Bosses reminded of law over public holiday

| 16/09/2022 | 27 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS): The Department of Labour and Pensions is reminding employers that they must follow the law in relation to Monday’s public holiday to honour the State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. Depending on the conditions of employment, staff should either be given a paid day off or paid double time to work, as required by the Labour Act. A number of complaints have been circulating on social media from workers about bosses refusing to give people the day off or pay them as required. The DLP also noted that public holidays do not affect workers’ vacation entitlement for the year.

Employees who are not required to work on a public holiday must be paid the basic wage they would have normally received for working on that day if it wasn’t a public holiday provided they work their scheduled work day immediately before and after the public holiday.

Staff required to work on a public holiday must be paid double their normal rate of pay for the hours actually worked. Where employees work less than the full day, they should be paid at the normal rate for any additional hours they would work on a normal working day.

Anyone with questions or concerns can contact the DLP at
or call 945-8960.

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Category: Local News

Comments (27)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    What about vacation pay if you dont take the vacation in 1 calendar year? Do you lose them or do you get paid?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Lots of things against the law goes on in the Hotels,restaurants etc in Cayman Brac and the Government don’t give a hoot about it.

  3. Anonymous says:

    “Paid double time” used to mean that salaried employees eligible for overtime pay received 2 x their hourly rate in addition to their salary if they are required to work on a public holiday. No more, increasingly private sector firms are reinterpreting the law to mean the employee is already paid once in their salaries for public holidays and paying “straight time” is all that is required. I see it as part of the trend to ensure that the fruits of labour accrue to the most wealthy.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Why does the private sector have to be reminded of the law. Oh wait many employers were refusing to pay overtime. Only in private sector. Thank you CIG.

    • Anonymous says:

      All made possible by an inept and possibly corrupt government’s ongoing, longstanding, an inexcusable failure to consistently and fairly enforce laws. Any of them.

    • Anonymous says:

      how can they be allowed to break the law. has anyone tried to bring a case to the court? if so how did it go? If not, why not? where would you start?

  5. Anonymous says:

    “Staff required to work on a public holiday must be paid double their normal rate of pay for the hours actually worked. Where employees work less than the full day, they should be paid at the normal rate for any additional hours they would work on a normal working day.”

    Is it not that in theory everyone should paid for a days work for the holiday and if they actually have to work, then they get paid normal rate for the hours they complete? (If hourly)

  6. Anonymous says:

    yawn…sick and tired of the nonsense and drama over someone who had so much at her disposal and who achieved so little…

    • Anonymous says:

      “And what do you do?” 2:36.

      • Anonymous says:

        Get off my ass every day and go to work to provide for my family.
        Pay extortionate bills so the civil service do not lack and try to go on holiday so I can pretend to forget all the shit I have to put up with. You?

  7. Anonymous says:

    What a joke, government lets these construction companies make the employees pay for there own work permits, no overtime, no holiday or vacation pay, no health insurance yet make statements like this.

    • Anonymous says:

      Their vs There

      Please please for the love of God learn the difference

      • Anonymous says:

        They’re is a problem with that and it is worst then you can imagine.

        • Anonymous says:

          Bravo! Priceless! You have provin to the grammer Nazis that getting the message accross does not necessarily depend on propur spelling.

          • Anonymous says:

            * proven

            • Keisha says:

              I am a living caregiver for elderly couple, husband is bedridden for 4 years, I work every holiday without double pay.
              My pay each month is $1000.
              My boss said I’m not entirely for pension.
              If I don’t take my leave I don’t get pay, sick leave too.

      • Anonymous says:

        While you are beholding the moat in the other person’s eye, allow me to point out that your comment lacks proper punctuation.

        For the love of God, learn to write properly!

        • Anonymous says:

          “mote” not “moat” – since we are being pedantic 😉 And shouldn’t that be “whilst”?

    • Anonymous says:

      Government doesn’t ‘make’ them do anything. They are doing this illegally. The workers aren’t complaining & reporting it because they are afraid of losing their jobs which they desperately need.

  8. Anonymous says:

    also, you don’t pay your permit fee. that’s for the employer to do!

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s the law yes, but as we know, in real life tings run different here. It’s common knowledge that many permit holders in low paid jobs, especially in construction, are paying for their own permits. Their employer pays to take out the permit and then makes monthly deductions from their pay to recoup it. Many of these workers are paying for health insurance only to find employer took out no policy. Some pension contributions aren’t being paid into pensions either. We also have the people who take out permits for cleaners, then send them begging door to door for work. Age old problems, real sad state of affairs.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Speaking of holidays, there’s still no outgoing mail service to Canada.

    • Anonymous says:

      When Juju was in charge the mail was the best! How many other ministers got to fly with the postmaster to Dubai to get an award?

  10. Anonymous says:

    Rules have no sense if there is no enforcement.
    Here you get fired if you complain.
    We need a union.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Stop pretending laws are relevant. Is it not also law that Eastern Avenue restaurants provide pensions for their staff?


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