CFO with clean accounts earns top worker gong

| 27/01/2015 | 6 Comments
Cayman News Service

Deputy Governor Franz Manderson and CFO Stephanie Azan

(CNS): The chief financial officer in the Ministry of Community Affairs, who was the first government finance boss to get the accounts of one of the largest ministries successfully through an audit, has been named a top employee. Stephanie Azan receive an unqualified opinion for her ministry’s 2013-14 financial accounts but she was awarded the deputy governor’s Employee of the Month Award for November to recognise all of her attributes, a government release stated.

Said to have a strong commitment to her job and exceptional professionalism, officials said Azan “consistently displays leadership qualities that earn her the respect of her superiors, peers and staff” in the ministry and departments. Azan’s dedication had helped the ministry and its departments’ finances to earn unqualified audit opinions for two consecutive years, the release said.

“Her commitment to excellence and superlative organisational skills underscore her invaluable place among her team and the wider civil service,” officials stated, adding that her willingness to share her expertise with financial staff across the entire civil service has inspired others to improve their effectiveness and efficiency.

Thanking her for her “remarkable level of performance and commitment to the government service”, Deputy Governor Franz Manderson lauded her for constantly being a superior role model for all civil servants. He also praised Azan’s commitment to her ministry’s mission of empowering children and families, as well as strengthening communities, which, he noted, has helped identify gaps in financial policies and internal procedures.


Category: Jobs, Local News

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Not that I’m not happy she had a clean audit, but getting a clean audit is or should be a minimum job performance standard not one that merits getting an award.

    It is time the other ministries senior teams be fired.

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree, to a degree. The fact that someone finally did what SHOULD be done is worth celebrating. From what I understand from those that work with her, our her husband for that matter, there is much to be recognize for.

  2. Anonymous says:

    So here is an example of how educating yourself and working hard puts you on a good path! Good for her!

    I have to ask, if she is the only one that is getting these “unqualified Audits” why aren’t we replacing the others with people like her? Just curious

    • Anonymous says:

      I have to wonder if CNS posters live in cayman .The crazy questions posed are truly bizarre. Take for example the question about why other CFO ‘s who are not getting clean accounts should be replaced. Dahhhh. The premier and the DG held a press conference last year to say that while Ms Azan was the first CFO in a large ministry to get clean accounts . Many other CFO ‘ S had also received clean accounts and the DG has predicted that this year no CFO will receive an adverse audit. In other words history will be made in the civil service. Things are changing even CNS readers should be able to figure that out.

  3. Anonymous says:

    This is well deserved. Congratulations to a woman who is a good example of how hard work and being qualified rewards you.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Worked with her in the private sector, not surprised. Has a work ethic that is very rare here.

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