Deadly coral disease continues advance east

| 06/05/2021 | 4 Comments
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(CNS): The Department of Environment has issued another update on the relentless advance of the highly contagious Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease. The disease has now progressed towards East End and is infecting corals beyond Spotters Bay. Just over one week ago the DoE confirmed that the disease had already rounded North West Point and was advancing towards Seven Mile Beach.

Although much remains to be learned about this latest coral threat, experts know it spreads very rapidly and impacts a wide variety of corals, including some of the slowest-growing and longest-lived reef-building corals. The disease destroys the soft tissue, killing reefs quickly.

The DoE has deployed divers to create fire-breaks and remove badly infected corals and also to apply a topical antibiotic to corals, the only weapon that has been used to any success against the advancing marine menace.

The DoE said it will continue implementing the national response plan to this disease.

Read more about SCTLD and see Disinfecting Guidelines here.

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Category: Marine Environment, Science & Nature

Comments (4)

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  1. mikey says:

    How about trying 2 jabs and hope it can save corals

  2. Anonymous says:

    Why can’t we all just form a big prayer line along the coast and pray it away? Just like when the church made a prayer line in town to pray away the gays?

    Oh? What’s that? Your god wanted two consenting adults to go away, but not a disease for innocent coral that provides for us? Please explain.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Good luck to the dedicated staff at the DOE!

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