Primary student symptomatic with COVID-19

| 09/10/2020 | 128 Comments
Cayman News Service
Red Bay Primary School

(CNS) UPDATED 2:45pm: A student from Red Bay Primary School and the child’s family are all in isolation after the child tested positive for the coronavirus in what appears to be the first local transmission of the virus since July. The Public Health Department has begun the process of contact tracing and the entire Year 2 class at Red Bay is now being tested for COVID-19 as well as relevant staff and families.

“That process is expected to expand more widely, as full contact tracing continues,” officials stated in a release. “Further results from Red Bay Primary are expected later today and will guide further decisions with respect to the school and the wider community.”

Public Health said it will directly contact those who have come in contact with people who have potentially been exposed. Anyone concerned for their own and their family’s health can make appointments for testing via the Health Services Authority website.

No details have been given about how the child may have acquired the virus or how severe the symptoms are. However, government said it will continue to provide updates on this situation as it develops.

Government is hosting press briefing at 4pm and the Ministry of Education released a statement regarding the situation at the school.

“Since the reopening of schools all year groups were placed in containment bubbles as a safety measure,” said Acting Director of Education Services Tammy Banks-DaCosta. “Parents of all the students in the affected year group bubble have been contacted to come to the school. Each student along with their household members will be tested and will all be required to isolate in their homes, until they receive clearance from the Public Health Authorities.”

See the full statement here

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Comments (128)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    We’re not going into lockdown. Will you all stop talking foolishness? They’re taking precautions to avoid that. If we open up, we’ll be wearing masks again in no time. I hope that everyone realizes that.

  2. David Williams says:

    Wonder how sensitive their tests are? Are they testing at 47 cycles? You’ll find any fragment of the virus at that sensitivity. Google PCR sensitivity testing and you’ll find most of the worlds tests are too sensitive so they can inflate their numbers and keep their citizens in mass hysteria like what we see here in Cayman.

    “The CDC said its own calculations suggest its extremely hard to detect a live virus in a sample above a threshold of 33 cycles.”

    The only way to eradicate this virus is thru herd immunity while protecting the sick and elderly.

    • McCarron McLaughlin says:

      Thank you Mr. Williams! I’ve been saying herd immunity is the only way as most people will refuse a vaccine if its ever brought to market and for the simple fact that the virus is not going anywhere! On the PCR Test, its investor was insistent before he died that it should not be used to diagnose infectious diseases, when dozens of labs throughout Florida were testing at 100% positive rates about 2 months ago, I knew this PCR Test was pure BS.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes the GB Declaration is part-funded by one of the Koch brothers. So what? Does that immediately discredit all the other scientists who’ve signed it?

        They have also donated billions to an array of causes and institutions including medical research, higher education, environmental stewardship, criminal justice reform, etc…

        It’s unclear to me what the Koch brothers’ views on global warming have to do with their supporting a cause that is trying to push back a little on this COVID hysteria.

        CNS: The Koch brothers (now just Charles Koch) have demonstrated an unwavering pattern of throwing many millions of dollars to promote misinformation and discredit science that interfered with their multi-billion dollar bottom line through very respectable seeming think tanks and backed by climate denying scientists, whatever the cost to others.

        That’s relevant and people who read the declaration should also have the opportunity to learn who and what (the American Institute for Economic Research) is behind it. I’m sure that many signators are well-meaning and believe it sincerely and may have a point, though not all the supposed scientists are in fact scientists, as reported on Sky News and the article previously linked.

        In this age of fake news, it’s always good to look at the source of information.

      • Anonymous says:

        Good catch CNS. The Harvard, Stanford and Yale scientists are all Koch brother stooges. There is no price too high that we must pay to sustain this global free fall into the economic abyss because heaven forbid we lose this golden opportunity to once and for all force and coerce by fear and suspension of freedoms the populations into the religious climate agenda that is being funded by globalists and socialists.
        We must *leverage* this opportunity.

        In short, we must use the Covid-19 tool to its full potential.

    • Anonymous says:

      PCR test has a 1 to 2% false positive rate. I suspect he has a cold. The hysteria continues unabated….

