Buses stay on road, gov’t avoiding full curfew

| 20/03/2020 | 51 Comments
Cayman News Service
Bus depot in George Town, Grand Cayman

(CNS): There is an “inherent risk in just living” while the coronavirus is around, Premier Alden McLaughlin warned Thursday, when he said government was not shutting down the local bus network. He pointed out that, despite the efforts being taken in the face of the global COVID-19 pandemic to curb the potential spread, there were still going to be areas of risk but not everything would be shut down.

During the now regular coronavirus daily press briefing, the premier said that there were no plans yet to introduce stricter bans and legislation, like the UK’s proposed Emergency Coronavirus Bill, or a curfew for those in isolation.

McLaughlin explained that it would not be possible to just implement a curfew for those currently required to self-isolate, having returned from overseas, because it would have to apply to everyone.

“I hope we don’t get to the point where curfews become necessary,” he said, adding that he understood how people are feeling right now but this was going to be a sustained situation and no one knows for how long. He said government was trying to be “rational and proportionate” to the risks as they are assessed at the time but he did not feel a curfew was necessary yet.

“We can’t lock the place down indefinitely,” the premier said. “The longer it takes to get to that point the better… The longer we can delay the virus, we may never get to the particular point,” McLaughlin added.

He said Cayman is still in the containment phase where transmission can be identified and it may be possible to keep it that way, but that required a change in people’s behaviour, he warned. The public must adhere to the isolation requirements and other protocols put in place by government as well as mandated requirements if Cayman is to have a chance of limiting community spread.

However, people are still dodging the required but not mandatory isolation, and it’s not just some students but older responsible members of the community who are not all doing what they should, McLaughlin said, as he urged people to take responsibility.

In the face of public concern about the local buses, the premier pointed out that shutting the network down would create another set of problems. He said drivers and passengers must behave responsibily and not crowd the buses. But he stated that there was no plan to shut down the public transport network.

McLaughlin compared the situation to supermarkets and the threats they pose but the need to keep them open, despite the principles of risk that are constantly discussed in face of the virus.

“The riskiest public gathering that I see now, is going to the supermarket because of the sheer numbers of people that are there all the time,” the premier said.

“But we can’t close down the supermarkets and if we say we will limit the numbers inside to 50 or 40, they are simply going to queue outside the door. We are grappling with how we manage these things and there will continue to be risk inherent in just living as long as this virus is going to be around,” he added, as he urged people to make sensible judgments in order to keep themselves and others safe.

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Comments (51)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Yes, opening Sunday will spread the load and create less pressure to catch supermarkets on weekends.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I didn’t know.here was a bus system.

    I thought it was a bunch of jamaicans trying to collectively kill the poor and me.

  3. Anonymous says:

    These are challenging times. This Government is the worst example of leadership the Cayman Islands has ever seen.

    There will be decisions that need to be made and balancing benefits and deficits against necessity for sustaining life and jurisdictional needs for avoid spreading the virus.

    The problem is that the Premier, Deputy Premier, Cabinet and the Government’s backbench are in over their heads. So, it’s almost impossible to expect much positive efficiency and effectiveness out of the Unity Government. They cannot seem to rid themselves of the Speaker, who has embarrassed the Cayman Islands on multiple occasions.

    Let’s not forget that (before the COVID-19 was actually on our shores) the current elected Government has been the biggest threat to the Cayman Islands and our people. They are still a major threat, but get to hide behind the current state of events that detract from their incompetence and discriminatory favoritism.

    The Cayman Islands is for Caymanians first and foremost, and it is the Caymanian people who are most important to protect in the long term, whilst protecting all people in the short term from what is currently upon us.

    My word of advice to anyone out there is pray for our leaders to make the right decisions (even if it seems like a fruitless effort with the Unity Government) and do our own individual parts to be positive contributors to society. Let’s do our best and let God do the rest. Good old Caymanian determination and the will to never quite has sustained us this far with God’s grace.

    What we need to do is elect worthy members to Parliament. It’s important to avoid corruption, incompetence and laziness. The next election cycle will be a defining moment in the history of the Cayman Islands.

    I personally know that there are going to be some really good candidates running, which the public might not be aware of yet, but that will manifest itself in due course publicly.

    Let us not forget that the greatest threat to the Cayman Islands is poor leadership, which needs to go and be replaced before they cause any more irreversible damage. Pray that God gives our current Government leaders the ability to make the right decisions, because only God can help us now.

    God bless the Cayman Islands and our people. Be safe, be courageous, stay strong. This too shall pass.

    • Anonymous says:

      Get lost numbskull.

      Sounds like a load of sour grapes to most of us!

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t agree with alot of this government’s policies on many areas, however I applaud the steps they have taken in respect to trying to contain this virus.
      NO ONE, in any country knows what they are doing and flying by the seat of their pants.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Well, my vendor in Miami just got shut down. I will be receiving no more product for the foreseeable future.
    My first call was to Flow to cancel my home broadband service and my second move was to turn my breaker off.
    I went through Ivan and when this is over, I will not be in debt.

  5. Stupid discussions made says:

    So you can’t sit in a clean restaurant 6ft apart but you can sit in a stick dirty infected taxis and buses.

