Cops investigating two armed robberies

| 18/10/2017 | 80 Comments

(CNS): The RCIPS has confirmed that officers are investigating two new cases of armed robbery after a doorstep heist by a lone gunman on Mangrove Avenue in Prospect on Tuesday night and a stick-up at a well-known waterfront restaurant early Wednesday morning. The second incident happened around 2:30 this morning, when four men, including three who were carrying guns, confronted a security guard at the Wharf Restaurant and robbed money from inside the restaurant.

Police said that after confronting the guard, two of the men made their way into the restaurant, where they were able to access cash before they fled towards the beach in the direction of West Bay. The suspects were described as being fully masked and wearing black clothing.

The man who was robbed in Prospect was approached by a man carrying what appeared to be a gun as he got out of his car. The villain fled on foot towards Grape Avenue with the bag of cash. He is described as tall with a slim build, and was wearing a long-sleeved blue shirt, dark-colored pants, and had a red mask covering his face.

The victim received minor injuries during the incident and was taken to the hospital for treatment. Both robberies are now under police investigation.

The news comes in the wake of the armed robbery of five people outside a bar in Grand Harbour last week. So far no arrests have been made in connection with that incident.

Anyone with information is asked to call George Town Police Station at 949-4222. Anonymous tips can be provided directly to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777, the Miami-based call centre of Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS), or online here.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (80)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    We all say that West Bay seem to have all the bad criminals, but seems like they have removed to Prospect, because most of the crime has now been coming from there. This is a small area to deal with. Needs to be addressed immediately.

    • Anonymous says:

      What an idiotic statement, so the west bay criminals moved to prospect? Sounds like youre in denial that theres criminals living there and has been there from 1901

  2. cay says:

    Please check these security guards at these businesses they know a hell of a lot about where and when the monies are there and where so RCIPS check there phones as well for text messages back and forth.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Since its obvious that people are doing armed robberies, give every unemployed person a job. Then make it illegal or give a fine if someone is unemployed. Then make the firearm charges harder not jus by longer time maybe ten years hard labour to deter this. Ten years in northward is nothing to these criminals you need a better approach. They obviously need money, help them if you want to stop this. Even a clean up type program that goes on all year.

    • Anonymous says:

      Communism failed years ago…there was a reason for that.

    • Diogenes says:

      Is this before or after we install the Telescreens in our homes? Who would be Big Brother, Mckeeva,Alden,The Governor or the Queen?

      If you haven’t read 1984 or don’t know what it is or the plot, it’s pretty good


    • Anon says:

      Do what the UK did some months ago. Bring back ex/retired police officers out of retirement to assist the Force to combat crimes and its working!

  4. Frustrated says:

    ?Are we going to wait till one these scumbags kill a tourist? Then it becomes international and gives the Cayman Islands a more damaging reputation! As the norm is something has to happen then action will be taken. Remember God warns before he punishes! Where is the pro-active approach? What is the CIG doing to tackle upsurge in crime? IT IS NOT LOOKING GOOD CAYMAN!!!!!!!!

    • Diogenes says:

      God, really? Can you people not think for yourselves or what? Very few people get up in the morning and think to themselves I want to go out and commit armed robbery, these people clearly either have no choice but to support themselves this way, do it for kicks or are supporting an expensive habit

      Maybe just maybe not everything comes from an Invisible sky God and his zombified son, maybe people just do shit for their own reasons aren’t we supposed to have free will according to your Bible?


    • Anonymous says:

      Caymanians are more important i think.

  5. Northern Friend says:

    While I am sorry that this decade-long wave of gun crime is happening to Cayman I have to wonder at what point do the fine citizens of Cayman acknowledge that they don’t live in a gun free zone, and start allowing normal residents who are properly trained and licenced for firearm use to carry handguns to defend themselves? There are so many armed robberies and assaults that it’s not really safe to come to the island anymore.

    • Diogenes says:

      Explains why the US is a crime free utopia


    • Anonymous says:

      Decade-long? LOL! I can remember a drive-by in the centre of GT back in the early 1990s. It was very effectively covered up by RCIPS but someone who worked in A&E told me all about it over a drinks in the Seaview. There were no fatalities but three people were injured. This has been going on for a long while, the only difference is that the media is no longer singing from the RCIPS/GIS song book and is reporting it all.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Like sand through the hour glass, These are the days of our lives.

