Judge warns rock thrower to stop smoking ganja

| 27/04/2018 | 27 Comments

(CNS): A local man who was given a 10-month suspended jail sentence following an incident in which he injured his neighbour after throwing rocks into her house, was warned to stop smoking ganja by a judge. During a sentencing hearing, Thursday, prosecutors described how Wayne David Wright (21) was involved in an altercation with his neighbour after the two of them had returned home drunk from a George Town bar. During the row, Wright claimed his neighbour had pushed him into a pile of bricks. Angry and confused by the aggression, he threw rocks at his neighbour’s house.

The man’s wife, however, was in the home and she was injured when one of the stones hit her on the head. Wright was also said to have damaged windows and the couple’s car during the rock-throwing episode.

He pleaded guilty to the offence, which happened in February 2016 when he was just 19 years old. With Wright having no serious adult criminal record the judge handed down the short sentence, which he suspended for 10 months, and ordered him to pay CI$800 in compensation.

The court had heard that Wright, who suffers from post-traumatic stress, has struggled with addiction to alcohol and has been using ganja from a very young age, has accepted that he needs help. His defence attorney told the court that Wright has recently secured an apprenticeship and the young man is trying to turn his life around.

The judge also directed Wright to take an anger-management course while on the suspended sentence and that he should  seek counselling. But he warned the still-young man that smoking ganja was illegal and if he carried on he could be brought back to court and find himself charged with drug offences, and forced to serve the 10-month suspended sentence at Northward.

Justice Wood said Wright was not getting away with his crime but he was being given a chance that he should take, as another judge may not be so lenient.

Category: Courts, Crime, Local News

Comments (27)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    The negative agenda re ganga smoking is being pushed from the very top. The judges are misleading, misinformed… there is no way that GANJA would have caused this person to act out and just throw rocks at his neighbor’s house. That was sheer anger and liquid courage that made him do that. You smoke a boom draw, you gonna eat, and you’re gonna go sleep. You might chill with your boo and do mind blowing things, but to cause mischief and act out, that’s misinformation!

    Oops xx

  2. Anonymous says:

    Well that gives a new meaning to ‘stoner’… Lol!

  3. Anonymous says:

    This entire episode reads like a skit from Roundup.

  4. Jay ky1 says:

    Hmm… what kinda rock was he throwing? And once again they na see that too much drinks would make you far more devastated vs. Smoking ganja…

  5. Anonymous says:

    Ganja brings the fool out of everybody – and I’m not talking about the users.

    – Who

  6. Anonymous says:

    Legalize it or criminalize the population. That is the choice. Governor, your thoughts?

  7. Anonymous says:

    I drink alcohol every day, have done for 30 years. Yet to throw rocks at my neighbours house.

    • Anonymous says:

      But I guarantee out of that 30yrs of consuming alcohol(probably in your younger years)there has been a few times you went just a little bit over board,or just like most alcoholics you probably don’t remember.

    • Anonymous says:

      Too bad for your liver.

  8. Anonymous says:


  9. Anonymous says:

    Sounds to me that Ganga makes people crazy yet every dog and his puppy crying out for legalization. I say we don’t need more stoned crazy zombies going around. “Throw a rock in a dog pen, the one that screams the loudest got a sup papa”

    • Clowns says:

      Wayne David Wright (21) was involved in an altercation with his neighbour after the two of them had returned home drunk from a George Town bar.

    • Anonymous says:

      If smoking ganja makes you throw rocks then all the rocks on this island would be thrown. Don’t blame the ganja. Unless your a fool. Thousands smoke it here every day and there is no evidence of a crime except for one man throwing rocks.

    • Anonymous says:

      Alcohol was the problem here. Not Ganga(ganja). So yes while our beloved Cayman Isle continue to convict ganja smokers! The rest of the world is legalizing it and Cayman is still banning it.

      Alcohol is the real problem here and I don’t even smoke ganja!!

      • West Bay Premier says:

        You should try smoking it after all day work and before bed time , but not during the work days . I learned that it didn’t mix with my business. But it was really good if she wanted to smoke some with me .

    • Anonymous says:

      You clearly failed composition 101. It was a fight that caused this, specifically the angry emotions of a young enraged man. Nothing to do with cannabis ol’ bud. About “sounds to me”….

    • West Bay Premier says:

      Judge warns rock hiter to stop smoking ganja , but not drinking alcohol .

  10. anonymous says:

    I suppose it’s better, just slightly mind you, to smoke ganja and throw rocks that it is to smoke rocks and throw ganja.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Welcome to the 3-4-5

  12. Anonymous says:

    The judge failed to address the fact that the defendant was drunk, which lead to the dispute between him and his neighbour. It had nothing to do with smoking ganja,if the both of them where out all night smoking ganja and not consuming alcohol then there wouldn’t have been an argument between the pair to begin with,they would have just stopped by the nearest munchies shop to grab some zahz n dahz,and headed home arm in arm laughing about some foolishness they spotted on the way home,But the judge is guided to misdirect the population about the harms of ganja and not alcohol because one of their own had just been giving leniency for a D.U.I. when in all natural fact it was the alcohol that added the fuel to the fire.

  13. Anonymous says:

    If he threw rocks into a house he probably wasn’t smoking enough

    • Clowns says:

      Wayne David Wright (21) was involved in an altercation with his neighbour after the two of them had returned home drunk from a George Town bar.

  14. Anonymous says:

    The future of Cayman. The drunk guy,dumb as rocks, gets his wife stoned, and the stoner, weak minded as a drunk, gets frustrated from poor communication skills and starts throwing stones.

  15. 420 says:

    During a sentencing hearing, Thursday, prosecutors described how Wayne David Wright (21) was involved in an altercation with his neighbour after the two of them had returned home drunk from a George Town bar.

    Alcohol was the culprit. Keep blazing bro, bun that judge.


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