    • Cayman Mon says:

      Once again Almighty God has smiled on the Cayman Islands. Yesterday’s news was indeed very concerning and we are indeed grateful to all who marshalled their efforts to bring us to this “positive” outcome.

      I do not know who David Williams is, but his thoughts are spot on. We keep hearing about “the Science” but the truth is there is no settled science as it relates to this novel virus; if there was, the COVID-19 would be eradicated by now.

      Like all virus, the only way of eradicating the virus is through herd immunity whilst protecting the vulnerable. Herd immunity is a form of indirect protection from infectious disease that occurs when a sufficient percentage of a population has become immune to an infection, whether through vaccination or previous infections, thereby reducing the likelihood of infection for individuals who lack immunity.

      So far although there are several promising vaccines in Stage 3 trials, we can only hope that a vaccine is approved soon. That is the reality folks.

      Stay safe Cayman.

  3. Anonymous says:

    No worries. The sack of patatoes just prayed to his master.
    It will be ok.
    I am glad it is all that simple.
    What an idiot. No substantial contribution to the press conference as usual.
    Caymanians deserve an idiot like him.

    • Anonymous says:

      What we don’t need is a useless piece of driftwood like you, please can you drift to some other shore far away from caymanians, POS.

      • Anonymous says:

        Is driftwood not a borderline racist term? I presume this refers to white people who are of non Caymanian descent living on one of the islands.

        What is the equivalent term for a Caymanian who is studying or living abroad in Canada, USA or Europe?

        I can’t think of any which wouldn’t come across as horribly racist…

        • Anonymous says:

          7:02 oh please. You must be an American, constantly making everything about race. Drift wood is not a racist term.

        • Anonymous says:

          And remember, even Caymanians arent indigenous so were all driftwood.

        • Anonymous says:

          Driftwood is any Johnny come lately who got status. Definitely not racist. That goes for all races.

        • Anonymous says:

          Driftwood isn’t a racist term. Xenophobic maybe, but not racist. Just means foreigner, nothing to do with race. Please stop trying to create racial issues where there are none.

        • Jonathan Adam says:

          No, ‘driftwood’ is not a borderline racist term or terminology. Only a daggum disingenuous, ignoramus Nimrod would attempt to say as such. Such a statement is as stupid and as ‘wutless’ as the comment which you responded to. Ever since the brouhaha erupted with the utterance from Capitan Cow Cod, this idiotic terminology has been latched on to by disingenuous, self interested and conceited ignoramuses such as yourself and the equally ignorant asshat to whom you have responded.

          For one thing, if you or anybody else had one iota of sense regarding the movement of currents in the Caribbean Sea (not the ocean as it is erringly referred to by dimwits who are in dire need of an atlas and the most basic knowledge of geography), you would realize that the places which we are down current from are certainly not majority Caucasian. Of course that is good old common sense. Let’s not let that get in the way of this purposefully divisive idiocy.

          Moreover, being a Caymanian (as in a multi generational Caymanian whose roots are of the pioneer bloodlines) is of course not itself not a race, it is a people. It is a people whose fierce independence and spirit of survival allowed Cayman to be what it had become which allowed those who are here now to be here. It is a people whom one can surmise that it is more probably than not those such as yourself who are actively seeking to disallow, disparage, disregard, deny, dispossess, diminish and dishonestly seek to dehumanize one’s own rightful place in one’s own homeland. That is what driftwood is, in my humble yet vociferous opinion, if there is to be any definition made as it pertains to said asininely derived terminology in the first place.

          Furthermore, as it pertains to times gone by when it was none other than Caymanians who, by and large, had to go offshore seeking to make a living, they were often subjected to a demeaning, vicious, vile and hateful treatment in places like Jamaica among many others. Neither stereotyping indicative of an ignorant mindset is and/or was good, nor beneficial, but those who would like to twist and distort the narrative of relevant historical fact in order to suit their own agendas and underhanded and often very racist loyalties are as disingenuous as it can get.