  7. Hoaracio says:

    I read these comments in dismay to actually believe that arming a community would lessen the crime. Have any of you Johnny come ups killed anyone? Do you know what it takes to sub ones life? It a bit different than running over an iguana. GUNS are not the solution to this problem. The solution is for our Governor to declare “war” on these criminals, our police Commisioner to show his presence and his officer on every corner of every subdivision morning, noon and night. Politicians to demand safety for there constituents and stop the talk but walk the walk. Border control or shores proactively, plant undercover officers at restaurants, functions and on some streets like eastern avenue or sheeden road for example. If we don’t do something soon, we are going to loose this place and arming civilians will make this place just like jamaica, Honduras and Mexico just to name a few.

    • Anonymous says:

      I do not fear armed patriots any more than I fear poisonous chemicals under the kitchen sink.

      Cayman is the ultimate soft target.

    • Diogenes says:

      Humans are emotional and impulsive we get scared and we act like feral beasts, precisely why we don’t need to start arming the masses. They look at the US and think it won’t be like that without thinking rationally, that’s exactly what they can expect. Guess you shouldn’t believe your lying eyes and the sounds of mass murder. Just trust the gun nuts that pieces of metal that shoot out other pieces of metal are the answer to Cayman’s problems


  8. Anonymous says:

    “Here here! I will protect you from this gun wielding criminal with my flashlight!” – Said no security guard EVER.

  9. Anonymous says:

    What is it going to take for us to be able to adequately defend ourselves against these gun toting criminals… illegally arming ourselves? It’s not like they will be able to close the murder case anyways lol

  10. Anonymous says:

    These bottom feeding thugs understand only one thing. Overwhelming use of force and deadly force. Bring in a US Gang unit to perform a solid dose of proportional police brutality, pay them and send them home. Repeat as necessary.

  11. Anonymous says:

    The shit families know who these scumbags are, and the police knows who the shit families are. Put pressure on them.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Just look at CNS’s front page today:

    – armed robberies
    – booze fueled abuse
    – animal cruelty
    – police assault
    – revision of a murder case
    – illegal gambling

    And not one word from anyone in “power” about it. The usual ignorance and denial by those who should serve the residents of this Island. Cayman is totally law less – just drive around and see the daily traffic violations and littering……..

  13. Anonymous says:

    If we can’t catch the criminals then we need to remove the prize, Cayman is small enough to turn into a cashless society. I’m guessing the guy robbed on his doorstep was bringing home the takings as he ‘fled with the bag of cash’, if he robbed me he might get a bag of change, but that’s about it. I know they would target jewellery next, but that’s traceable and needs to be converted. Cayman still trades on large volumes of cash and everyone knows it. We are easy pickings.

  14. Anonymous says:

    All this talk, MLAs, about protecting Caymanians against “job robbers” !!!! Your Country is going to Hell in and handbag because you have NO boarder control and CRAP immigration department!

  15. Anonymous says:

    Do Government (Customs) and RCIP have no idea how the guns are brought in and put a stop to this madness? Don’t tell me it is difficult to patrole the waters etc. Other countries have borders too and they manage to protect them from such gun smuggling activities.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Here’s an idea. The law abiding citizens of Cayman do a gofundme or indiegogo campaign and we all donate small amounts that could be used as rewards to turn theses scumbags in. We could easily raise 10’s of thousands of dollars. A hefty Payday would most likely have the Thieves associates even turn them in for the payday.

  17. Anonymous says:


  18. West bay Premier says:

    The new Security company ” undertakers “, guarantees no more break ins or your money back . The best security company in the world .

  19. Anonymous says:

    Whole lotta gang sh*t

  20. Anonymous says:

    Everyone has to come to the realization that this is not normal. In my hometown of 60,000 people I do not read news like this on a daily or weekly basis. Sure crime exists there too but not to this level where armed robberies, armed mugging, armed home invasions etc become the norm.

    There are many many people who are still defensive and delusional about the situation Cayman finds itself in these days and unfortunately this has and will continue to contribute to the rise in crime. Until people face the facts, Governor is actually providing oversight of the police and laws are enforced from the bottom up and top down simultaneously nothing will change.

