Custody officer fired in prison probe

| 23/02/2016 | 12 Comments
Cayman News Service

Prisoners at HMP Northward

(CNS): The prison custody officer who was embroiled in the prison covert video scandal has been dismissed, Eric Bush, the chief officer in the home affairs ministry, has confirmed. Nina White, who was suspected of inappropriate conduct with inmates, has become the latest casualty of the controversial investigation, which began almost one year ago and resulted in the deputy director being fired, while a third officer remains on suspension. Bush did not say if White’s dismissal related directly to the allegations made against her, telling CNS it was against ministry policy to give the reasons on employment related termination.

An internal prison investigation was launched at HMP Northward following the discovery of unauthorised video equipment in a staff member’s office in March of last year. CNS understands that the recording equipment was placed in the office in which White worked. She was also suspended during the enquiry, however Deputy Governor Franz Manderson told the Legislative Assembly in November that there was nothing of a “suspicious nature” on the video footage covertly recorded in her office.

The deputy director of prisons, Aduke Natalie Joseph-Caesar, was fired as she was said to be the senior officer who gave the OK to install the hidden recording equipment. However, officials have been reluctant to discuss the chain of events or comment on whether the secret recording equipment was installed because of the allegations of inappropriate conduct.

Since she was fired by Chief Officer Bush for her alleged part in the scandal, Joseph-Caesar has filed an application for a judicial review. She has claimed that, as a prison officer, the only person with the authority to dismiss her was Prisons Director Neil Lavis and the probe by the ministry was unlawful.

Andrew Gregory, the officer who was suspended after he reportedly installed the camera equipment at Joseph-Caesar’s direction, remains on required leave.

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Category: Crime, Prison

Comments (12)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Does this mean that she will have to find a job in the private sector? Maybe a security company?

    • Anonymous says:

      ……too any of our neighbors in these high positions. I will bet that we can’t go there and these kind of law enforcements jobs.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Is this one the Director’s former nanny?

  3. The Spook says:

    I can’t wait to see what lengths they will go to continue covering this one up.

    • Anonymous says:

      If, and only if they were caymanians who were working there, had committed or displayed such inappropriate behaviour, they would’ve been booted through the door and with no options. These people from overseas have all the options to do or act in whatever manner they choose. When prisoners got out years ago, the two caymanians were fired. How many times since that incident there were prison breaks, and no expat heads rolled?
      We have bias system. All for the expat and nothing for us locals. The way to go.

      • Anonymous says:

        Indeed 2.01-Are you for real? Get over yourself! Free healthcare, social security, a government who gives money for a non existent clean up, we get none of that. One mistake and we are out of here, lets be clear. You get to carry on and do it again….

      • SSM345 says:

        2:01, you foo-fool bad.

      • SSM345 says:

        2:01, since you have a vast amount of common sense from the sacred wessell, perhaps you can put your theory to the test by comparing it to our Civil Service?

        • Batman says:

          Fired. ….but wait no one is fired in the civil service. Oh wait this is the iimproved civil service.

          Thank you Mr Bush. Accoutablity is alive and well in the civil service.

      • Anonymous says:

        Seriously 2:01?! You just never know when to keep quiet uh? Talk about living in a bubble

  4. Anonymous says:

    Is Nina White now employed at the Security Centre with Mrs. Natalie Lavis Custodial Services Manager?

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