CAL confirms same schedule for June

| 06/05/2021 | 13 Comments
Cayman News Service
CAL Max 8 aircraft (Photo by Paul Tibbetts)

(CNS): Cayman Airways officials have confirmed that the airline will continue its limited repatriation service throughout June to Kingston, La Ceiba and Miami and has added two extra flights this month to accommodate an increase in demand. One additional flight to Kingston, Jamaica, is now scheduled for next Thursday and one more Miami run on Monday, 24 May. In June the airline will continue the Wednesday and Saturday flights to Miami, the weekly Friday flight to Kingston and flights on 3 and 17 June to Honduras.

See the schedules and flight information here.

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Category: Business, Transport

Comments (13)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Flights of fancy?

  2. frequent liar says:

    Are they handing over their departure taxes yet or are they just added to the secret debt pile.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Could we please get Tampa back too.

  4. Anonymous says:

    For the love of God……stop calling these repatriation flights!

  5. Cheese Face says:

    Put the damn morning flight to Little Cayman back on Aug 8th CAL!!! These time changes that you throw in whenever you feel like it are ridiculous!

  6. Anonymous says:

    And more import covid!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Panton better start thinking about American, Delta, United etc for July 1st.

    Enough is enough. Open up July 1st.

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