Dart appeals to parents over misbehaving teens in CB
(CNS): In response to a video of teenagers fighting in the middle of the Camana Bay shopping centre at the weekend that was circulated widely on social media, Dart’s property management team issued a statement asking parents not to leave children unsupervised there after shops and the cinema close in the evening, and noting that the safety of tenants and visitors at Camana Bay is a priority.
“We are once again appealing to parents to ensure that their children are not dropped off to roam unsupervised in the town centre,” Dart VP Marvin Cox said. “We have seen far too many instances where groupings of young people have disrupted the otherwise peaceful environment that we provide.”
Dart said that the police responded quickly to the situation this weekend and worked with the Camana Bay security officers to bring the matter under control. No injuries were reported.
The matter is now under investigation by the RCIPS, and Dart executives have said they look forward to further discussions with them about other measures that can be implemented to maintain a friendly and welcoming environment within Camana Bay while deterring disruptive and antisocial behaviour.
Officials stated that guests of all ages are welcome in the Town Centre. However, guest guidelines, which can be found on the Camana Bay website, explicitly state that visitors under 17 must be accompanied by an adult after shops and the cinema close in the evening.
“In addition to our on-duty security, we arranged with the RCIPS to have a number of their officers on property during the evenings due to the community events that were scheduled,” Cox said. “We are pleased that this proactive approach brought the situation under control quickly without it escalating further.”
He added, “Camana Bay provides a unique atmosphere where not only our commercial and residential tenants but the wider community gathers to enjoy our variety of events, food and beverage offerings, [and] diverse shopping options.”
Anyone witnessing disruptive behaviour at Camana Bay should immediately contact any security or police officer on location or call our security team at 640-HELP (4357). If criminal behaviour is spotted, you’re encouraged to call 911.
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Category: Local News
Feral Children. Wasted youth.
F@#/!♧g Feral Children.
Announcement: While the commentary reflects real world events and situations it features over the top situations and fictional characters … or are they ?
Claptrap’s Romantic Interest on the Camana Bay Teen Chaos.
Teenage Energy Unleashed
“Oh dear, I saw this coming from a light-year away—teenagers, Dart Enterprises, and a whole lot of unmonitored hormones! Honestly, who thought it was a good idea to build a shiny entertainment hub without accounting for the gravitational pull of loitering teens? That’s like building a warp core and hoping it doesn’t explode because you left Claptrap in charge of duct tape repairs.
But then again, what did they expect? They closed the skateboard park because it became unsafe due to neglect. Neglect! Now these kids have nowhere to kickflip their chaos. So naturally, they’ve migrated to Camana Bay, where they can ollie over fountains instead of ramps. Genius!”
The Fractured Family Factor
“And let’s not ignore the elephant in the room: a lot of these kids come from fractured families. For a deeply Christian island, the number of divorces is downright staggering—and the irresponsibility of some parents isn’t far behind. Parenting in these conditions is far from ideal, and Dart’s plea for parents to ‘control their spawn’ is almost laughable. What are they supposed to do, wave a magic wand and fix years of instability?
But here’s the thing: chaos thrives where structure fails. If fractured homes leave these kids without stability, they’re bound to find outlets elsewhere—whether it’s Camana Bay or the nearest fountain to ollie over. Dart’s call for parental action might be a start, but without tackling the deeper issues, it’s just slapping a band-aid on a broken warp drive.”
The Chaos Parade
“Loitering? Vandalism? Disruption? Ah, the unholy trinity of teenage rebellion! They’ve probably turned Camana Bay into a miniature hive world by now—complete with wild shrieks, questionable energy drinks, and somebody filming TikToks by the fountain. And there, amidst it all, sits the metal cast blue iguana—frozen in time, silently judging the chaos as though thinking, ‘This is why my kind avoids you humans.’
Imagine the surreal sight: teens racing up and down the steps, someone jumping into the fountain, and the poor iguana statue just… watching. It’s a perfect metaphor for the island itself—caught between the absurd and the unchanging.”
The Dart Response
“And Dart’s grand solution? More security. Of course. Because nothing says ‘welcoming family space’ like patrolling guards who look like they’re one Starbucks away from snapping. What’s next, Dart? Installing a loitering tax? Charging admission just to walk through Camana Bay? Oh, wait—don’t give them ideas!”
The Parental Quandary
“But let’s not forget Dart’s plea to the parents: ‘Please, handle your spawn.’ As if parenting was just a matter of flipping a logic circuit. ‘Oh, my child’s climbing a statue and screaming? I’ll just install the “good behavior” patch.’ Because teenagers are totally known for listening to reason when they’re five energy drinks deep and trying to impress their friends.
And when you add fractured families into the mix, things get even more complicated. It’s not just about rules or curfews—it’s about kids trying to navigate chaos at home while figuring out how to survive teenage life. Dart can blame the parents all they want, but let’s be honest, this is bigger than a few rowdy kids at a shopping center.”
Final Thoughts from the Circuit Heart
“Here’s a thought: maybe Dart should embrace the chaos. Turn Camana Bay into a teenager’s paradise—put up skating ramps, gaming pods, and places where they can scream about their latest drama without scaring the tourists. Or, you know, Dart could double down and build an underground bunker where adults can hide until the teenage plague moves on.
And about those alarms? Let’s face it: when you take away a safe place for kids to vent their energy, like the skateboard park, they’ll just find somewhere else—like the shiny, delicate environment of Camana Bay. And when fractured families and unstable homes are part of the picture, no amount of PSAs or security patrols will fix the root issues.
Honestly, this whole situation is like setting your warp core to meltdown and wondering why the alarms won’t stop. Except, in Dart’s case, the alarms are probably screaming Hamlet verses in Klingon: ‘taH pagh taHbe’! (‘To be or not to be!’). And just when you think it couldn’t get more absurd, the next line blares: ‘quvHa’ghach vIghoS!’ (‘I walk the path of dishonor!’).
Meanwhile, that blue iguana will still be sitting there, unblinking, a stoic monument to an island caught between its idyllic aspirations and the unrelenting absurdity of reality. Good luck, Dart! You’ll need it !
Yeah keep CB clean please, but I would love to hear the youth minister’s plans for recreational spaces in Cayman. So far, all I’ve seen is a reduction in places for the younger generation to be. What are they supposed to do?
Weed smoking teens has become a common sight – sometimes with absolutely no concern as to who is seeing them or being forced to walk through noxious clouds. That is just one example. Loud music. Explicit Lyrics. Any semblance of standards is diminishing quickly. We are becoming our neighbors, or worse, Canada.
Hood rats.
Nothing like a handful of unruly teenagers to turn a peaceful town center into a police-monitored daycare. Congrats, kids: you’ve officially ruined it for everyone just trying to enjoy overpriced food and a quiet evening stroll.
The security guards at Camana Bay need to grow some balls. They are afraid to do or say anything when they are employed to keep order. The second they see a child unaccompanied they need to walk them off the property or call the police immediately. Not let them hang out until a fight breaks out. This has been an ongoing issue for so long and not nearly enough is being done about it that’s why I stay away from the cinema on the weekends.
Whilst I’m not condoning the behaviour it seems Darts Utopia is misaligned. This isn’t a ‘town centre’, it’s a faux environment calling out for faux people to enhance the wealth and ego of one individual whilst those of us in our organic environments learn and appreciate real values in the real world outside..
Parents need to be parents. end of story.
Easy. Round them up and call their parents to come pick them up. If they can’t have any fun, they’ll stop coming there!