    I’ll put money on it that the won’t disinfect throughout the day, this is the perfect way to spread any virus

    What am I saying third largest voting group of course they would be allowed to operate.

    I’m not saying don’t shut down businesses but it has to happen to all businesses that are at high risk.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Need to close construction sites as they clearly exceed the 50 person (now 10 in the US) gathering limit and they often share a porta potty with no running water and often share large water storage containers on site.

    • Anonymous says:

      Precisely. What is good for the goose works for the gander.

    • Anonymous says:

      Another uninformed comment.
      A site of 50 or more is a large site, probably with running water and waste plumbing.
      Of course there is running water on job sites. And soap to wash with.
      The work environment is outdoors and well spaced out.
      6-12 working on a residential site would be more common.
      Think of the strife coming if all these construction workers who are here all run out of work. No way home and no way to pay the bills.
      Why not all use our common sense, practice distancing and prescribed and most importantly, don’t be a dick

  7. Anonymous says:

    Bus drivers, taxi drivers and dump truck drivers are without doubt the most irresponsible drivers on the road. Appalling road craft and driving skills, and an arrogant disregard for the safety of their passengers and other road users. So why in gods name does Alden believe these lunatics will behave safely now?

  8. Anonymous says:

    So you can’t sit in the open air and enjoy a meal or a drink whilst being socially responsible, but you can cram yourself into a tiny public bus with a group of strangers.
    That is the most ridiculous proposition that we’ve heard from this mind numbingly stupid government.

    • Some people can’t read says:

      Read! Before spewing BS please read and comprehend. You obviously didn’t understand the direction to not crowd the buses, do you understand exactly what that means?

      • Anonymous says:

        Go into then – explain how the inside of a tiny minibus isn’t crowded. Once you have more than 2 passengers they are going to be waiting 3 ft if each other.

  9. Anonymous says:

    The government said tour bus drivers and taxi drivers will be getting the $ 600, they never mentioned public bus drivers , public bus drivers still have their jobs

  10. Concerned Mother says:

    I would recommend that parents who have helpers to ask their helpers to avoid the bus and pick those persons up and drop them back. Until the government realizes that the bus system needs to be closed until we are no longer at a risk then do all you can to help reduce the possible exposure that those helpers may have and put your household at risk. I see persons who work at grocery stores and service industries still taking the bus. At this point it is a time bomb waiting to explode. I sympathize with those drivers but many of us are making major sacrifices through this. They can look at offering delivery services along with the grocery stores or something. Please government consider these things.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Is the fact that we have no Speaker stopping the legislation that we may need from advancing? Is that why we cannot make self isolation mandatory and breaking isolation an offense? Is that a factor in why our government may not be doing all it might to protect its people (is the public)?

    Other places are passing laws to deal with this. Why aren’t we?

  12. Anonymous says:

    Alden. Why take the risk? With the borders shut a two week lockdown now would prevent possible transmission and next to guarantee the virus is stamped out in Cayman. Now is the time to do it with minimal extra disruption, and least risk to lives.

    • Anonymous says:

      Gambling is illegal – and yet it seems Alden just doubled down. He appears to be following the Italy model. No lock down until AFTER community spread is confirmed. Of course, by then days will have passed waiting for test results, and it may be too late for some.

  13. Anonymous says:

    None of the grocery stores have created an online catalogue or any way to electronically order and pay for grocery pickup. We are day 5/14 and running out of a few things. Not an emergency, but we are noticing the logistical incongruities of our current service delivery. Faxing a credit card authorization form in 2020 GDPR world is nuts.

  14. Anonymous says:

    This regime is giving KYD$600 to each public bus driver that doesn’t stand to loose a day’s work or shut down…

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m saddened but not surprised that there is no help coming for those who are in the watersports industry, many small Caymanian businesses who have no income at al, in what should have been the busiest few months of the year, since the airport is shutting down and people worldwide are being told not to travel. Shame on this govt. I’m all for anyone getting help but when you are thinking of the work permit holders and not your own people, it is disgraceful. I will remember this when it comes time to vote next time. For those of us stuck here in the lockdown I hope we can all work together and help wherever we can, no matter where we are from but it really makes me angry how this govt. constantly ignores its own people. Also, having returned from medical appointments in Miami last week, I am isolating myself. However, there should be some help for those who came back as in making sure we have groceries, medical supplies, all bills paid, cash from the ATM, etc Not everyone has people who will go to the shops and its bad enough having to go there for yourself right now, let alone going for someone else. Hurleys are delivering but the delivery prices are ridiculous. Supermarkets are one of the few raking it in right now. Please stop being greedy. Govt. cut the duty rates so that we can all make the few dollars we have go further.

  15. Anonymous says:

    With regard to the supermarkets – keep them open but make it so you have to go in timeslots by age, with older people allowed to go early in the morning and younger people later in the day. 60 an older – 7am to 9am. 45-60 9am to 11am. 30-45 11 am to 1pm. 30 and under, 1pm to 3pm. Then start the rotation over so that everyone has ample opportunity. And… open the stores on Sunday, just like they did after Ivan.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Are these bus drivers doing anything to mitigate the spread of the virus, like cleaning their buses???


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