Bodden Town man killed in single-car crash

| 09/10/2023 | 29 Comments
Tyler Parchment (from social media)

(CNS): Police are investigating the cause of a fatal crash on Shamrock Road near the junction of Matilda Drive in Bodden Town early Saturday morning. According to unconfirmed social media posts from friends and family members, Tyler Parchment (24) was killed in the single-car crash at about 5:00am. No one else was in the vehicle when, according to initial reports, it left the road and collided with a wall.

Parchment was taken to the Cayman Islands Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. He is the eighth person to lose his life so far in 2023 on Cayman’s roads. Officers with the Traffic and Roads Policing Unit who are investigating the smash are asking anyone with information to call 649-6254.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Before I got my licence my parents insisted I take a drivers education course. 6 weeks both in class and practical on the road lessons with a well qualified instructor. Plus we were shown a graphic video (blood, gut and gore included) of road accidents and how they were caused.
    Makes you think twice and take driving a vehicle seriously after you go through such a course. My first car insurance was very expensive however they took into account I passed the extra training and discounted my premium.
    No such curriculum exists in Cayman and the driving test is a cake walk. No wonder insurance premiums are so high and so many needless accidents and deaths. I would hedge to say many coppers here don’t even follow or know proper road rules.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Why is it that all or nearly all these deaths are happening in cars driven by YOUNG drivers ( usually men) and yet the over 75 year olds, not featuring hardly at all in causing accidents, have to have a medical certificate for their insurance company to say they are fit to drive?

    • Anonymous says:

      The same reason why knives aren’t illegal because some can choose to stab.

      When the 75 year old runs off the road it isn’t by choice – it’s due to a medical emergency that the young driver had almost no chance of happening.


    • Anonymous says:

      Because older drivers who are no longer medically fit to drive and who are likely to cause an accident lose their licenses.

  3. Anonymous says:

    so sad

  4. Anonymous says:

    Rest in peace.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Slow down. Sadly this wont be the last this year.

    • Anonymous says:

      Heard one take off today in some show off blue noisy vehicle. Drove away so fast, could barely see the color of the car. Stupid is not even the word strong enough. There is no talking to them, or explaining. They know exactly what they are doing. Unfortunately,it often happens they take others with them too.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Numerous warnings and crashes are never heeded.

    People, please stop driving if you’re unable to drive like a regular, competent person.

  7. Wisdom says:

    Prayers and sincere condolences to the Family of the late Tyler Parchment.

    Reading of his loss is personally upsetting, as there are far too many ‘Single Vehicle Accidents’ resulting in road fatalities in Cayman now, since 2020!

    These ‘freak’ accidents in Cayman are NOT ‘Coincidental’ as far too frequent now are vehicles crashing into concrete walls, buildings, light poles, bushes, trees and even ending up in our Ocean!

    Sadly the headline: ‘Single-Car Crash’ will continue to be a common feature in our local media, and our society will casually assume, jest and genuinely believe; that certain automobiles, speed, alcohol, poor driving habits and Caymans roads are entirely the blame!

    What is NOT being investigated, is the very real possibility that these drivers all suffered a fatal medical emergency behind the wheel- due to a single common denominator they MAY all share!

    If the Police Service were to properly investigate and request AUTOPSY REPORTS of these crash victims, they will most certainly discover precisely what that ‘common denominator’ and answer is!

    Sadly, more ‘Single Vehicle Accidents’ like this one, will continue to happen and be reported by the media.

    Show love to your friends, neighbors, family and acquaintances as life is short and eternity is forever.

    Rest in Peace Tyler,
    Gone too soon.

    • Anonymous says:

      Or, the police could release to the public the extensive CCTV footage of the lead up to this and every accident that should exist and tell everyone exactly what happened

    • Anonymous says:

      Stupidity for speeding
      Stupidity for drinking
      Stupidity for drugs
      stupidity for using cell phone

      Your right there is a common factor

    • Anonymous says:

      really? smh!

    • Anonymous says:

      This crash aside given the unknown circumstances, it’s a remarkable coincidence that this mystery illness mostly seems to affect people when they are driving Hondas at 3 times the speed limit and not the rest of the time.

      In all seriousness RIP yet another young life but these deaths will continue whilst you continue to ignore the elephant in the room; our driving test is pathetic; many of our drivers do not know the very basic skills of how to drive safely at any speed, let alone high speed. You want a “common denominator”? Look at where they passed their test. Until you do something about that, nothing will change.

