Hew commits to ‘action’ not ’empty promises’ if PPM elected

| 31/12/2024 | 90 Comments
Joey Hew makes pitch to nation.

(CNS): In his New Year’s message to the country, opposition leader Joey Hew is confident that the country will “elect a strong, stable, and united PPM team for government.” With nomination day, the official start of the election campaign, just two months away Hew has promised the country action and not empty promises. He said the Progressives will be ready to hit the ground running with a programme for government that responds to the issues that he said Caymanians say are the most important to them.

Hew has committed to reversing the decline in living standards, to make housing and healthcare
more affordable, to tackle the out-of-control immigration, to reduce crime, to protect the environment to start the long process of protecting Cayman from the impacts of climate change.

“Progress is about action—not empty promises. It is about delivering real results, tackling our challenges head-on, and creating a future where every Caymanian can thrive,” Hew said adding that the PPM was not just presenting a political agenda for the upcoming election but a “roadmap for a better Cayman—a Cayman that works for everyone.”

Avoiding talking about specific issues and policies such as where the PPM stands on the idea of cruise berthing facilities what to do about the dump, amendments to the conservation law, or where the party it stands on the recent announcements about more deals with Dart, Hew did say that key issues such as affordable housing, access to healthcare access and addressing crime, have been met with “delays, indecision, and ineffective solutions for too long.’

Most of the problems that Cayman is currently wrestling with have not appeared over the last 40 months, however, and over the last 20 years the Progressives have dominated government. The PPM’s battle for the hearts and minds of voters this time around will be is what they have to offer which the people have already seen is better than the alternatives that emerge given that the current administration has put the nail in the coffin for the idea that independents are able to form a government that can work.

See Hew’s full address below:

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  1. Anonymous says:

    “to protect the environment and to start the long process of protecting Cayman from the impacts of climate change.”

    First and foremost Joey, there will be nothing to protect in 5yrs unless the rate of development is brought to a standstill.

    Protecting us from climate is irrelevant at this stage.

    • jah Dread says:


      Any Government who believes that it is correct to make decisions even after being voted out and before demitting office, is not a government that can be trusted anymore now and forever.

      Secondly any Government and its Planning Minister who refuses to disclose concessions made to foreign developers and who apparently did not keep sufficient records to determine value for money is not to be trusted ad infinitum.

      let the PPM remain known as “Peoples Past Mistakes” for evermore.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Joey, can you please let us know your position on this Conservation Bill? Will you commit publicly to not supporting it? We need to know your (an the PPM’s) position!!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Blah! BLah!!BLAH!!!

    I’m a wolf in sheep clothen but still vote for me.

    I will look out for the white, rich citizens, residents and developers, family, inner circles and MYSELF of course!

    I will keep the public in my pocket to do for those mentioned and MYSELF.


    This is what J WHEY should have posted.

    • Anonymous says:

      Somebody has to Balance the takeover of Cayman and Caymanians , and protect us from the Bodden Town E and W Blunders duo.
      They’re the ones Cayman needs to worry about.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Is this what Joey has promised the people or the developers. I need Clarification as to who they aim to please.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Please please do not let this self important semi-educated man be the Leader of the Cayman Islands.

  6. Anonymous says:

    PPM only cares about the Cayman ”elite” families that they are all married in to or born in to… if the middle class and average Caymanians want anything for their own families and their own children DO NOT VOTE PPM.

    PPM allowed the children of parents who make an annual income of CI$350,000 per year to qualify for a Government Scholarship… but to get a grant for early childhood education a family cannot qualify if they are making over CI$60,000 per year. This is to ensure that the Cayman ”elite” families can send their children off to university paid for by the Government while middle class Caymanians struggle to pay rising childcare prices in the years before Primary School education while juggling full time jobs and living on less than CI$5000 per month while preschool costs an average of CI$700.

    PPM is NOT the party for the average Caymanian. They know nothing about the struggles of the average Caymanian family – they know nothing about the living conditions or housing challenges faced by middle and low income families… nor do they truly care.

