3 men on leaky boat rescued off Little Cayman

| 22/03/2023 | 14 Comments

(CNS): Three men were rescued on Sunday evening offshore near the Hungry Iguana Restaurant on Little Cayman after their small boat experienced difficulties in strong waves and started taking on water. When the police and emergency services arrived around 6pm, they found that members of the public were helping two men who had been aboard the small single-engine vessel.

A third man who was piloting the boat appeared to be intoxicated and was being uncooperative, police said in a release. He resisted attempts to help him and instead acted in an aggressive manner. However, he was eventually brought to shore, and all three men were seen by medical staff and taken to the Little Cayman Clinic. No one was injured during the incident.

The police thanked the members of the public who gave invaluable assistance in this incident. The RCIPS and Cayman Islands Coast Guard also urged boat owners and operators to always be mindful of proper safety when operating a vessel and not drive a boat while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs as it puts lives at risk.

Police noted that boat captains who are drunk could be liable to a charge of a reckless and negligent act or other offences. The RCIPS said this incident is under investigation, though there was no indication that the captain was arrested.

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Category: Local News

Comments (14)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    why isnt authorities setting record straight? usless

  2. Anonymous says:

    so you all think it is ok for you to go rum point on weekend…get drunk…then steam across the sound at mach 1…hello….if driving a car drunk is illegal…boats are worse…i have experieced this…almost got run over by another boat…would have hadnt i sweared out if way…followed boat to rum point…captain tried get out boat…he fell out…sooo drunk…is this ok????

  3. Anonymous says:

    CI Coast Guard was formed in 2018 and still doesn’t even have a proper website landing page…welcome to Cayman.

  4. Anonymous says:

    if no law against it…why is that guy serving jail time for killing that man a couple years ago while intoxicated driving his boat?

    • Anonymous says:

      I believe he is in jail because of the effect of his actions, not the cause, i.e., for killing someone not for being drunk. You run over someone with a boat or car you are being charged with something. The circumstances – being drunk or not – are just part of the argument on what you should be prosecuted/convicted/sentenced for.

      Put it another way,
      1) you are driving a car perfectly, get pulled over randomly, breathalyse as not having been drinking, you will not be charged for driving dangerously/recklessly.
      2) you are driving a car perfectly, get pulled over randomly, breathalyse as over the limit, you broke the drunk driving law but may not be charged for driving dangerously/recklessly. (Clearly I am not a lawyer.)
      3) You are driving a boat perfectly, get pulled over randomly, breathalyse as having been drinking, there is not a law us anonymous posters know of that they can charge you with breaking.

    • Anonymous says:

      You wear a helmet full-time, right?

  5. Anon says:

    Didn’t mention that the captain was blind drunk as well as his passengers. And then after being rescued he kindly punched the Little Cayman Police officer
    Who then tasered him twice ? In front of a bunch of tourists eating at the hungry iguana.
    All on the quiet serene Little cayman
    The best of cayman kind

  6. Anonymous says:

    “The RCJPS said this incident”

    CNS I know this is a typo, but this is a serious concern. Why is majority of the Cayman Islands Police not Caymanian, but Jamaican?

    Who is causes the majority of criminal acts here?

    Who truly has Cayman at heart?

    I say this as someone with many Jamaican friends from childhood – not all are bad. However, my people come first to me and that is why I wonder why they don’t dominate this job sector while unemployment is prevalent.

    CNS: I have corrected the typo. I don’t think that affects your point.

    • Anonymous says:

      once again, it is a beautiful ideology for these positions to be filled by Caymanians. But they don’t want these positions. Maybe the Chief of Police position, but they want that without getting the 25 years of experience. Issue is who they are hiring, as the police seem to just allow crimes to happen by certain people….We have to stop trying to protect positions, and hire the best, to drive the quality of workers up, not just settle for mediocrity. Have you ever gone to civil service building for any assistance, not happening, because these aren’t jobs, its welfare for the Cayman people who can not get a real job.

  7. Anonymous says:

    A third man who was piloting the boat appeared to be intoxicated

    On the Brac/Little Cayman? Surely you jest.

  8. Anonymous says:

    drinking and boating seem to be common thing in cayman nowadays..and as far as have observed, authorities take a blind eye…sad!

    • Anonymous says:

      because there is actually no law against it here. our coastal boating laws are next to non existent.

      • Anonymous says:

        31. (1) It is the duty of every person having control of a power boat within territorial waters —
        (a) so to navigate such boat as to avoid collision with or injury to every vessel or person present in, on or under the water in the area occupied by or disturbed by the said boat or the wash or wake thereof; and
        (b) to navigate such boats with due care and consideration for other persons having regard to the prevailing conditions and the reasonable likelihood of other persons being present in or coming into the area occupied by such boat and the wash and wake thereof.
        (4) When any dispute arises as to who is in control of a power boat every person present therein shall be deemed to be in control until that person proves the contrary.

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