          Those whose conceited, illegitimate and undeserved naked emperor’s superiority complexes, underhanded tactics of purposeful perversion and subversion of all truth and fact in order to surreptitiously and malevolently control the economy in the furtherance of the interests of their own insular expatriate communities are the ones who fit into the parameters of what ‘driftwood’ is, regardless of one’s colour or previously held national identification. It is people who took the relative sweetness, naivety and kindness of a people and took it for weakness to be exploited and abused. It is the ‘drifwood’ who saw the growing potential of Cayman’s tourism product and industry and underhandedly worked hand in hand with the worst of the worst of Cayman’s own ilk in order to fulfill their own agendas of a larcenous and ill willed greed. It is they who have aligned themselves with crooked as a dog’s hind leg politrickians and their deceitful political expediencies in order to serve their own agendas at the expense of and the detriment to all and sundry. It is they who have defecated upon not only societal cohesion, but also the quality of life in Cayman for everyone. Even the contrived marketing ploy, ‘Cayman Kind’ is just another ill conceived and over funded farce which is used as a club to beat Caymanians over the head by anonymous and ill willed cowards and blackguard charlatans. This is all par for the toxic and inequitable course which is poisoning all of the sea life and has destroyed a vast majority of the mangrove estuaries and coastal environments. This is par for the course as it pertains to a monopolized and skewed field of play wherein Caymanians are made to be below second class citizens in their own homeland. The level of stratification by class or caste in Cayman has never been so acute, and detrimental.

          The Native Peoples of the Caribbean basin, the Arawaks and the Caribs, did not live here. My studies of Caribbean history suggest the reason for this is because the Arawaks considered these three islands to to be a holy ground in their belief systems. As such, Cayman is where the Arawak Native Peoples believed the souls of their ancestors went to be upon the shedding of their mortal coils. There may have been ritual or ceremonial visits, but as of now there has been no archaeological evidence of any permanent settlements. Likewise,there may have been stopovers to gather freshwater or to restock other supplies. As such, the Cayman Islands are one of the exceedingly rare inhabited places in the ‘New World’ where the original inhabitants were neither murdered nor otherwise displaced and/or railroaded out of existence in order to make way for those of the Old World. It is only now, within the last decades, that the Cayman Islands have seen the all too common ill willed modus operandi and diabolically conceived inequitable subjugation and deceitful practices of a malevolent intent of purpose poison the Cayman Island’s interests and well being from the inside out and the outside in.

          This does not mean, however, that it is or should be acceptable for those of the original pioneer bloodlines to be dehumanized and/or deceived into being led to believe that one should not stand up for one’s rights in the face of many people who have proven that they have no love, no loyalty and no good will towards generational Caymanians and one’s rightful place in one’s own homeland and one’s true stakeholdership of the economy. Regardless of any hollow rhetoric to the contrary, the evidence of this is blatantly obvious and that this effort to displace and dispossess people of their their rightful place in their own homeland has been a purposeful exercise. The exponential increase of a welfare state, and the purposeful promulgation of ignorance, are but a few of the nefarious tools used in the furtherance of this inequitable agenda.

          The very presence of that charlatan and incompetent ‘sack of potatoes’ is a direct consequential effect of the inequitable construct of Westminster democracy and Colonial lack of good governance which disallows any real, valid and tenable democracy in and of the Cayman Islands. Who of the electorate would have chosen the present day amalgamation of malfeasance which is now evident upon the floor of the LA? Does the Caymanian electorate deserve this? Hell no! The electorate did not choose this. It is and was the purposeful construct of a cabal within the LA which did. It is the same said inequitable construct which furthers the institutionalized corruption in and on the Cayman Islands. Those who are of the cocktail circuit of a vile and bigoted hypocrisy are the same ones who do not want to see this detrimental and debilitating status quo curtailed, because that institutionalized corruption born of a woefully inadequate and highly prostituted farce of democratic process and/or decision making processes is what they use and benefit their own selves in order to further their own interests at the continued expense of and detriment to the Cayman Islands, her people and our collective future.

          In short, J’Accuse…!

          • Anonymous says:

            I’d love to shoot par for that golf course

          • Anonymous says:

            Thanks for the thesis…

            But you didn’t answer the question.

            What’s the appropriate equivalent term for a Caymanian living in Canada/USA.