  7. Anonymous says:

    The PPM IS an empty promise. They should go and do unmentionable things to themselves.

  8. Anonymous says:

    The unfortunate part of this political mess the Cayman Islands are in is that there no alternatives to vote for. When you see drug dealers, drunks, women abusers and crooks being elected, what do you expect? Nothing less than corruption!

    • Anonymous says:

      Sadly there are too few choices in many districts, that only changes with amendments to the Elections Law will fix. Cayman’s apathetic voters need to initiate and drive those changes by getting off their tuffets.

  9. His promise for action and not empty words has started with an empty promise!

  10. Diogenes of Cayman says:

    As this article aptly points out – most of the issues Cayman is facing now arose or at the very least were unaddressed during the 12 out of the last 20 years that the PPM were in Government

    The idea that the people who either outright caused or failed mitigate the problems we face now as a nation are the solution to those problems is laughable

    -The party that essentially cooked the books by pretending to steward ‘economic growth’ when in actuality they were operating a system of endlessly importing work permit holders in order to boost consumption and economic numbers which does nothing for Cayman in the long run will actually address issues in Immigration.

    -The party that did nothing to address the cost-of-living crisis and plummeting living standards. Where did the PPM even float raising the minimum wage? Or try to influence ridiculous prices in groceries, rent and other necessities? Where have they taken direct sustained action to address utilities costs and performance? Did they restrict car imports and vehicles per household to actually address the traffic issue? Their idea of addressing the issues is more development and trickle down economics.

    – The PPM and protecting the environment? Do I even need to address this point – the PPM have done more than anyone to sell as much of Cayman off for development as possible, their fervent dream is to have every inch of open land sold off, paved over, and torn down to the benefit of the monied interests that they serve. The only reason they are not fully backing the proposal by the current minority government is because they probably want to water down the conservation law even further and they wouldn’t be able to sell that to the public in an election year.

    The PPM are a joke grown stale, as Alden would put it – Cayman ‘tried a thing’ in 2005 and we have never been dumb enough to give them an outright majority again but like the soulless husks they are still haunt these Islands to this day

  11. Bwat says:

    The worst elitist, entitled politician of them all. Why haven’t any reporters written about Joey single handedly shutting down the new Humane Society building on the land that Dart was going to give them for free just south of the National Gallery? And the motivation; he didn’t want a few barking dogs anywhere near his precious home (more than 1000 feet away). Putting this man any closer to more power than he already has would be a disaster.

  12. Anonymous says:

    joey…the guy who banned uber to protect local rip-off taxi cartel.
    joey…the man who said building more roads is not the answer but then built more roads.
    joey…the man who failed to bring in any measures to improve public transport or improve traffic congestion.
    joey….the man who sat on his hands and let higglers take over public beach.
    yep…joey is the future…..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  13. Anonymous says:

    sad to say but do-nothing-ppm are much better than the other alternatives elsewhere.
    caymanians elect these people so you have no-one else to blame but yourselves.
    and to make things worse, you also prevent the most qualified and successful people on island from being elected…
    welcome to wonderland.

  14. Rodney Barnett says:

    Is “Action” just a tag line?
    One of Joey’s first big projects was creating a new CI$55 million program for new permanent electronic vehicle tags. Years and years later there are still yellow plates around and the new white plates are starting to fade.

    What are we getting for our money other than white fading plates instead of yellow ?

    • Anonymous says:

      Ask his best lodge buddy in government Eric Bush about that expensive disaster. Two peas in a pod.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Joey seems to think he’s entitled to be leader of the country because he’s been in politics for so long waiting for his chance.

    That’s actually the exact reason he shouldn’t be anywhere near leadership. He’s been 100% able to rule and influence for most of the recent 15 years and look how that’s gone. Same for many of them

    Who’s running against him? Can they stop him even getting elected? And all the other long term professional politicians who seem to completely forget the country is the way it is because of their stewardship over the past 20 years or so.