    • Sam WIld says:

      It is obvious that nothing would change until few mighty men not connected to the local mafia which include their friends and family, would organize and take matter in their own hands.
      The other option is to say goodbye to this so called paradise.

    • Anonymous says:

      I come from a rural UK county that covers 2000 square miles and has a population of around 900,000. If any of the towns there had a crime wave on the levels Grand Cayman is experiencing the press would be screaming for the Chief Constable’s head. In fact in the specific area where my home is there hasn’t been a murder or armed robbery for at least the last decade. Are RCIPS seriously saying that on islands with a total land area of just over 100 square miles and 350 officers (that’s over 10 times the number that police my home area in the UK) they can’t round up the people doing this?

      • Oldtimer says:

        Low morals, unprofessionalism lacking, packed up with nannies, domestics’, common labourers gas attendants, window cleaners how can crimes get solved . I bet if it was 80’s 90’s it would have been solved , best police offiicers the force was graced with! Such a pity we have to get older!

    • Anonymous says:

      Governor is providing oversight to the police? I wonder where the Governor is? Their are criminals from next door who are here on permits, walking around looking for work, if they don’t have work, how are they going to survive? Figure this out.

    • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

      I would guess that in your hometown you were able to legally arm and defend yourself. Cayman was once like that.

      Then somewhere along the line, CIG got the bright (and sadly mistaken) idea that taking firearms away from the law-abiding citizens would somehow magically affect the criminals. Yes, I realise that the framework is in place to possess a firearm. I wonder how many people have attempted to jump through the myriad of hoops only to find that there really isn’t a solution, unless a person is rich or influential?

      Years from now, we — as with other countries who’ve gone down that uniformed road — will compile statistics that verify that limiting firearms did indeed cut down on firearms related crimes, but increased severalfold violent crimes in general.

  21. Elvis says:

    door to door robberies now? wow

    Tell me if I carry a retractable baton in my pocket in case of attack to defend myself where

    do I stand?

    or do I get arrested for trying to defend my cash jewelry and my life?

    serious? its coming to that

    • Anonymous says:

      Whether it’s legal or not, carrying an ASP is a complete waste of time unless you’ve done the training for it. You’d be better off with (although it’s still illegal) a length of lead pipe.

  22. Anonymous says:

    It is about due time the Governor and Police Commissioner brief the public on the steps being taken to curb the recent spill of crime across the island and to protect the public at large. Their quiet is now getting loud. It will only be a matter of time when we will have grave consequences.

    The island has been boasting to have one of the lowest crime rates in the Caribbean. This will soon be noticed by international bodies and it is only going be a matter of time when cautions will be issued to tourists visiting the island. These thugs don’t care or have any idea of the repurcussions.

    We are not being proactive here to arrest this situation. We have to accept this as a malady to the island and it will take a toll on stay over tourism.

    It now seems the Police Commissioner reporting to the Governor needs to be changed. There are pros and cons but it appears nothing is being done in what appears to be a cosy arrangement.

    • Anonymous says:

      They only discuss with the elite. The rest will just have to fend for themselves. Good thing our elected representatives are checking into it.

    • Sam WIld says:

      not until you hide under Anonymous. They have no obligations to anonymous people.

    • Anonymous says:

      The RCIPS cannot even plot and plan an attack on the criminals. If they were wise they would’ve taken down a number of them by now. Just use your senses.

      • Lo-cal says:

        Not wise just brave. A lot of them just want a paycheck and are scared of the various gangs on island. Jamaican officers fear jamaican gangs. Latin officers fear latin gangs. English officers fear all 2.

  23. Sparky says says:

    Until the victim shoots one of them, this will never stops.

    • Anonymous says:

      Investigate – bullshit.
      They ride these motor bikes all over the Prospect/Red Bay area and nothing is done about it. No law and this is what happens. Who are the representatives for these areas – The Premier (can not get any higher than him) and his associate Austin Harris. What are they doing about it?

      Where the hell are the police? When you call they are always “busy”.

      Just let people have guns and believe you me this crap will stop in a hurry. Fight fire with fire and quit being cowards!