            PS – give your thesaurus a break eh 😉

    • Anonymous says:

      The irony of their sudden reliance on “the science” is not lost on many.

    • Cayman Mon says:

      Anon @ 5am. You comments are very rude and disrespectful. Search your heart, whoever you are.

  4. Anonymous says:

    “Weakly positive”. And follow up test was negative. Symptoms of COVID are symptoms of a lot of things. Kids have fevers, coughs, runny noses, etc. all the time and have for centuries. Mass hysteria for nothing. Everyone needs to calm down!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Teach your kids to gargle and irrigate nose passages. Take his/her cellphone plus mandatory beach time. Know you child’s D status.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Hey! Drinking Pimms in the garden over summer is crucially important! It was good too, snowflake.

  7. Anonymous says:

    If the schools close again I’m gonna dieee!!! I can’t do online learning again 😫

    Praying for the child though, and I hope no more cases pop up 🙏

  8. Anonymous says:

    Lockdown. And this time change the fine for leaving quarantine. 1k is a joke for putting an entire country at risk. Huge mistake and not a deterrent.

    • Anonymous says:

      What’s putting the territory at risk is the idiotic response to COVID… it will take a long time to repair the reputational and fiscal damage that the current administration has caused.

      The politicians aren’t being honest with you guys. There is a number of possible scenarios:

      1) the peg will become unsustainable once you run out of US dollars leading to currency controls or devaluation

      2) higher taxes in the form of additional tariffs or income taxes

      3) bail out by the UK which will come with strings attached which will lessen the sovereignty you currently enjoy and lead to an immediate and significant adjustment in spending

      I’m afraid there is no free lunches or magical money trees as much as you like to think otherwise.

      I don’t think the average Caymanian has a very good grip on where the money is actually coming from which supports the local economy and social services et cetera.

      If you think I’m completely wrong I’d really like to hear some reasoned response from someone who is familiar with the CIG budget and what the likely economic fallout/shortfall in revenues will be with current deficit spending citing figures etc (not just the usual driftwood go home blah blah blah)

  9. Anonymous says:

    We are now the same as Bermuda with the odd case popping up.
    It’s time for a real plan.
    Pre testing, test on arrival and test after 7 days.
    It is a proven system and has worked well.

    • Anonymous says:

      You still here?

      You can get to BDA via MIA or LHR.

      Stop wasting your breath my dear.

      Not gonna happen😷

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, because we are a brilliant people who cannot learn from anyone else, especially another dinky island.

  10. DLF says:

    Many people assumed that Cayman was Covid free but unless every single person was tested threre is no way to prove Covid was not present. This virus is not going away, CIG can lock us down again, but as soon as we are allowed out and about we will be in the same situation as we are in now. If we want no chance of Covid being anywhere near these islands then the answer is to keep the border closed indefinitely, test every single person regardless of age, and test them more than once. We can then sit back and enjoy a Covid free lifestyle, all the while watching so many tourism based businesses dry up and blow away. These businesses can certainly take advantage of the loan programs secured by CIG but if there are not enough people to keep them afloat what happens when they must start paying back the loan note once their payment holiday has ended? I would venture to say most business owners will not wish to go deeper in debt with no light at the end of the tunnel.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Hope the child, family and schoolmates will be fine.

    As I posted on CNS some weeks ago that schools re-opening would be a good test of the existence of covid in the community and here it is!

    While covid detection and containment measures are implemented for all legal arrivals, do not disregard the illegal arrivals (overnight canoes) for bringing it into the island. Easy, covid-carrying smuggler come in and interacts with resident/local who then interacts with all and sundry in the community.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Seems unlikely to have been circulating in the community, for what, 3 months unchecked before causing the first symptomatic case? If it has there should be thousands of asymptomatic and hundreds of symptomatic, there aren’t so it’s reasonable to surmise it has come in recently.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Waiting for 100 hysterical comments.

    Friday Florida update: 2,908 new cases. Life goes as usual for several months already.

    • Anonymous says:

      How about a UK update? Since that is where the flights are coming from mostly.