    • Anonymous says:

      It mostly has to do with a driver’s failure to understand primary school physics, namely the physical properties of Inertia.
      As it applies directly towards an accelerating object, striking an immoveable object.

    • Anonymous says:

      What’s the relevance of 2020? Is this some kind of wackadoodle vaccine post? Seriously? A mystery sudden illness that only seems to target Caymanians and Jamaicans between 12 and 6am! The level of RTAs here is ridiculous and utter nonsense like this doesn’t help anyone.

    • Concerned Citizen says:

      Whilst I am saddened and give sincere condolences to the family of young Tyler Parchment, please could I ask what are your initial assumptions of what this alternative ‘common denominator’ may possibly be…?

      Is it a heart attack? Is it a drug? Did they fall asleep? What I ask could it possibly be…? I genuinely want to understand.

      Young people (and adults alike) regardless of their nationality, or gender, are seen driving Cayman roads without any thought or adherence to road rules. In cars and motorbikes they drive recklessly, abandoning all remnants of courtesy or respect. They speed from lane to lane, push up behind vehicles, be sitting in their cars like thugs barely being able to see over the dash, beers and vapes in hand acting like they own the road.

      They be drinking and smoking and taking what ever else and then getting behind the wheel of vehicles and driving at speeds that their small sardine can fits can’t and aren’t designed to handle driving like drag racing cars, and they SPEED. They &%$#@ SPEED everywhere.

      STOP pretending like they don’t, STOP pretending like this isn’t a problem. STOP pretending like this isn’t becoming an epidemic in Cayman.

      Young people are dying from car accidents due to SPPED at an alarming rate, and that includes our young Caymanians. The evidence is in front of our eyes in the remnants of the vehicles – hardly any investigation needed to see that.

      The sad reality is that children are left behind without parents, mothers are forever molded in grief left to suffer the loss, and the friends that are left behind, well, they don’t change. They don’t learn from it, they just continue…

      More police presence is needed on the roads, more traffic control units, more tickets, more accountability.

      As a Caymanian I am deeply saddened by this loss and concerned for the future of our children.

      • Anonymous says:

        I dissagree. Just got back from the UK. Outside of London there is essentially zero police presense yet they have speed limits far higher than ours and road death rate 1/8th (one eighth!!!) of ours! What they do have is a real driving test.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not only medical emergencies, the status of car safety recalls on all vehicles that have been in accidents should be reported in the accident investigation and if any are identified (especially Takata seat belt recalls), the autopsy should investigate if the recall/s could have contributed to the person’s death.

    • Anonymous says:

      Go on then. What is this magical single common denominator causing motor vehicle accidents, but only when driving unaccompanied- and is apparently erroneously attributed to other more obvious factors like poor driving, alcohol or speed. Fascinated to hear why the obvious suspects are not responsible and it’s all some hidden men ace that none of the drivers have any responsibility for.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Saturday morning 5am, single vehicle accident. Speed and/or alcohol are clearly responsible (and given the look at the extent of damage with the car, speed was definitely involved…that is not 40 MPH damage).

    It is fortunate that someone innocent was injured or killed, just the person who made this unfortunate decision.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why not spare the family your baseless conclusion and show some sympathy. I am sur the accident investigator will inform the family all they need to know. Your 2 cents really was not needed or appreciated!!

      Thank you

  9. Anonymous says:

    If humble was a person! Ty, you did not deserve this. You were not even a heavy drinker. Sleep in peace my friend. I’m sorry.

    • Anonymous says:

      Heavy drinking is not the problem. Too many kids think even 1 drink and speed is ok. Not saying he was drinking but he most likely was speeding and that is insanely dangerous. We need traffic police out to catch and fine these people. People who speed at 30+ mph over should automatically lose their the ability to drive for at least 1 year.

  10. Wayne Porter says:

    I feel very saddened by all these crashes and so many deaths. While I do not know the particulars on this case, previous cases have involved alcohol and excessive speed.

  11. Praying says:

    You would think another road fatality would cause people to slow down and drive better, but that never happens.

    Prayers to this man’s family, and also prayers that it is only the maniac drivers who continue to lose their lives, and they don’t take any innocent lives with them.

  12. Anonymous says:

    30 MPH speed limit in that area.


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