    This is nuts that Hew and others think they can just make word salad statements and expect to walk in to power again. Enough. Please, different candidates this time. These lot have had their time and then some.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Let’s get real here. PACT or UPM were the worst government. They proved independents or little groups can’t form a government.
    These long winded articles that are probably coming from Dan Scott’s cronies or worse McKeeva’s don’t point out PACT or UPM’s failures who are in power now. Guess the writers aren’t bashing them cause they will need some of the lame duck MPs to firm up some numbers for their political agendas.
    PPM managed to steer Cayman through the COVID-19 pandemic and left the country’s finances strong while doing it.
    Alden McLaughlin was knighted and recognized for these accomplishments.
    I am not Jamaican and I am saddened by all the negative rhetoric against Jamaicans who come to Cayman and have contributed to the economy and are hard working people. The few bad apples shouldn’t spoil the bunch.

    • Anonymous says:

      lmao, this is rich, so where was all these accomplishments and solutions when these problems reared their heads while PPM had the power to fix them? The Pier fiasco, the dump failure, the overpopulation and stagnant wages, these were all running issues during PPM terms. Heck, FIX DA DUMP was a meme that was directed at PPM when it started.

      Look… I get you are just doing your job but please at least try and be honest about it.

  17. Anonymous says:

    When Joey/PPM is so committed to being Darts underdog, I can’t help but suspect that Dart will be the only ‘Caymanian’ to see any action.

  18. Anonymous says:

    We need a good thorough sweep of the planning department and CPA who are mostly conflicted with others corrupt to the very core.

  19. Anonymous says:

    ‘In his New Year’s message to the country,..’ LMAO The King made his speech on Christmas Day!

  20. Anonymous says:

    Consider that for 10 years, even as a Cabinet minister, [he] has failed to direct NICE vote bought workers to paint his long-promised bicycle lanes. He couldn’t even deliver them for his own home district of GTN. Voters have over a decade of nonperformance and double speak to rely upon when forming their impressions of the PPM.

    • Anonymous says:

      He has been there since 2013, so almost 12yrs and now pensionable. Go away Joey and take a good long sabbatical, we don’t need any more non performers. Give someone more deserving a chance.

  21. Anonymous says:

    “Hew has committed to reversing the decline in living standards, to make housing and healthcare
    more affordable, to tackle the out-of-control immigration, to reduce crime, to protect the environment to start the long process of protecting Cayman from the impacts of climate change.”

    Anybody can say this. They all say this. How? How are they going to do this? What will you immediately implement??….I don’t see a single solution here.

    • Anonymous says:

      He is a total waste of time. Just ask his constituents in GTN what he has ever done. They have only seen him election time, and with No public meetings they are entitled to call him Joey WHO?

  22. Anonymous says:

    The way to get people’s votes is to say that all their problems are caused by other people, and that you will stop those other people from giving them trouble. But if you really want to help, then you can tell them the truth and risk losing their votes.

    • Anonymous says:

      …or perhaps, gain them from the differentiation of presenting as more honest? It’s a pretty low bar these days.

  23. The Adeptus Ridiculous of Cayman says:

    By the Authority of the Ordo Ridiculus: Honorable Joey Hew and the PPM’s Promises—Action, or Just More Empty Words?

    As Opposition Leader Joey Hew declares that a PPM government will bring “action—not empty promises” if elected, the Adeptus Ridiculous must pause and scrutinize this proclamation against the backdrop of the Progressives’ historical record. While the words may sound bold, the track record of the PPM paints a very different picture—one of delays, half-measures, and outright resistance to public will.

    The Cruise Port Referendum: Democracy Denied

    Let’s not forget one of the most infamous chapters of the PPM’s tenure—their relentless effort to avoid, delay, and water down the cruise port referendum.

    1. The Referendum Delays:
    When faced with widespread public opposition to the cruise port project, the PPM did everything in their power to avoid holding a referendum. From stalling tactics to procedural hurdles, they sought to exhaust the public’s momentum.

    2. Making It Non-Binding:
    When a referendum finally loomed, the PPM focused their energy on ensuring it wouldn’t be legally binding. Their message was clear: even if the people spoke, the government reserved the right to ignore them.