      • Anonymous says:

        Not true. Flight from U.K. every two weeks. Cayman airways flying every week & sometimes several times a week

        • Anonymous says:

          They don’t want to hear about Cayman Airways because they want to go shopping in Miami. They just want to blame the UK for everything.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Only took 9 days from reopening the borders.

    What a surprise !

    • Anonymous says:

      Nothing to do with the border you watch. We could have had a controlled opening long ago and been in the same place but NO everyone wanted to show how superior we are.

    • Anonymous says:

      What a stupid comment – what has opening the border got to do with it? All those who came in on 1st October as self isolating.

      • Anonymous says:

        Or were they? At least one case of someone breaking the rules. You think the kid got it from where, exactly?

  15. Was I exposed? says:

    The private isolation is not working. Institute government facility use only.
    Also, we all need to know the general location of the outbreaks (not the names), so that we can protect ourselves.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Let the panic porn commence.

  17. Anonymous says:

    lock urself down first and save us us from ur hysterics.
    track, trace, isolate is the way forward.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Did anyone really think it was gone? CIG was only testing the same individuals over and over. With the majority of the persons infected showing no symptoms, it was only a matter of time before it resurfaced. They should have done mass testing from the very beginning, but I guess that our numbers would not have stayed as low as they did. To get an accurate number of the population that was tested, take the numbers government published and divide by at least 5.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Let’s not overreact or panic. This virus will be here for a long time so we need to learn to live with it. Lockdown again is not the answer!!! COVID is much less deadly than initially thought.

    • Anonymous says:

      And what was initially thought? Its 3-4x deadlier than the flu but research it for yourself don’t take my word for it.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think panic would ok in light of the situation. You know betting the entire farm on keeping the CV out while huge sections of the economy are destroyed. A good many of us have been panicking for the last 3 months while we watch the CIG turn the screws on the tourist industry.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Very bad and sad. I can see another lock down before Christmas

    • Anonymous says:

      Why? Because of fear? COVID is here to stay. Life needs to continue. We need some sensible leadership here and not overreaction. The COVID survival rate is over 99%. Everyone needs to calm down.

      • Anonymous says:

        I think the same.
        The concept of Cayman being a “safe bubble” is surreal.
        This gov has never presented a plan, will not present a plan because they simply cantor present one.
        Life NEEDS to go on! And certainly locking down this economy and people is not the answer.
        I wonder how long they will say it is safe to keep the islands isolated ? 6 more months?
        This is ridiculous and I don’t even live there!

    • Anonymous says:

      I hope there is one.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Should have kept the masks on!

    Turks and Caicos went two months NO new cases and while the border was still closed a new case appeared.

    They then went on to have hundreds and still opened to tourists while it spread through the locals.

    We may as well open up with pre testing and testing after arrival.

    It’s here and it’s staying WAKE UP CIG!

  22. Anonymous says:

    This is causing so much panic, concern and speculation. I hope the government confirms the most likely source of the community spread to ease some speculation.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Despite the best efforts of government the virus has appeared amongst us once again. I think it is time to come to terms with the fact that we cannot keep it from coming to Cayman. So the lockdown and subsequent destruction of a large section of our economy only bought a delay to the inevitable! We have to prioritize protecting the vulnerable amongst us. Life must go on for the rest of the country. By instituting strict protective measures in looking after those compromised health wise we can ensure those who need life saving medical treatment can receive it. I constantly read of people dying because their treatment was postponed is that not as bad as exposing people to a virus which although highly contagious, is proving to be less deadly than initially claimed?
    As a person in the “high risk” group I am tired of having to live my life at the expense of a possible outcome! At the moment I run a greater risk of dying in a traffic accident than from Covid-19!

    • Anonymous says:

      Absolutely. Resources are limited, it’s been said for 6 months, protect the vulnerable. It’s the best use of resources and we’ve squandered so much already on measures that have been shown to be futile.

    • Jonathan Adam says:

      Truth spoken.

    • Anonymous says:

      You may be willing to risk it but how dare you make that call for anyone else!

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly! We have a lot more information now than we did back in early March. Lockdown is not the answer!