      • Anonymous says:

        Same issue on Hirst Road with motor bikes racing up and down, vehicles with no license plates displayed and dark tinted windows. How on earth are you supposed to call in anything suspicious if you can’t even give a license plate number and a description of the drive because you can’t see him/her????

        RCIP needs to work smarter not harder!

      • Anonymous says:

        Instead of arming the public why not have undercover cops armed with concealed weapons hangout at late night spots that might be targeted. Shoot the perps on sight!

  24. Anonymous says:

    The place is falling apart

  25. West bay Premier says:

    I think that the business owners are going to have to understand that they have to beef up the security around their properties , and lay them scumbag criminals down and give them 2 concrete blocks to carry the rest of the time down .

    • Anonymous says:

      How do you think extra security will help against a gun?

      • Anonymous says:

        The owner will have to pay more out of pocket for extra security. That will pass the cost on to us. Making it even more expensive to live in cayman. And the owner of the company will now have more than one person saying “please don’t rob us”. It’s a win win, honest. Hey…you’re not responsible enough for owning a weapon in your own home. After all. If government can’t control what you do in your home. What good are we?. Trust us. Only people who are above your station is society get hand guns. But that’s just because they are more of a target than you. Right?! That is the current situation right now. Don’t worry. The police will protect you. But anyone with prestige can arm themselves in their homes. Because the police are only effective helping you, not them. Right? Society filled with ultimate haves and have nots under the guise that the people in power know better how to protect you. While they can protect themselves better, with excuses why it’s different rules for them.

      • West bay Premier says:

        I won’t tell you because you are going to get rich from it , and know you wouldn’t have the decency to say old dog here’s a dollar.

      • West bay Premier says:

        8:43am , my other comment is to you , where I won’t tell you.

    • Anonymous says:

      8:03am missing in action, they know I’m dead. Time is running out.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Fake news, we all know guns are illegal in Cayman..

  27. Anonymous says:

    Someone is coming home with a lot of money and the family members feel this is ok. Shame.Things will not change until these criminals are turned in.

    • Anonymous says:

      Things won’t change till the law is enforced and criminals are held accountable for what they do. But getting the police to do anything also is a hard thing as they are very busy. Perhaps the Dart organization can help us?

  28. Anonymous says:

    I find it absolutely ridiculous that in most of these robberies the description of the assailants is about as vague as it gets. There might as well be no description at all. Surely with all the cellphones around these days someone must have snapped a quick shot of these criminals or at least someone has a better description, or camera images exist. Does RCIPS have an app to anonymously receive and publicly distribute information helpful to identifying and apprehending crooks, if they don’t it might be time to get one. Crowd sourced information is fast becoming the mainstay of other police forces.

    Seems like the RCIPS are withholding info or don’t want the perpetrators taken out of circulation. We are indeed a sitting golden duck for these types of misdeeds.

    To add, why did it take 2 days for this to be officially reported?

    • Diogenes says:

      Not sure how it works but they have their little neighborhood app that I think you can use to send in tips and things along those lines


  29. Anonymous says:

    Christmas is coming the geese are getting fat. I wonder if the robbers are always going to fat?

  30. Anonymous says:

    Any Elected Members care to address the crime-ridden state of the Cayman Islands? Mr. Premier? Mr. Deputy Premier? Mr. Opposition Leader? Mr. Speaker?

    • Anonymous says:

      Who is the elected representative for these areas? Isn’t it Premier and Mr. Harris? Where is there strong leadership on these matters or maybe they are busy handling more important things.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mice of Men.

    • Cheese Face says:

      Mr Speaker? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Good one.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not really as they are all really busy investing there big paychecks!

    • Very concerned says:

      So sad!!!! Mr Premier needs to stop injecting funds into a useless Force. Please bring back Dennis Brady as Commissioner of Police, trust me crime would go down dramatically. This Ex-Chief Inspector has the know how and tactics to deal with these scumbags whose giving the Island a bad reputation. You brought back a former Chief Inspector for Community Policing bring back Dennis Brady to curtail crime. These headless chickens running up and down cant solve crimes. I implore you Mr Premier to bring back Dennis Brady !

      • Anonymous says:

        Did he vote for the PPM? If not well he is out of the picture. The English will finish things off do not worry your self.

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