Cayman Crime Stoppers relaunches, seeks new funding

| 06/12/2017 | 5 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS): Cayman Crime Stoppers is planning a major relaunch to help raise funds and is looking for corporate sponsors to help boost the fight against crime, the local anti-crime, non-profit organisation said. The Cayman Islands branch was formed almost 25 years ago, and its Miami-based anonymous tip line has helped the RCIPS in several cases, but it is now looking for more funding to help broaden the fight. “The recent increase in crime is a cause for concern for everybody,” said Sebastien Guilbard, chairman of the local Crime Stoppers.

“We are appealing for more businesses to sign up to be members, as we partner with our law enforcement agencies to tackle the scourge of crime,” he added, “Crime Stoppers has helped the police fight crime in the Cayman Islands for a number of years, but we felt it was time for a relaunch to help raise our profile.”

The organisation intends to partner with other government branches and enforcement authorities as well as the RCIPS to help deal with different types of crime. In addition to the RCIPS, the agencies that have agreed to work with Crime Stoppers’ anonymous hotline and web-based tips are: the Department of Agriculture, Department of Environment, Department of Environmental Health, Department of Immigration, Cayman Islands Customs Department and Her Majesty’s Cayman Islands Prison Service.

“Crime Stoppers offers a trusted mechanism for the public to share sensitive information anonymously, and the value of this cannot be overstated for a small community like the Cayman Islands,” said Commissioner of Police Derek Byrne. “Crime Stoppers’ extension of its partnership to other agencies on-island is good news for the RCIPS, since we work jointly with these agencies to strengthen public safety in all areas, and curtail crime in all its forms.”

Crime Stoppers is updating its website, social media channels, brochures and other publicity materials, aiming to relaunch in time for the festive season.

Five categories are open to corporate members: Constables (individual donations), Sergeants ($250), Inspectors ($1,500), Commanders ($3,000) and the exclusive Commissioner ($10,000). Benefits range according to the level of membership and offer a variety of promotional opportunities.

Businesses or individuals interested in partnering with Crime Stoppers should contact Guilbard at

The Crime Stoppers free phone number is 800-TIPS (800-8477) and the website is here. They are also on Facebook and Instagram.


Category: Local News

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I read recently that a fast food manager / employee in Tampa, who helped to catch an alleged serial killer in same area, was awarded $110,000.00. Now that’s an attractive enough award to encourage others! I not aware of Cayman having a “serial” killer but i’m also not aware of any significant rewards…are there some?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Once I have robbed that bank, I will make a donation.

  3. Anonymous says:

    How is it possible that Crime Stoppers can be so far down on the RCIPS’ funding priority list that they must supplicate their KYD$30,000,000 annual budget with mooched private donations to keep it running? Does this make sense to anyone?

  4. West bay Premier says:

    What crimes has been STOPPED /SOLVED to deserve new funding .


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