NiCE opens for Christmas clean-up

(CNS): Government will be hosting a registration session next week for unemployed Caymanians to join in the annual Christmas clean-up. The second and last National Community Enhancement (NiCE) programme for the year, the initiative aims to give work to the jobless over the holidays while sprucing up the place ahead of the festive season. Last Christmas the numbers signing up fell to just over 340 people, though this summer they jumped back up to more than 480.
However, that was still considerably less than previous highs of over 800 people when the project first began a decade ago under the UDP government.
However, with unemployment at an all time low and plenty of seasonal work now available, the numbers are likely to fall again unless the CI$10 per hour rate, which is well above the minimum wage, attracts people from other lower paid casual or seasonal work.
Officials from the Ministry of Infrastructure, which coordinates the project, said there will be three weeks work available, from Monday, 25 November, through 13 December.
As well as organising the day-to-day supervision of work duties throughout the three-week project, the ministry will work closely with Workforce Opportunities and Residency Cayman (WORC) to ensure that those able to take up full-time work opportunities after the programme are given every assistance.
“I look forward to my ministry once again delivering the NiCE programme to help build stronger communities and support the most vulnerable, in keeping with the government’s broad policy outcomes,” said Minister Joey Hew. “The project will also ensure that Caymanians benefit from a healthy environment.”
Workers who sign up for the project will be dealing with repairs and maintenance, beautifying cemeteries, parks and roadside verges. Crews cleaning up the beaches will again be clearing sargassum, if needed, as well as beach accesses.
Registration will be at the Lions Centre on Wednesday, 13 November, at 9am. Late-comers will not be allowed to register.
The session will also include orientation by partner agencies, involving basic health and safety, work skills and conduct training, before ending at 12 noon.
the programme is open to unemployed Caymanians and spouses of Caymanians who are 18 years old and over. Strict vetting will take place to ensure that only those who qualify register, organisers confirmed. NiCE workers will work up to three weeks, Mondays to Fridays, 7am to 3pm.
NiCE application forms are now available at district libraries in Grand Cayman, MLA Offices and the Government Administration Building’s reception area in George Town.
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Category: Jobs, Local News
10 an hour shows that 6 clearly is enough to live from.
Your photo shows a lot of people standing around with brand new rakes, but no garbage.
Again, another example of caymans welfare system in play. These job should be carried out by inmates at HMPs and people convicted of lighter offenses for public service. DUIs? Make them do 250 hours of beach clean ups! Just one example. This place is either to inept to make public service mandatory for criminals or they need to look like they are paying their people for work instead of just handing out cash.
Why choose one or the other? It’s not like we only need roadside cleanups during the holiday season.
There should be continual NICE crews, always picking up/trimming bush, making things better. I’m willing to devote a few duty dollars toward that end (not that I was EVER consulted).
If the work makes life a little bit better for a few Caymanians, then GREAT! Next stop, raise the minimum wage, and get them all employed!!
This is so pathetic. You politicians should be ashamed. All year long you do next to nothing for the marginalized. Then at Xmas like clock work you reintroduce the Nice program. Basically a temporary work program for others to what the civil service should have been doing. Picking up the garbage. Are you completely devoid of real solutions. If so please resign.
It’s NiCE to see people picking up the garbage they threw out of their car windows

Most of The people that works in the nice work program don’t even own a car.
Out their car window, bike, same thing.
“When does the holiday season start?”
“Whenever the PPM starts trying to buy people’s votes”