    3. The Bigger Question of Accountability:
    This blatant disregard for public opinion revealed the PPM’s true priorities—favoring development at any cost while treating democratic processes as inconveniences to be navigated around.

    Joey Hew and the PPM’s Track Record: Promises vs. Reality

    1. George Town Revitalization:
    As Planning Minister, Joey Hew promised to transform George Town into a bustling, vibrant city center. Years later, the capital remains largely untouched by these grand plans, with businesses still waiting for meaningful change.

    2. Pre-Election Spending Spree:
    The Auditor General highlighted that the PPM spent nearly 88% of the National Roads Authority’s budget in the two months before the 2021 election—a clear attempt to curry favor with voters. Was this action, or just a misuse of public funds to ensure their own reelection prospects?

    3. Environmental Hypocrisy:
    While the PPM now claims to champion environmental protection, their past policies have favored unchecked development over sustainability. The cruise port project itself was an environmental disaster waiting to happen, threatening coral reefs and marine ecosystems in favor of large-scale tourism.

    Promises of Action or More of the Same?

    Hew’s latest campaign commitments include addressing affordable housing, healthcare, and crime. But can the electorate trust these promises when similar issues languished during the PPM’s previous terms?

    • Housing and Healthcare:
    Despite years of opportunity, meaningful progress on these critical issues was never achieved.

    • Crime and Safety:
    The PPM’s past initiatives have failed to produce lasting results. Are these promises merely recycled talking points?

    • Immigration:
    The PPM presided over years of record-high work permit issuances, yet they now speak of tighter immigration control.

    Adeptus Ridiculous Proposals: From Words to Accountability

    1. Transparency in Promises:
    The PPM must outline specific, actionable plans with clear timelines and benchmarks. No more vague declarations—show us the blueprint.

    2. Legally Binding Referenda:
    Commit to respecting the voice of the people by ensuring all future referenda are legally binding and free from government interference.

    3. Environmental Integrity:
    Abandon development projects that sacrifice Cayman’s natural resources. Actions speak louder than promises—prioritize sustainability over short-term profit.

    4. Track Record Audit:
    Before claiming they’ll bring action, let the PPM publish a comprehensive review of their previous promises versus accomplishments. Let the people judge their effectiveness based on data, not rhetoric.

    For Cayman. For Accountability. For True Leadership.

    Joey Hew’s pledge for action must be taken with a grain of salt—and a mountain of skepticism. The Progressives have shown time and again that their priorities often lie elsewhere, far from the will of the people.

    If Cayman is to move forward, it must demand real accountability, meaningful transparency, and leaders who prioritize the greater good over political maneuvering. Let’s ensure that promises aren’t just words but commitments that lead to measurable change.

    For Cayman. For Justice. For Leadership Worth Believing In.

  24. Anonymous says:

    PPM UDP UPM AND ALL THE OTHER CLOWNS 🤡 IN THE HOUSE NEEDS TO BE VOTED OUT in 2025 and when you all loose go open a HOT AIR BALLOON 🎈company together as you all FULL OF HOT STINK AIR..Destroying our beautiful country 🤦🏽‍♀️

  25. Anonymous says:

    Please tell us what qualifies Joey Hew to run our country?

    If I wanted the JLP to govern I would move to Jamaica.

    Hew is the Cayman version of JLP which is not good for this country.

    • Anonymous says:

      There are no prerequisites to run, sorry I mean ruin, the country. Just look at the steaming pile of crap there now, or try to recall what came before them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Saunders is the one you have to be afraid of if you don’t want to live in Jamaica .

      • Anonymous says:

        Aside from his accent – which is only indicative of where he was schooled – can any of you people constantly pushing this idea point to actual policies of his that you dislike?

        There is never any substance behind these claims its just Saunders + accent = Jamaican / Jamaica

        • Anonymous says:

          Saunder’s massive chip on shoulder is a very dangerous quality in someone who wants power. Arrogance, inappropriate behavior and irrational decision making were the hallmarks of his brief tenure as a minister. Thankfully he was removed before he could do any more damage.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Please take your cruise pier and shove it where the sun don’t shine… Sideways!!

