Motorbike rider badly injured in East End smash

| 11/07/2022 | 49 Comments

(CNS): A local man, who CNS understands works at Customs and Border Control, has been very badly injured following a crash at around 7:30pm Sunday in East End. He was riding a blue and black Suzuki motorcycle on Seaview Road travelling west when he was thrown from the bike after it left the roadway. No other vehicles were involved.

He was rushed to the George Town hospital, where he remains being treated for serious and life-changing injuries. The matter is currently under investigation.

Anyone who may have seen the incident or has any information is asked to contact the Bodden Town Police Station at 947-2220, or the Traffic & Roads Policing Unit at 649-6254.

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Category: Local News

Comments (49)

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  1. Anon 2 says:

    Salt air by that Shetty road has been a recipe for disaster time and time again. When will they ever learn 🙁

  2. Michel Lemay says:

    Wishing healing mentally and physically for the injured person. 🙏🙏

  3. Anonymous says:

    The lawlessness on the local roads is getting totally out of hand. PWD pickup doing 77 on the Linford Pierson last month is just the tip of the iceberg.

    I just got a dash cam, and will be posting the videos online for ALL to see. Hopefully the Traffic Division will take at least a passing interest??

    There is no expectation of privacy in a public place (or roads), so there is nothing these scofflaws can do about being publicly exposed and scolded/scorned in their idiocy!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Me no ride bike here…sometimes sister islands…but 20 mph max….and constant vigilence…drivers here crazy

  5. Anonymous says:

    There are a number of sport bike riders that tear up and down the bypass between West Bay and Camana Bay every day. If traffic is in their way, they just shoot between the cars at a high rate of speed. The other morning one rider actually overtook on the left hand cyclist and pedestrian lane of the bridge between the Yacht Club roundabout and the Kimpton. He must of been doing about 80mph, in the pedestrian lane, from the bottom of the bridge right over to the other side, with no care whether someone might be walking, jogging or biking in the pedestrian lane. Where are you RCIPS?

  6. Open doors says:

    When you dont have self control you will lose control. Peer pressure is a hell of a drug. This was not his 1st fall. I use to ride with them and stopped as high speed is fun till it becomes A blur and your family left to deal with the after effects. Sold my bike and stepped away. My kids and family was worth more. That said he lucky to make it and now needs to heal and live with a diffrent view. Put his kids 1st and put away the toys that can bring pain to ones who love him them most.

  7. Anonymous says:

    CBC is seizing weed…could this be bolt-loosening/bike tampering in some kind of gang retribution? Cayman’s criminals love their work being dismissed as “accidents” and “misadventures”.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Cops anywhere?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Speedy recovery Ty. Life will be different now but not insurmountable. You’ll do it!

    God bless.


    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe he could speak at schools so the next generation isn’t so dumb when it comes to road safety.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Ban the high speed bikes!!!!! Simple as that.

    • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

      Really? ALL bikes other than scooters are “high speed bikes”. Wait! We should also ban the “high speed cars!” Perfect! What a great solution!!

      There are going to be people who seek the edge, and I think they lose the right to complain when they find it. I know. I have been severely injured pushing the edge of speed. Just try to do it in a place where you can’t hurt anyone else but yourself.

      Enforce the laws. I rarely see RCIPS vehicles, except on the rare occasion where I am in the Brac; you see them there.

    • Anonymous says:

      So simple?

      You can kill yourself by hitting a lamppost at 30mph, same in a car. So, you ban all vehicles capable of attaining 30mph?

      Within 15 years, a lot of cars here will be electric, and will hit 60mph in sub 5 seconds. You want to ban those too?

    • Anonymous says:

      And cars that go over 100mph too? We’re being run off the road by SUVs and trucks and cars driven by idiots fantasizing that they’re race car drivers swerving and speeding around on a race track. Decent drivers and their friends and families are at risk of serious injury and death by bad car drivers, not motorcyclists (who mostly risk only themselves).

      • Anonymous says:

        Would be a lot less swerving/weaving if idiots would stop driving slowly in the right-hand lanes

    • Anonymous says:

      How about invest in a healthy diversion that can generate revenue and provide a place for ppl with such inclinations to do so without endangering others.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wow.. you know nothing of bikes.. How about banning cars coming into the with a Kph speedometer instead of a Mph so these fools will actually know what speed to drive and “not what I feel 40 is”.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I’ve never ever seen anyone doing lessons on a motorbike….do they hand licenses out like candy on Holloween for these road missiles?

    • Anonymous says:

      they do with everyone!!!
      I do ride and all I see is everyone on the phone!
      Or entitled drivers

    • Anonymous says:

      When I transferred my UK car license, they added a full motorbike license onto my Cayman version. I’ve never had a lesson on a bike…

      • Anonymous says:

        BS. They added a provisional bike license. Which is restricted to 125 cc, and you still have to do the test (after 12 months) to get the full bike license. Which is basically the same position that anyone holding a full car license has – they can apply and get the provisional provisional bike license whenever they like. So no special treatment, no error. DVLC has enough cock ups and annoyances for us to complain about without people just making sh%$ up.

        • Anonymous says:

          You’re wrong in calling BS. I also know someone who had a bike category added that he wasn’t qualified for on his UK license. This is about 12 years ago, and it’s easily done, just click a box and it’s added.

          It’s much tighter now. I have 1a, and I’ve done two tests to get to that stage.

  12. Anonymous says:

    I never wish ill towards anyone.

    That being said, play with fire and ya gonna get burned. This guy was speeding. I know a guy who was riding behind him. He told me what happened as he saw it all.

    Speeding motorcycles on Sunday are a normal thing. Eventually, stuff like this happens.

    Sad but totally preventable.

    • Anonymous says:

      I hear he caught speed-wobble.. can’t turn while that’s happening.

      Blue and black Suzuki? Sounds like a big 1000cc, but the handlebars likely wasn’t fitted with an after-market stabilizer that prevents the wobble at high speed.


      • Anonymous says:

        That’s a bit of a myth 8:15, stabilizers don’t ‘prevent’ high speed wobble, they make it more manageable giving you a better chance you’ll get out of it alive.

      • Anonymous says:

        I will tell you what prevents high speed wobble – not driving in excess of the speed limit.

        • Anonymous says:

          That’s not entirely true either 11:39, it can happen when accelerating hard within the speed limit coming out of corners.

          • Anonymous says:

            Back off the throttle let the front tire rest and regain traction then you go…simple. However, it is not a race to 40mph lmao on a sportbike that takes sub 2-Seconds to get their on “hard” acceleration??

            • Anonymous says:

              Is that the preferred method when going through a roundabout and trying to evade being taken out by a car that’s plowing through without looking at an adjacent entry ? Besides, I think you’re missing the context of the note relaying that stabilisers don’t prevent ‘wobble’ whether at speed or not.

    • Anonymous says:

      The ETH becomes a race track at 4pm on Sundays

  13. Anonymous says:

    Stupid people do stupid things and may never get seriously injured…. but their luck can run out at any time.

  14. Please Slow Down says:

    Whilst I did not witness this accident or know any details about it, I did hear a group of motorcycles racing up the bypass late yesterday afternoon- heading East.
    They were traveling at extremely high speed, and my first thought was whether there would be another news article about a serious crash- looks like I was right!
    I will never know if this man was one of them, but my hope is that anybody driving as recklessly as that group of motorcyclists is permanently stopped from driving, and that they don’t take any innocent peoples lives (or any innocent peoples legs) with them… Only their own…

  15. Anonymous says:

    The loss of a limb is one hard pill to swallow. Wishing for a speedy recovery and good mental health for the individual.


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