      • Anonymous says:

        We’re not going into lockdown. Will you all stop talking foolishness? They’re taking precautions to avoid that. If we open up, we’ll be wearing masks again in no time. I hope that everyone realizes that.

        • dbh says:

          We wear masks everywhere we go here in our home state. OK don’t start yelling at me beause I live in the USA; I’m simply making the case that we wear masks, we go out to dinner, we go to the grocery store, we go shopping at the mall and our number are not climbing, our hospitilizations are on the decline as are death rates. Wearing masks is not horrible, and it is a way to protect each other. If CIG opens the borders, although I don’t seem them actually opening the borders anytime soon, yes you may have to wear masks again. I wonder if wearning masks would be so horrible if it meant many business owners that depend on tourism would be able to keep their businesses afloat and not face closing down (possibly forever.)

    • Anonymous says:

      The COVID-19 mortality rate is 1%. Do you die once every time you drive?

      • Facts says:

        It’s actually 0.014%, but I assume you’re rounding up to the closest 1?

      • Anon says:

        Actually it is a lot less than 1% and maybe a lot less than the .014% now given. Consider the facts that we do not know the actual number of cases anywhere at the moment and there is a growing opinion that it is a much higher number than published. Also consider that a number of the deaths attributed to the virus are attributable only because the person had Covid-19 when they died and that the virus possibly was not the “cause” of death then the actual mortality rate may be as low as that from Influenza (Flu)!

      • Unk says:

        I don’t think you understand how to calculate this

        • Anon says:

          How so? Mortality rate (as a %) = number of people who actually died from Covid-19 (not heart failure or cancer say but also tested positive) divide by true number of Covid-19 cases in the world multiplied by 100. As I said the first figure is being inflated by a deaths not due completely to Covid-19 and the second number is now accepted to be a lot greater due to asymptomatic cases.
          If someone had a survivable seizure but was driving a car which resulted in a fatal car crash what then would you say is the cause of death?

  24. Anonymous says:

    People just can’t self-isolate can they. Those bracelets don’t stop people from entering the quarantine property.
    “It’s ok little Jenny, I’m sure Uncle Ted, who just arrived from NY, is fine. Of course we can visit him at his Villa. He has a bracelet that magically protects us and Trump told us not to fear Covid.”

    • Anonymous says:

      How do you know it was from a traveler?

      • Anonymous says:

        I doubt it was from a traveler. It was probably from community spread. It has been in Cayman this whole time. I am sure the parents have been going to the grocery stores and out and about without masks. I am sure the teachers /parents have been going to restaurants and bars without masks. Maybe a social gathering? Or maybe the bus driver? Other student’s parents? One of those people are probably asymptomatic and then it gets passed around by no or little social distancing and ends up with this young Girl. Now you have to contact trace because who has she and her family been in contact with? Community spread… masks…….

        • Anonymous says:

          Absolutely agree. It is absolutely appalling and utter stupidity that there is no longer a mask mandate or even social distancing being practiced anywhere. Look around everywhere. Very few are wearing masks or keeping 6ft away from you anywhere. As if Covid “just magically disappeared.” If CIG remains this lax about COVID, then we are back to square one very soon. A waste of all the good efforts of earlier.

          • Anonymous says:

            Agree! Dropping the mask mandate and ban on large gatherings was stupid!!! Wearing a mask and social distancing are so easy and great ways to help avoid another lockdown!

    • DLF says:

      I don’t believe the article said the child was exposed by someone under the house arrest quarantine protocal. Maybe we should find out how the child came to be exposed before the finger is pointed at a recent arrival under quarantine.

  25. J|) says:

    Only now sh!t ga hit the fan.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Lockdown 2.0 coming… the freedom was fun while it lasted.

  27. jumbo jim says:

    i can imagine it now…the parents rock up to school and start mingling then they start talking to teachers who potentially have the virus since they interact with the kids….kids are coming in and out of class rooms and potentially spreading the virus to the parents who are in turn spreading it to the community….no doubt that cayman marl road bloke is there trying to be of no use to anyone and basically just being a nosey nuissance….oh yeah and i bet the testing team doesn’t show up during the first 2 hours of this event since its lunch time and everyone is down at popeye’s chicken or in a “team building” event….hallelujah but i do wonder if that guy who was caught breaching “home isolating” will be blamed for this or if was someone from the earlier bunch who wasn’t caught breaking the rules goodluck finding that out!