  27. Anonymous says:

    Empty words & empty promises.

  28. Anonymous says:

    No Slow-Joe.
    The only solution for Cayman is major Constitution Change and reorg government.
    Like Reduce the MPs to 2 per district.
    Enforce RollOver for Civil Servants Hoovers asap.
    Reduce the Civil Service size – the redundancies in HR and Accounts alone would save millions yearly.
    Cap the Salaries and benefits of MPs.
    Contract local Civil servants vs lifetime cubicles with Ltd performance.
    Control wheeling n dealing by civil servants eg breaking apart government contracts to skirt the bids process.
    Let government office workers use Flex Time to ease traffic.
    Put major issues to referendum each year. eg all projects costing over 1million dollars.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s actually almost 12 years. He has been elected since 2013 and feeding at the trough.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Isn’t he Jamaican?

    • Anonymous says:

      His father is Jamaican (highly regarded who contributed much) and his late mother was a Caymanian so one parent born here and another a “Furriner”. Like many other politicians past and present and many other upstanding members of our community. So what nasty little point were you insinuating, 2:09?

      • Anonymous says:

        Hew operates like a slime ball Jamaican politician in everything he does and every deal he has negotiated and approved since being elected in 2013. Culturally he conducts himself like an elected gangster. Since elected he represents the needs of the elite (at a price) and his financial backers while getting a slice of everything.

        Joey Hew is a very JLP in his actions and words. The Chief strategists and advisors directing him are straight out of Jamaica by design.

        “If it walks like a duck, sounds like duck and acts Iike a duck” guess what…

    • Anonymous says:

      Grandmother a Bracca…

      • Anonymous says:

        Mother, I believe, 4:25

        • Anonymous says:

          The Elections Law requires a Caymanian grandparent….for what purpose, nobody can say. It doesn’t seem to confer brains, ethics, or fealty to the Caymanian people, that’s for sure. A shared hatred of gays maybe.

    • Anonymous says:

      Get over yourself! We are all descendants of someone and somewhere!

    • Anonymous says:

      You’re confusing him with Saunders.

  30. Sustainable Cayman says:

    CAYMAN’S CROSSROADS: A Story of Challenges and Opportunities

    Imagine a Cayman where traffic flows smoothly, families live in affordable homes, and our natural environment is cherished and protected. Imagine a Cayman where young people have access to world-class sports facilities and meaningful opportunities, where we harness the power of the sun to lower electricity bills, and where tourism respects our culture and environment.

    Now imagine the Cayman we see today—rising costs, worsening traffic, threats to our reefs, and struggles to protect what makes our islands special.

    For decades, Cayman has been balancing on the edge of these two realities. The choices we make now will decide which path we take.

    For years, Caymanians have been priced out of their own housing market. Luxury developments dominate the skyline, but where are the affordable homes for families? Imagine a young couple trying to save for their first home, only to see prices climb higher every year.

    We need policies that ensure every new development includes affordable units, giving Caymanians the opportunity to build a future right here at home.

    Healthcare costs are soaring, and many families find themselves making tough choices between paying for medicine and paying bills. Imagine a Cayman where no one has to choose—where a national healthcare program ensures access to affordable, quality care for everyone, and clinics in every district mean no one is left behind.

    Every morning, commuters face the same nightmare: gridlocked roads and endless delays. Imagine if instead of pouring money into building more roads, we created a public bus system that works for everyone—clean, eco-friendly, and accessible.

    And what if some government and financial offices were moved to the eastern districts? A revitalized Go East initiative could not only ease traffic but also create opportunities across the island.

    Cayman’s beauty is its greatest asset, but it’s under constant threat from unchecked development and pollution? And now the proposed changes to weaken the powers of our National Conservation Act will cause even more harm, leaving our reefs, mangroves, and natural habitats vulnerable to unchecked development.

    Imagine instead a Cayman where recycling plants turn waste into resources, where protected parks and eco-tourism sites in every district draw visitors who respect and value our environment. Imagine a government that truly prioritizes our reefs, beaches, and natural heritage.

