Police seize bikes in reckless rider clamp down

| 23/01/2017 | 0 Comments

(CNS): The RCIPS traffic unit seized three motorbikes and arrested five people for traffic related offences Sunday during a day-long operation targeting reckless riding on the roads. The public has raised concerns in recent weeks about the increase in the number of bikes on the road that are not licensed, not fit for road use and being driven dangerously by riders flagrantly ignoring road laws and riding without lights or helmets.

Police said that the weekend operation included a chase of one rider that involved the police helicopter as well as ground units before the rider was rounded up and arrested on numerous counts of reckless driving.

A witness at the scene reported to CNS that at about 4pm two motorbikes raced through a red light at the intersection at Shedden Road and North Sound Way, immediately followed by four police cars, with three more vehicles, sirens on and lights flashing, apparently joining the chase from other roads as they were seen heading in the same direction.

Category: Local News

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