  28. Anonymous says:

    Hoping he or she has a speedy recovery

  29. Anonymous says:

    Get Ready for a two week lockdown ladies and gentlemen

    • Anonymous says:

      ALL MUST refuse a lock down it did not work before and will not work now.
      Wake up people it is not going away and we need to open up!

    • Anonymous says:

      No way! Remember last time??? Two weeks turned into two more weeks turned into two more weeks, etc. And even after that, look where we are now. Time for a better approach – let’s learn to live with this.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, let’s go full Darwinism! If 70% get it and 1% of them die, that’s only about 400 mostly old people dead. They were going to die soon anyway. Ok, maybe a few younger people die, too, but in the meantime, we can get our party on!

  30. Anonymous says:

    This does not bode well for Cayman. Just when we thought we had burned out the virus. Let’s all use some common sense and mask up and social distance. Stay safe.

  31. No Life No Money $$$ says:

    This govt is destroying the credibility it built over the past few months just because the greedy believe like el presidente believe money is more important than lives.We live to spend money but if you dead it simply does not matter. Be safe Cayman

  32. Logan Born Caymanian says:

    Simple situation Govt Lies Covid 19 telling us the truth of exactly what is going in Cayman These infections have come as a direct result of this Quarantine at home for the rich Bullshit! and those in the facilities not complying with quarantine rules yet we have only one arrest. Lock it down again and put our economy in the dust bin Cayman A $1000 dollars is a real joke $10,000 might jog their little memory a 100,000 will help our economy 500,000 will get their attention Maybe?

    • Anonymous says:

      Hey Logan

      They are lying directly to you.

      Covid is a mass conspiracy with the main aim of fooling you into implanting a 5G chip in your oversized but highly intelligent head. Fight the power my friend

    • Anonymous says:

      I know! All those rich people who send their kids to Red Bay Primary School are totally to blame!

  33. Anonymous says:

    “tHe ViRUS HaS bUrNEd oUt iN cAYmAn”😒🤬🙄 The Government knew better than to open schools so soon!

    • Anonymous says:

      Not true. This is likely because someone couldn’t wait to see a friend or family member so they did it sneaky and bam. Or when cig let out the person with covid accidentally and she spent 4 hours at sunset house.

      This is not because of schools. This is because adults behave like children.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sigh. School is not the problem people! Please show me where on the planet opening schools has led to all sorts of death. Fear, panic and a lack of common sense are the real enemy here. COVID has an over 99% survival rate.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Close the borders again!

  35. Anonymous says:

    This is seriously bad news for Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      Only because we have idiots running the islands and we don’t know how they will react to this.

  36. Anonymous says:

    If we have to do lockdown again with those interminable press conferences can Dwayne please be replaced by a tub of lard or some variety of inoffensive vegetation?

  37. Anonymous says:

    Lockdown for all.

    Let’s beat this deadly virus once and for all and they only way is a 4 week total lockdown. Back to named days and enforce it properly this time around

    Close the airport now if you haven’t come home by now you don’t deserve to be on this blessed island

  38. Anonymous says:

    How is this even possible? No local transmission in over two months and now a case a couple weeks after we allow people to isolate at home. A stupid decision that does not help the tourism industry at all and was only done to appease expats wanting to go home for a visit.

    • Anonymous says:

      Of course, Red Bay Primary, must be the fault of expats. It’s so obvious.

      • Anonymous says:

        Exactly. The only expat kids in government schools are a few whose parents are civil servants. Regular expats in the private sector have to send theirs to private schools – if their permit allows them to have their kids here. Your nail technician/helper/gardener had to leave their kids with grand parents.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hey! Drinking Pimms in the garden over summer is crucially important! It was good too, snowflake.

    • Anonymous says:

      Parent is associated with NAU.

      So Caymanian.

  39. Anonymous says:

    Let’s hope they are all ok and that they all quarantine for 14 days.

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