, we enough small minded people around here as it is.

  10. Lo-cal says:

    And almost magicaly now that the locals have a petition against Biotecs release of the GM mosquitos, a case suddenly appears on our shores. Is this scaremongering? Who are the local beneficiaries of this company?

    • ziggy says:

      you must have smoked enough “vegetable matter” to keep them mozzies away. Too bad it has also made you a paranoid idiot.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Oh no…this is stressful news

  12. Anonymous says:

    How convenient.

  13. Diogenes says:

    Still so keen on stopping Oxitec?

  14. Anonymous says:

    We got the teenage mutant ninja mozzies! We good!

  15. Anonymous says:

    I’m moving to Little Cayman with Dart. Deuces!

  16. Anonymous says:

    Son of a gun

  17. Anonymous says:

    CDC has a Level 2 advisory for Jamaica which has officially only reported 16 confirmed cases, but their doctors say it’s already spreading much faster than being reported:

    Cayman is still way behind the ball on this. No special education or health surveys at the airport arrivals, and no education effort on condom use. Let’s kick this into another gear please!

    • Deb says:

      no public education? really are you living on Mars ?

      • Anonymous says:

        Popular media should never be confused with actual education. Media are preoccupied with shocking utero microcephaly and risks to pregnant mothers and are under-reporting the consequences that affect grown adults.

        If more adults knew they, their family, or neighbour could contract meningoencephalitis, myelitis, or Guillain-Barre – or even had an appreciation for how debilitating these things are – perhaps they would then take the 3 minutes to patrol their yards and empty containers, or if already potentially exposed, use a condom.

        There will inevitably be many victims permanently afflicted because their moron neighbour couldn’t have been bothered to learn about these things and empty their yard.

    • Anonymous says:

      I know the horse has bolted, but was anyone spraying insecticides in aircraft from Jamaica?

      • Anonymous says:

        These mosquitoes are immune to pesticides? Are you people REALLY paying attention?

        • Anonymous says:

          Too funny! Zika is carried by the Aedes mosquito, the same mosquito that Cayman has been spraying, and killing for years….with insecticide.

    • Anonymous says:

      Whatever happened to MRCU’s practice of spraying the cargo holds of all aircraft and ships upon entering Cayman?

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