    Every month, families struggle with rising electricity bills. Meanwhile, Cayman remains tied to outdated fossil fuels. Imagine a Cayman where solar panels on homes and businesses lower costs and reduce emissions, creating green jobs and helping the planet.

    A government-backed solar initiative could make this vision a reality, but it will take bold leadership to untangle current roadblocks and put people first.

    Cruise piers have dominated the conversation for years, but is that the right path? Imagine a modern tender port instead—one that preserves jobs for Caymanians, protects our reefs, and enhances the visitor experience.

    By choosing sustainable tourism solutions, we can welcome visitors while safeguarding the natural beauty they come here to see.

    What about our young people? The sale of a world-class skate park was a missed opportunity, but it’s not too late to invest in our youth. Imagine recreational facilities in every district—places for skating, biking, sports, and creativity. These spaces would not only inspire the next generation but also help reduce crime and build stronger communities.

    This is the choice we face: continue with the status quo or take bold steps toward a Cayman where everyone can thrive. The solutions are within our reach, but they require leaders who are willing to act—leaders who will prioritize people over politics and progress over promises.

    Imagine a Cayman that works for everyone.
    YOUR vote and choice can make it a reality.
    `·.¸¸ >.·´¯`·>

    • Anonymous says:

      ‘Imagine’ – A John Lennon song…

    • Anonymous says:

      Imagine actual policy, projects and plans, instead of pithy sound-bites. While perhaps a pessimistic perspective, the above are rainbows and unicorn farts for all they’re worth.

      Somewhat more respectfully, bring forward ideas and initiatives, detailing real costs, tradeoffs, and benefits for meaningful consideration and conversation.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Dart’s Action Man, ROFLMAO! Hew comical.

  32. Anonymous says:

    The only thing you can be assured of if the ppm gets in, is more duty concessions for rich forgiven developers that like to buy him lunch.

  33. Anonymous says:

    PPM promise to do all the things they promised to do last time and couldn’t be bothered doing.

  34. Anonymous says:

    He sounds like Trump…he might have a “concept of a plan”. What a joke.

    • Anonymous says:

      Trump bashing idiocy shining through again mate?

      How’d unelected Biden globalists work out for you?

      You’re likely not American and get your knowledge fron stellar news sources like CNN.

  35. Anonymous says:

    Joey is a nice enough person but I would never want him to be Premier.

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed 11.31.
      But his ‘party’ at least represents a unified group with a manifesto , so you know , like it or not , what you’re buying.
      UPM have been a cobbled together UDP leftover chaotic group of mostly uneducated unemployables, each pursuing their own re-election agendas , at enormous expense to the Country.

      • Prophecy 2025 says:

        PPM have long ago replaced UDP as the most corrupt political party in Cayman’s history.

        If Joey is elected as premier then the level of side deals, corruption and control by the wealthy development mafia will be unprecedented and there will be zero belts and braces.

        If PPM form the government next election with dart’s boy Hew at the helm it will accelerate the decline of these islands and we will become worse than Turks & Caicos and BVI.

  36. Diogenes of Cayman says:

    The PPM have done more than anyone else in the past 15-20 years to obfuscate and disengage people from politics and political causes in Cayman.

    They refused to implement the District Advisory councils despite being the ones who drafted the 2009 Constitution which requires them – they would be a direct way for constituents to raise issues within their districts (other than moaning on local radio shows or sending messages to certain disreputable media personalities)

    They actively opposed the few bits of direct individual involvement in politics that have occurred recently such as the effort for the Cruise Port Referendum – spending tens of thousands of dollars scaremongering with their campaign of media bombardment in opposition to the idea of even having a vote.

    The PPM refused to hold Mckeeva accountable to basic democratic and ethical norms during their ‘Unity Government’ from 2017 to 2021 despite public pressure and protests after his multiple ‘incidents’ because it would have endangered their governing coalition

    They have fundamentally failed to reform our election system to ensure that voters are given as much leeway as possible to be involved in the process – it is ridiculous that you have to register half a year in advance to take part in a vote in a country where the voting pool is less than 30,000 people total. The entire system is designed to be as unintuitive and time consuming as possible as we can see with the upcoming referendum where voters have no time to register even if they tried on the day of the announcement.

