HSA cleared to import doctors if needed

| 06/04/2020 | 25 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS): Cabinet has cleared the Health Services Authority to recruit between 50 and 100 doctors from Cuba if needed during this current COVID-19 pandemic. At this point, there is no indication the HSA will need to call on this back-up of physicians but if it does, as an institutional registered health facility, under the Health Practitioners Law it needs the green light from Cabinet to employ medical personnel from Cuba.

HSA CEO Lizette Yearwood has stated that the authority is preparing for the worst case scenario, scouting potential buildings for an overflow hospital if the number of COVID-19 cases greatly increases over the coming month and people start becoming very sick. If this were to happen, more doctors would be needed and Cuba is the most logical source of medical staff.

However, there are three hospitals (HSA, Health City Cayman Islands and CTMH Doctors Hospital), all of which are now ready and able to take sick patients, as well as numerous physicians in private clinics and surgeries standing by to assist.

Some three weeks after the country began locking down, the virus is still spreading only incrementally through the community. But if the virus takes a hold here as it has in other countries, Cayman could see a sudden surge in patients requiring serious medical support.

Cayman currently has around 40 ventilators and trained staff to support each patient who needs one. There is just one COVID-19 patient in isolation at the George Town Hospital. The patient has respiratory symptoms but is not on a ventilator.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (25)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Cubans are well educated and most likely able to speak English more properly than a lot of Caymanians.

  2. Brown Freeman says:

    This is the situation in Cuba, pls note that the patients (in big %) are fairly young. See the most common complication. Many, many Drs are infected asymptomatic. WARNING!! The CIG is trying to bring drs from Cuba. They could be infected. It happened in Andorra. Pls folloe the article link.

    I do not think that this Cuban Communist Goverment “Business venture” in the Cayman Islands is a wise cost effective move for us.



  3. Soldier Crab says:

    What has happened to the Cuban doctor who claimed political asylum many years ago and was employed as a porter at the George Town hospital because Cayman does not recognise Cuban qualifications?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Poster at 2:56 pm hopefully we won’t have to find out if they speak English, because if the islands get to that state , people won’t care if they speak at all we will have a real mess on our hands , just look at some of the reports from around the world, some people still don’t get the picture that this virus is the real deal hopefully people get the picture before people start dropping like flies.

  5. Anonymous says:

    50-100 Cuban doctors!!!!!?

    Selfish Caymanians at it, again. Have a good look at your population and how many doctors are on island and do the math. Disgusting.

    There are places desperate for doctors with much more in distress populations.



    • Hafoo says:

      What I find so funny about you expats,is that you love Cayman money and life,but not the people..whats wrong with bringing 50/100 Doctors?Atleast they being proactive..Not like Trump.

      • Anonymous says:

        Try not looking at everything as Us (Caymanians) vs. Them (Expats) and instead: HUMAN BEINGS

        Also, I am not an Expat.

        Also, I am exceptionally embarrassed by the revolting voice comments of your crass and despicable Country Man about the esteeemed Governor who has been working tirelessly for our Islands.

        I agree, beyond greedy that for the population of Cayman we ask for 50-100 Cuban doctors.

      • Brown Freeman says:

        Proactive? Are you sure?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Unfortunately, as worded, the regulations do not mention they temporary (COVID-19 related). HSA doctors do not need work permits and HSA, post COVID -19, will now find an excuse not to hire Caymanian doctors qualified in the UK or US while they can recruit cheaper doctors from third world countries. It costs US$500K on average for 12 years of medical education and our students stuck with massive student loans will have to search for opportunities overseas resulting in “brain drain”.

    Cabinet needs to pass an amendment to make these regulations temporary COVID-19 related

  7. Anonymous says:

    52 went to Italy. Why Cayman needs 50-100?

  8. Anonymous says:

    If needed?

  9. Anonymous says:

    They will be able to treat the Caymanians (through marriage) & expats who don’t speak English either.

    • Anonymous says:

      All expats in Cayman should be able to speak English

      • Anonymous says:

        ‘Should’ be able to speak English but we all have dealt with staff at restaurants/shops etc that have a very poor grasp of the language beyond basic phrases. I’m Caymanian but was at a location I hadn’t been to for a long time. I asked the server about construction going on next door. The reply was perfectly phrased but had no connection to my question.

      • Anonymous says:

        Good one!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Do all these Cuban doctors speak English? If no, I can foresee all sorts of problems.

    • Anonymous says:

      Half the island can’t speak English anymore, it’s like a mini Honduras

    • Anonymous says:

      Damn sight bigger problem if you have severe respiratory problems and there is no doctor available to treat you. Think at point the doctor is not going to be relying on what you tell him to diagnose or treat you, and you are going to be more concerned with the getting the treatment than the doctors bedside manner and ability to chat to you.

    • Hafoo says:

      You are so negative..nothing good to say?Then shut the $%#@ up

    • Anonymous says:

      How will the Cuban doctors communicate with the Caymanian nurses?

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