    They thrive on a political system which allows them to obfuscate the donors and sources of the hundreds of thousands of dollars they blow every election cycle – despite their massive failure rate of new candidates then submit to the Elections Office en masse “party totals” for the campaign which are impossible for anyone to review or challenge. Elected officials and parties only have to account for money that is given to them directly in the runup to an election, or during it – there are YEARS of gaps where money can be handed to them and held by the party and no one says a peep.

    Their organisation is not a functioning party with engaged members and active processes its insular social club where prospective candidates are picked in advance from the people who donate funds to the party or otherwise be committed to the party line for years and be willing to be a voiceless empty suit in parliament who nods along to whatever the leader of the day says
    They regularly draft candidates based on them being long time political assistants or donors that don’t even live in the constituencies they stand in because the only thing they care about is someone who will do what they are told.

    Despite their claims about their competence of their party and the need for a party to form a strong government, they have failed at every turn to get an elected majority in 2013, 2017 and 2021. The only time they have ever had an elected majority was once almost 20 years ago in 2005 and they used it to push some of the most disastrous policies and projects this country has ever seen – while failing to prepare Cayman for the decades to come.

    They can talk as much as they want about their internal processes or conferences, they much like their preferred style of governing is done mostly behind closed doors in back rooms with insiders with smalls charades made public because they think they are above the involvement of regular people.
    They can scream “For love of Country”, “Service over Self” or whatever other nonsense they want come the next election, that party is rotten to its core, and I hope and pray they are never again trusted to be even a room away from where decisions are made.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Hew is not qualified to be the Premier. The Cayman Islands needs an educated, professional grade and experienced leader with a proven track record of success outside of the political arena. These core competencies he does not possess. We need a person that understands what makes the Cayman Islands successful and will continue to make pertinent decisions for the country thrive for all not just a select few friends, family members, rotarians and others that will provide a slice of the pie.

    I have seen how Mr. Hew operates with his circle of friends or business partners that all benefit from the schemes. At this rate, we will end up like the Turks & Caicos islands or BVI given the unscrupulous behaviour that has gone on in the past and will only get worse if characters like Mr. Hew were to ever assume power.

    If given the choice between Mr. Hew, Sir Alden McLaughlin, Dan Scott, Wayne Panton and Mr. Andre Ebanks as a future Premier it is obvious to many that Mr. Hew is not in the same class or character. The choice for the masses would be simple and thankfully it would not be Mr. Hew.

    • Anonymous says:

      Or should it be anyone ANYTHING to do with the PPM. They have caused untold harm to Caymanians and the prospects for our future. What may have started as mistakes became deliberate. They refused the obvious fixes and stood by dumb as our society has spiralled. They were elected on a platform of integrity – and tipped the entire country into a morass of greed and insider dealing. Damn them.

  38. Anonymous says:

    He is proof that too many unethical and uneducated people are easily elected to politics in Cayman. I went to high school with him. How he became a leader in Cayman is a sick joke. It says our standard are too low!

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s the even lower standards that elected Saunders, Bryan, 2 Bushes and Seymour.
      Get rid of those and there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

  39. Diogenes of Cayman says:

    A stunning return to form for the PPM

    Alden was made leader a few years after the smashing success he led the country into: 60-million-dollar schools that actually ended up costing around 200 million.

    Roy was never going to be Premier, a blind man could see that, and Alden only stepped down in the first place because he was term limited by the constitution, so they basically just made Roy the figurehead because Alden had no interest in exerting himself while in the opposition and just wanted to relax as a backbencher.

    and here comes Joseph Hew – the man who as Minister of Infrastructure and Planning from 2017-2021 shares a good chunk of the blame for massive infrastructure failures like trying to force the Cruise port deal through along with Moses Kirkonnell, and the disastrous dump deal along with Dwayne Seymour – and who could forget the East West Arterial project where he basically spent the entire term in office spinning his wheels in the mud.

    A stunning display of precisely the issue that haunts Cayman these clowns are constantly failing upwards in politics, whether its Alden or Mckeeva or Joseph Hew, they have no plan, have no credibility and have horrible track records and still because our democratic system is so infantile they are promoted well beyond their station – its all about waiting your turn and being a yes-man for enough years to get a turn at the top. This man works for wealthy special interests that control everything he says and does that much we can all see.

    Now they are going to run candidates in as many constituencies as they can get people to run in because their ‘alliance’ from last election went nowhere fast because people had virtually no interest in electing ‘independents’ who had already pre-committed to work with the PPM and God help us all if they manage to convince a few independents to get them up to 10 seats

    A few points to remember Cayman:

    -Despite what the PPM says about independent MPs incompetence they have not gotten an outright majority since 2005 (in 2013 and 2017 they relied on MPs they did not run for their majorities)

    -The PPM has struggled to win seats outside of George Town and the Sister Islands since 2017

    -The PPM has only lost seats since their peak in 2013, and even after claiming ‘successes’ in government regularly loses members and collaborators in elections (Marco Archer and Osbourne Bodden in 2017, and Austin Harris and Alva Suckoo in 2021)

    • Anonymous says:

      Joey may have put in his time waiting for the top job but the reality is that the vast majority of the voting population do not see him as a Premier that would act in the interests of Caymanians. Therefore the PPM is not electable with Joey as leader of anything particularly the Cayman Islands

  40. Anon says:

    🙄🙄🙄 why would it be any different this time around if PPM are elected… same old, same old

  41. Anonymous says:

    I am hanging my hopes on a strong PPM Government. The current mess we are in was masterminded by Wayne Panton who refused to work with the PPM unless they made him Premier, and instead embraced the jokers we have had to contend with. His deal “loan” with Sabrina proves how desperately he tried to cling to power. He put personal pride and ambition before what was best for the country. He took the sustainability ministry and failed miserably to even provide a solution for the dump. Time to retire Wayne!

  42. I from GT North says:

    No missa hew we don’t truss you.
    What they need to know is why the ppm signed contracts after losing last election and before leaving office, also why the the Regen proyectwas held up by your good selves and why we don’t have a transportation system and why developers concessions and paybacks were not measured or where are the records? All a these were in your term weren’t they?

    If y’all can explain the why and how’s and because of these above then the people surely will understand the politricks games y’all play

  43. Anonymous says:

    F you Joey. I’ve known you since high school and I can say without any reservation that you’ve done nothing for your country and you are a shame to us all. I wish CNS had a middle finger emoji.

    • Anonymous says:

      A really courageous post 10:33….I’m presuming you let Mr Hew in private know who you are and how you felt? I wonder what you have done for your country….? Careful of wishing for that middle finger emoji, it might be good for you too.

      • Anonymous says:

        Joey is a public servant and is not immune to anonymous criticism. Maybe he should have the PPM be more transparent and divulge their plan as to how they will accomplish the goals set on their manifesto. Even though most of these goals are recycled from previous years.

  44. Anonymous says:

    The ReGen deal was a disaster for Cayman negotiated by the PPM. The biggest cheerleader that consistently lied about this wonderful deal was joey hew. We cannot trust him or his party!

  45. Anonymous says:

    The Progressives might have a better chance if Richard Hew was running the party. Joey couldn’t get a job at cuc selling toilet paper or as a cashier much less leading the country as Premier.

  46. Anonymous says:

    PPM are done with this Hew clown as their leader

  47. VOTE NO to PPM says:

    Joey Hew is an untrustworthy, uneducated, greedy duplicitous fop that works for dart, lund, wellon, Imparato, ncb and every developer that will guarantee him service contracts for his family businesses.

    Look at his track record as minister of planning, he negotiated sweetheart deals and gave away hundreds of millions in concessions to developers and his political donors, friends and business colleagues. During an economic boom.

    The ppm cannot attract quality candidates today with Hew as its leader because the country understands Joey Hew and the ppm cannot be trusted to properly manage the affairs of this country ever again.


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